


Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1859, by


In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts.




Am I presuming too much on my position, as merely the editor of the following Lectures, when I ask leave to dedicate them to you? It is unquestionably a liberty with the production of another which only very peculiar circumstances can at all excuse. Yet, in the present case, I venture to think that those peculiar circumstances do exist; and I feel assured he would readily pardon me, whose work this is, and whose memory you so much revere. Without your coöperation, I believe that neither the "Cruise of the Betsey " nor these pages could by this time have seen the light. When my own overladen brain refused to do its duty, you gave me to hope, by offers of welltimed assistance, that the task before me might still be accomplished. Your friendly voice, often heard in tones of sympathizing inquiry when I was unable to endure your own or any other human presence, -even that of my dear child, was for a time the only sound that brought to my heart any promise or cheer for the future. It was then, while unable to read the very characters in which they were written, that I put into your hands the papers containing "The Cruise" and "Ten Thousand Miles over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland." You undertook the editorial duties connected with them con amore, and performed your task in a manner that left nothing to be desired.

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During the preparation of the present volume for the press, you have given me all the advantage of your ready stores of information, both in carefully scrutinizing the text to see where any addition was required in the form of


notes, and in referring me to the best authorities on every point which I consulted you. And while so doing, you have confirmed judgment, perhaps too liable to be swayed by partiality, - by expres conviction that this work is calculated to advance the reputation of i Long may you be spared to be, as now, the life and soul of those pursuits so successfully carried on in your own district! Many a ha day may you enjoy in connection with that Society of which you are ored president. Would that all associations throughout our country harmless in their methods of finding recreation, as invigorating to mind, and as beneficial in their results to the cause of science! In e the beautiful fields, and woods, and sunny slopes of Worcestershire, a fordshire, in earnest and healthful communings with nature, and, I tr nature's God, -the perennial springs of whose bounty are seldom qu this manner as they ought to be,-I trust that much, much happiness is for you and for the other gentlemen of the Malvern Club,* to whom, a to yourself, I owe a debt of grateful remembrance.

And for the higher and nobler work which God has given you to he grant you no stinted measure of his abundant grace, to enable you form it aright.


The Malvern Club devotes stated periods,-monthly, I think,- to rambles over t thirty miles of country, when the naturalists of whom it is composed, - botanists, g etc., carry on the researches of their various departments separately, or in little group or three, as they may desire. They all dine afterwards together at an inn, or farm hous case may be, where they relate the adventures of the day, discuss their favorite topics, a pare their newly-found treasures. As a consequence of this. the Malvern Museum is model of what a local museum ought to be. There is no town or district of country few young men, possessing the advantage of an occasional holiday, might not thus a themselves with the utmost advantage both to themselves and others.

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