

As MAY be supposed, the blockade of the Chesapeake, and the threatening position ta ken up by the fleet, off Hampton Roads, placed the Americans on the qui vive, especially as many tongued rumour had been busied in ascribing plans and intentions of every description to the British Admiral.

The flotilla had failed in their attack on the Junon, thereby demonstrating that gun boats alone could effect nothing: the Constellation could not venture from under the batteries, and as there was, consequently, really no force by which the British could be attacked by water, the Americans were compelled to endure the sight of a hostile squadron daily be fore their eyes, with the mortifying conviction forced on them, that, inasmuch as they had been fomenters of the war, so were they now the principal sufferers-So strict was the blockade that it was not only impossible for Any vessel to escape the cruisers which guarded the passage between Cape Henry and Cape Charles, but it was an enterprise attended with great risk for any vessel to leave the James, Elizabeth, York, or in fact, any of the rivers which disembogue into the Chesapeake bay.

All that was, under these circumstances, left for the Americans was to prepare against attacks, and we accordingly find in "Sketches of the war" that upwards of ten thousand militia were assembled round Norfolk and its vicinity, the points against which an attack

was most likely to be directed. With the whole coast thus on the alert it was not to be expected that the preparations which were openly made towards the end of June by the British Squadron would escape observation. "Accordingly," as James has it "Craney Island being rather weakly manned, the commanding officer at Norfolk sent one hun dred and fifty of the Constellation's seamen and marines, to a battery of eighteen pounders in the north west, and about four hundred and eighty Virginia Militia, exclusive of officers, to reinforce a detachment of artillery, stationed with two twenty four and four six pounders on the west side of the island. Captain Tarbell's fifteen gun boats were also moored in the best position for contributing to the defence of the post." It will thus be seen that very formidable preparations for the defence of this port were adopted, and the following despatch from Admiral Warren to Mr Croker announcing the failure of the attack on Craney Island will not wholly be unprepared for.

From Admiral Warren to Mr. Croker. San Domingo, Hampton-roads, Chesapeake, June 24, 1813. SIR-I request you will inform their lordships, that, from the information received of the enemy's fortifying Craney Island, and it being necessary to obtain possession of that place, to enable the light ships and vessels to proceed up the narrow channel towards

Norfolk, to transport the troops over on that sending boats, in broad-day-light, to feel their side for them to attack the new fort and lines way to the shore, over shoals and mud in the rear of which the Constellation frigate banks, and that in the teeth of a very formiwas anchored, I directed the troops under dable battery.-* But still had the veil of Sir Sydney Beckwith to be landed upon the darkness been allowed to screen the boats continent within the nearest point to that from view, and an hour of the night chosen, place, and a reinforcement of seamen and when the tide had covered the shoals with marines from the ships; but upon approaching deep water, the same little party might have the island, from the extreme shoalness of the carried the batteries, and a defeat as disgracewater on the sea side, and the difficulty of ful to those that caused, as honorable to getting across from the land, as well as the those that suffered in it, been converted into island itself being fortified with a number of a victory. As it was the victory at Craney guns and men from the frigate and militia, Island, dressed up to advantage in the Ameri and flanked by fifteen gun-boats, I considered, can Official account, and properly commented in consequence of the representation of the on by the Government editors, was hailed officer commanding the troops, of the difficulty throughout the Union as a glorious triumph of their passing over from the land, that the fit for Americans to achieve." persevering in the attempt would cost more men than the number with us would permit, as the other forts must have been stormed before the frigate and dock-yard could have been destroyed; I therefore ordered the troops to be re-embarked.

I am happy to say, the loss in the above affair, (returns of which are enclosed) has not been considerable, and only two boats sunk.

I have to regret, that Captain Hanshett, of His Majesty's ship Diadem, who volunteered his services, and led the division of boats with great gallantry, was severely wounded by a ball in the thigh.

The officers and men behaved with much bravery and if it had been possible to have got at the enemy, I am persuaded would have soon gained the place.

I have the honor to be, &c.

J. W. Croker, Esq.


A return of officers, seamen, and marines, belonging to His Majesty's ships, killed, wounded, and missing, in the attack on Craney Island, June 22d.

Killed, none-wounded, eight-missing,


We fully concede with many of James objections, especially as to the injudicious se lection of open daylight and an ebb tide. And. although the particulars of the casualties are not given in Admiral Warren's despatch, yet other sources show that it was precisely to these causes that the failure was to be attributed.

In the first place there was an open parade of boats and an unwonted bustle round the British vessels; This was of course not unobserved by the enemy, who thus had time. afforded to them to mature their plans of defence. In the second place the first part. of the expedition of some seventeen or eigbteen boats with about eight hundred men, under Sir Sydney Beckwith, was landed at a place called Peg's point, an untenable posi tion, and from whence a movement, in support of the main body, could not be made. After remaining in this position for some time, the troops were re-embarked and returned to the fleet. The actual attack was made by a body about equally strong as the first division, and we would observe here: that it was made contrary to the opinion and advice of Captains Harshett, Maude, and

Return of land forces killed, wounded, and Romilly, however, overruled by the decision missing, in same attack.

Killed, six-wounded, sixteen-missing, one hundred and four.

The policy of making this attack has been very much questioned, and some of James' objections appear to have a considerable show of reason. He says, "There can be only one opinion, surely, about the wisdom of

of Captain Perchell, the senior officer. It will thus be seen that the commanding officer had just half the force he calculated on for.

*Here James indulges in a bit of the patriot ic, about British basing their hopes of succes on valour, not numbers, which we can afford to leave outs

the demonstration, a fact that must not be It is also note worthy that in not one of the forgotten when we come to compare Ameri- accounts is there one allusion to the boats can accounts. From the shallowness of the having grounded, the sole cause of the failure, water, the tide being out, some of the boats as experience had proved that the militia got aground on a mud bank some hundred could not be depended on in an attack by reand fifty yards from the muzzles of the guns gular troops. The Niagara frontier suffi manned by the Constellation's men. In this ciently proves the correctness of this assertion. position it is not very wonderful that two Armstrong's account differs considerably from of the boats were sunk and many of the the others, but even he falls into a mistake. crews killed, especially when we add that He states, "the disposable force of the enemy the boats were ashore so close to the beach was divided into two corps, one of which, emthat the American Marines and Militia, by barked into boats, and carried directly to its wading in a short distance, could pick off the object, attempted to make good a descent men while struggling in the water. Admiral on the northern side of the Island; while the Warren's wording of his despatch is about as other landed on the main, and availing itsel! absurd as some of the American accounts. of a shoal, which, at low water, was fordable The Admiral slurs over the real reasons why by infantry, forced its way to the western his men were obliged to abandon the enter- side. Though made with a considerable deprise, but it would have been much more cre- gree of steadiness, both attacks failed. ditable if he had confessed honestly that the attack, injudiciously planned, was a total failure. His account, glossing over the affair, differs so widely from those of American writers that the reader is tempted to enquire farther, and the consequence is, that the Admiral is convicted of the very fault with which we charge-Thompson, O'Connor, Smith and Ingersol.

The mistake, made in this paragraph, is that the troops crossed from the main land to the Island, and took part in the attack. That this was not the case is certain from the fact that the other writers, whose various accounts we have been criticising, make no mention of a fact which would assuredly not have been lost sight of by them, desirous as they were of making as great a parade of national valor as possible.

British-the other, that an opportunity was afforded to American writers of asserting that the attack on Hampton and the outrages committed there were in revenge for the failure at Craney Island.

We have fairly stated the British force, and their loss; we will now examine the Looking at the descent on Craney Island American version of the affair. One* makes in the most favorable light it can be regarded the British force, that landed in front of the in no other light than as a badly planned deIsland battery, consist of four thousand men, monstration, to be regretted for two reasons, but forgetting shortly after his random figures, one, the loss of life and honor to the in the next page he states "that three thousand British soldiers, sailors and marines were opposed to four hundred and eighty Virginia militia, and one hundred and fifty sailors and marines." Mr. O'Connor reduces the force at Crane, Island to fifteeen hundred men, only thus doubling them, but to make his country some amends for this, he quadruples the force that landed on the main, stating them at three thousand strong. Commodore Cassin in a postcript to one of his letters adopts the same number, and even Ingersol, who from having been the latest writer has had more opportunity afforded of learning the truth, falls into the same error and makes the British troops twenty-five hundred strong, adding besides fifty boats full of men.

"Sketches of the Warp. 215.

We have already stated that large bodies of troop had been collected in and around Norfolk, and as it was supposed that a consid erable body was stationed at Hampton, it was resolved that an attack should be made on that post; accordingly, on the night of the 25th of June, about two thousand men, under the command of Sir Sidney Beckwith, in a division of boats, covered by the Mohawk Sloop, landed, and, after some resistance, carried by storm the enemy's defences.

The two despatches from admiral Warren and Sir Sydney Beck with will be found to contain all necessary particulars of the attack,

differing but little, in these points from Ame- | night of the 25th instant, and by the excellent rican accounts. arrangements of rear-admiral Cockburn, who

landed half an hour before daylight the next morning, about two miles to the westward of the town, and the royal marine battalions, under lieutenant-colonel Williams, were brought on shore so expeditiously that the column was speedily enabled to move forward.

San Domingo, Hampton-roads, Chesapeake, was pleased in person to superintend the June 27th, 1813. advance under lieutenant-colonel Napier, conSIR,-I request to inform their lordships, sisting of the 102d regiment, two companies that the enemy having a post at Hampton, of Canadian Chasseurs, three companies of defended by a considerable corps, command- marines from the squadron, with two 6ing the communication between the upper pounders from the marine artillery, were part of the country and Norfolk; I considered it advisable, and with a view to cut off their resources, to direct it to be attacked by the troops composing the flying corps attached to this squadron; and having instructed rearadmiral Cockburn to conduct the naval part of the expedition, and placed captain Pechell with the Mohawk sloop and launches, as a covering force, under his orders, the troops were disembarked with the greatest zeal and alacrity. Sir Sydney Beckwith commanding the gage the enemy's attention, ordered the armed troops, having most ably attacked and defeat-launches and rocket-boats to commence a fire ed the enemy's force, and took their guns, colours, and camp, I refer their lordships to the quarter-master-general's report, (which is enclosed,) and that will explain the gallantry and behaviour of the several officers and men employed upon this occasion, and I trust will entitle them to the favour of his royal highness the prince regent, and the lord's commissioners of the Admiralty.

Sir Sydney Beckwith having reported to me that the defences of the town were entirely destroyed, and the enemy completely dis. persed in the neighbourhood, I ordered the troops to be re-embarked, which was performed with the utmost good order by several officers of the squadron under the orders of rear-admiral Cockburn.

I have the honour to be,

John Wilson Croker, Esq.

No. 15.

With a view to turn the enemy's position, our march was directed towards the great road, leading from the country into the rear of the town. Whilst the troops moved off in this direction, rear-admiral Cockburn, to en

upon their batteries; this succeeded so completely, that the head of our advanced guard had cleared a wood, and were already on the enemy's flank before our approach was perceived. They then moved from their camp to their position in rear of the town, and here they were vigorously attacked by lieutenant colonel Napier, and the advance; unable to stand which, they continued their march to the rear of the town, when a detachment, under lieutenant-colonel Willams, conducted by captain Powell, assistant-quarter-mastergeneral, pushed through the town, and forced their way across a bridge of planks into the enemy's encampment, of which, and the batteries immediate possession was gained. In the mean time some artillerymen stormed and took the enemy's remaining field-pieces.

Enclosed I have the honour to transmit a return of ordnance taken. Lieutenant-colonel Williams will have the honour of delivering to you a stand of colours of the 68th regiment, James city light infantry, and one of the first

From quarter-master-general Sir Sydney battalion 85th regiment. The exact numbers of

Beckwith to Admiral Warren.

His majesty's ship San Domingo, Hamptonroads, June 28, 1813.

the enemy it is difficult to ascertain.

From the woody country, and the strength of their positions, our troops have sustained SIR,-I have the honour to report to you, some loss; that of the enemy was very conthat in compliance with your orders to attack siderable-every exertion was made to collect the enemy in town and camp at Hampton, the wounded Americans, who were attended the troops under my command were put into to by a surgeon of their own, and by the light sailing vessels and boats, during the British surgeons, who performed amputations


on such as required it, and afforded every as- cesses committed, and deplore as heartily as sistance in their power. The dead bodies of any American that such should have occursuch as could be collected, were also carefully red, still we must point out that these grave buried. errors were but the fruit of the seed which Americans themselves had sown; besides, we can adduce from their own journals clear proof that, although many excesses occurred, still these actions have been grossly exaggerated by their historians. The Georgetown Federal Republican, of July 7th, a journal published under the very eye of the Government at SYDNEY BECKWITH, Q. M. G. Washington, testifies "that the statement of Return of ordnance stores taken.

I beg leave on this occssion to express the obligations I owe to lieutenant-colonel Napier, and lieutenant-colonel Williams, for their kind and able assistance; to major Malcolm and captain Smith, and all the officers and men, whose zeal and spirited conduct entitle them to my best acknowledgements.

[blocks in formation]

Three artillery waggons and horses. Return o: the killed and wounded.-Five killed, twenty-three wounded and ten missing. James' observations on this affair are worth attention as he does not attempt to conceal the fact, that acts of rapine and violence were committed, unauthorized by the laws of legitimate warfare. James writes, "The Foreign renegadoes (les Chasseurs Britaniques) forming part of the advanced force, commenced perpetrating upon the defenceless inhabitants acts of rapine and violence which unpitying custom has, in some degree, rendered inseparable from places that have been carried by storm, but which are as revolting to human nature, as they are disgraceful to the flag which would sanction them. The instant these circumstances of atrocity reached the ears of the British commanding officer, orders were given to search for, and bring in all the Chasseurs," which was done.

the women of Hampton being violated by the British, turns out to be false. A correspondence upon that subject and the pillage said to have been committed there, has taken place between General Taylor and Admiral Warren. Some plunder appears to have been committed, but it was confined to the Chasseurs. Admiral Warren complains, on his part, of the Americans having continued to fire upon the struggling crews of the barges, after they were sunk."

It might have been expected that, when penning their violent philippics against British cruelty and atrocity, this testimony would have had some weight with the denouncers of Admiral Cockburn and his men, but we regret to be compelled to state that in no American history from which we quote, nor in any other, that we have seen or heard of, does this exculpation of the British appear.

Admiral Warren, having effectually succeeded in annihilating the trade along the whole coast of the Chesapeake Bay, dispatched Admiral Cockburn, in the Sceptre 74, with It will be as well to remark in palliation of the Romulus, Fox and Nemesis all armèis en this, that, immediately after the storming of flute to Ocracock, in North Carolina, for the Hampton, the Commander of the Chasseurs, purpose of striking a blow on the commerce Captain Smith, waited on the Commander- carried on in the adjacent pcrts. On the 12th in-Chief, and informed him that his men, on of July the expedition arrived off Ocracock, being remonstrated with respecting their out- and preparations for landing were promptly rageous conduct, declared it to be their inten- arranged. On the morning of the 13th the tion to giye no quarter to Americans, in con- troops were embarked under the command of sequence of their comrades having been so Lieutenant Westphall, first of the Sceptre, cruelly shot at whilst struggling in the water, and making for shore, after some opposition and unarmed, before the batteries at Craney succeeded in capturing two privateers, the Island. The Admiral on learning from Cap- Atlas of Philadelphia, of ten guns, and the tain Smith his conviction, that his men would | Anaconda of New York, of 18 long nines. act as they had declared they would, was These vessels took possession of, the troops compelled, although short of troops, to em- landed, and without opposition entered Portsbark and send them from the American coast. mouth. The destruction of the two letters of We do not pretend to extenuate the ex-marque having been accomplished, Admiral

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