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7. Describe in some detail the course of events in Spain during the year 1808.

8. Give an account of the Walcheren expedition, stating its object and results.

9. Summarise the chief causes of Napoleon's failure.

10. Where are the following, and with what events in the Napoleonic wars are they connected :--Lodi, Savona, Fontainebleau, Lützen, San Sebastian?


Two hours allowed for this paper.

N.B.-Only four questions to be attempted, two of which must be Nos. 1 and 2. The Examiner will read only the first four answers left uncancelled.

India-rubber is not to be used for any of the work.

Dr. ALEXANDER, Senior Inspector.
Mr. BEVIS, Head Organiser.

1. Draw by means of compass and ruler the frame shown in Fig. 1. Within this frame make a freehand drawing of the design given, keeping the same proportion throughout.

2. Copy to a scale full size (scale supplied) the plan and elevation given in Figs. 2 and 3. Draw also the front elevation.

3. Draw freehand a design for a shield, suitable for a Fourth Standard exercise.

4. Give notes of a lesson on scale drawing on dotted paper.

5. With pen and ink, sketch a simple design within a diamond-shaped frame. The frame may be ruled in with pencil, but pencil must not be used for the design within.

6. Sketch a plan of any assumed schoolroom and put in all necessary dimensions. State what scale it is to be drawn to, and the size of the paper it is to be drawn upon.

7. Set a suitable exercise in ruler work for Second Standard, and give dimensions.

8. Name six points which you consider it most important to observe in teaching freehand drawing.

4. What are the characteristics of good writing? Specify the chief defects in bad writing, and explain how these arise.

5. What do you mean by the inductive method, and by the deductive method, of teaching? Give examples illustrative of each.

6. Draw up notes for a lesson on a River."

7. Describe the different methods of teaching subtraction. Give a sketch of an introductory lesson based on one of these.

8. What is the educational value of Dictation?

How should

a lesson in Dictation be conducted, so as to produce the best results?

9. Write notes for a lesson on simple analysis.

10. Show by reference to the Fourth Kindergarten Gift how the imitative and inventive faculties of young children may be cultivated.


One hour and a half allowed for this paper.

N.B.-Only five questions to be attempted. The Examiner will read only the first five answers left uncancelled. The questions in this paper are all of equal value.

Mr. W. A. BROWN, Senior Inspector.

Mr. MCENERY, District Inspector.

1. Give a full account of Pitt's attitude towards the French Revolution up to the year 1793.

2. Describe the part played by the Girondists in the French Revolution. Who were the leaders of this party?

3. Give the chief provisions of the various Constitutions under which France was governed between 1791 and 1803.

4. What was the treaty of Campo Formio, and how did it affect Italy?

5. Give an account of the circumstances which led to the breaking of the Peace of Amiens.

6. What were the Orders in Council, and how did they affect America?

c 2


3. Show that the circumference of a circle cannot cut that of another circle in more than two points.

4. Prove that the opposite angles of any quadrilateral figure inscribed in a circle are together equal to two right angles.

5. Inscribe a circle in a given triangle.


6. Through a given point draw a line such that the part of it intercepted between two given parallel lines shall be of given length.

7. If from any point lines be drawn to the angular points of a rectangle, the sums of the squares of those drawn to opposite angles are equal.

8. Two circles touch one another in A, and have a common tangent, touching the circles in the points B and C respectively. Show that the angle BAC is a right angle.

9. Show that the equilateral triangle inscribed in a circle is one-fourth of the equilateral triangle circumscribed about the circle.

10. If the square of a line CD, drawn from the angle C of an equilateral triangle ABC to a point D in the side AB produced, be equal to 2AB2: show that AD. DB = AB2.


Two hours allowed for this paper.

N.B.--Only five questions to be attempted. The Examiner will read only the first five answers left uncancelled. The questions in this paper are all of equal value.

Mr. HEADEN, Senior Inspector.

Mr. BRADSHAW, District Inspector.

1. Explain the purposes for which object lessons are given.

2. How would you conduct a reading lesson in Second Standard?

3. What is the educational purpose of the second Kindergarten Gift? Write notes of a lesson on this Gift.

3. Find the L.C.M. of

13ab (x3-3x+2a), 65ab (x2+ax - 2α2),

4. Solve:

25b3 (x2 — a2)2.

x-2y+4=2x+3 (y-1);

3 (3 y + 2 ) − } (x + 2) = 1;%.

5. A man bought a number of pigs for £58. Having lost 5 of them he sold one quarter of the rest for 12 guineas, making a profit of 5 per cent. on the sale of these. How many did he buy?

6. State and prove the rule for finding the L.C.M. of any two algebraical expressions.

7. Extract the square root of—

€ ( 2 + 1 ) = 1 (


8. Find algebraically the value of √35 +14√6.

9. Find two numbers (fractions) whose sum is and whose difference is equal to their product.

10. Find the factors of

[blocks in formation]

N.B.-Only five questions to be attempted, of which not more than three must be in Section A or in Section B. The Examiner will read only the first five answers lejt uncancelled. The questions in this paper are all of equal value.

Only geometrical solutions will be accepted.

Mr. Ross, Senior Inspector.

Mr. CHAMBERS, District Inspector.


1. To a given right line to apply a parallelogram which shall be equal to a given triangle, and have one of its angles equal to a given angle.

2. If a line be bisected, and divided externally in any point, the rectangle contained by the segments made by the external point, together with the square on half the line, is equal to the square on the segment between the middle point and the point of external division.

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