
No. 60.]

No. 545.

Mr. Baker to Mr. Evarts.


Caracas, October 30, 1878. (Received November 18.) SIR: Day before yesterday, the 28th of October, was the national festival of Venezuela in commemoration of Bolivar. This was not the birthday of the Liberator (Bolivar was born July 24, 1783), but, as I understand, the day of his patron saint, Saint Simon, and as such set apart in honor of the dead, conformably to the genius of the nation. The city was illuminated on the preceding evening, as also on the evening of the festival; flags were displayed in large numbers throughout the town, fireworks were set off on a considerable scale, and the Pantheon, an edifice in which the nation's eminent dead are gathered, was opened to those who desired to visit the tomb of the Liberator.

The Plaza Bolivar was on this, as on other occasions, the center of public reunion and display. This plaza is situated in the immediate neighborhood of the Casa Amarilla, or the Yellow House, in which the President resides. It is interspersed with trees, shrubs, fountains, and lights, and is well supplied with seats for the accommodation of visitors. In the center of the plaza stands an equestrian statue of Bolivar, supported upon a pedestal of granite, surmounted by a beautifully wrought and polished superstructure of dark-colored syenite. This work, I understand, was done in Europe, and I suspect it may be superior, as a work of art, to anything of the sort we have in Washington.

Our flag was, of course, displayed on the occasion, and I send herewith a copy of the note in the premises which I received on the 26th instant from the ministry of exterior relations, together with a translation of the same.

I have, &c.,


[Inclosure in No. 60.-Translation.}

Note from the ministry of exterior relations,

The minister of foreign relations of the United States of Venezuela has the honor to inform the honorable minister resident of the United States, that Monday, the 28th instant, is the day of the national festival commemorative of the liberator, and that for this reason the flag of the republic will then be displayed at the federal palace. Caracas, October 26, 1878.


Minister Resident, Sc., &c., &c.


NOTE. The page number refers to the page upon which the dispatch or paper begins in which the
subject referred to is discussed.


Acapulco: The firing upon Consul Sutter's flag; regret expressed by Mexico;
report of investigation

The Netherlands: adoption of system; basis for reciprocal acceptance of
certificates proposed.............

officer in command of fort at time to be tried by court-martial.
Admeasurement of vessels-the Moorsom system:

Treasury reply: no change in regulations necessary to insure reciprocal
acceptance of certificates...

Netherlands decree exempting American vessels from readmeasurement..
reciprocal exemption accorded in our ports..

Spain: adoption of Moorsom system....

certificates of, to be accepted if total tonnage be expressed; readmeasure-
ment only as to exemptions contrary to American law..

American and Spanish system of record different; difference explained..
report of Consul-General Hall as to excessive tonnage tax imposed in
Cuban ports through readmeasurements...

temporary arrangement as to acceptance of certificates in Cuba..
necessity of agreement to reciprocally accept certificates indicated..

Alaska and British Columbia: conditional boundary line in valley of the

[See Moorsom system and tonnage tax.]

Stickine proposed; report

conditionally accepted by the United States..

conditionally accepted by Canada

Alfonso XII: approaching marriage announced.

account of his marriage with the Princess Mercedes..



















receives General Grant at Vitoria; military review upon the battle-field. 803
death of the Queen....

attempted assassination of the King by a socialist....


791, 792, 817, 818

Italy; inalienability of; still held by; illustrated in case of Largomar-


Germany: naturalization cases..

458, 459, 460, 461-464
210, 212, 216, 225, 229, 232

Switzerland: right of expatriation not recognized.


Americans, destitute in foreign countries: appropriation in aid of, asked by

Mr. Bingham....


American fishermen: outrage upon, on coast of Newfoundland..346, 349, 284, 308, 314,


Ammunition: trade of Montana Indians with British provinces in..
Andine, Trans, railway: aided by Argentine Congress



Andrassy, Count: announces policy of Austria to be the protection of Austrian


Arbitration: Argentine and Paraguay boundary question submitted to the


award in favor of Paraguay.


Argentine and Chili boundary question to be submitted to the King of the


Areola: leader of Mexican raiders from Ximenes :

612, 622

Argentine Republic: army and navy, strength of; commercial marine
Congress convenes: message of President Avellenada



boundary question with Chili

9, 13

boundary question with Paraguay submitted to arbitration of the Presi-

[blocks in formation]

Argentine Republic-Continued.

revolutionists of 1874 amnestied: officers restored to army; reconcilia-
tion with Mitre party; proclamation of President Avellenada.
Paraguay and Uruguay Rivers: deep-water channel; surveyed by Captain
Hunter Davidson..

Sandy Point mutineers: surrender to Chili refused....
Armenia: military operations in; fall of Kars; retreat of Monkhtar Pacha
upon Erzeroum..


condition of, and of its people, after the war; report of Mr. R. M. Cole...
Asylum: right of; evils of the system; a breeder of revolutions; an insurance
of immunity; its abolition or modification recommended

Athens: stock of flour and grain on hand.....

war riot; houses of ministers attacked; mob fire upon troops; they re-
turn the fire; confidence in the King maintained..
General Grant's reception....

the funeral of Mr. Ogle; emotion respecting the massacres of Macrinitza.
Athos, Mount: Mr. Maynard's visit..

monks of; stipulations concerning; article 22, treaty of San Stefano
Atzala, State of Puebla: outbreak; Catholics attack Protestants; 27 of latter








[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Aube, Captain: French Navy; thanks of the President to be given to him for
aid rendered consul at Apia, Samoa


d'Audiffret Pasquier, Duke: interview with President of France; Senate will
not sanction revolutionary movements


Auersperg, Prince: ministry of, embarrassed by disagreement between the
"delegations" on questions of taxation; they resign.
Austria-Hungary: organization of empire illustrated.


effect of dual organization; questions of taxation; influence of the empire

[blocks in formation]

disastrous effect upon Austrian industry of free trade-treaty with Germany;
treaty denounced..

Aymeri, A.: respecting the Chinese famine.




Baden: cases of naturalized citizens; naturalization discussed; Ganzenmuller
and Wiel..

216, 229, 232

Bacz: President of San Domingo; able to maintain himself against revolu-
tionists; three parties in the field


decrees liberty of the press in Guatemala

text of treaty of San Stefano

Bamiah cotton-plant: seeds sent from Egypt

Bandinel, T.: vice-consul at New Chwang; as to circulation of trade-dollar
in China

reporting arrest of the French bishop by the Coreans
Barrios, President: attempted assassination of

Barrera and Dominguez: extradition cases; opinion of Señors Vallarta,
Bantista, and Ramirez....

Baumer: case of; may return to Germany under two years-clause of treaty.
Bantista, Señor: opinion in extradition cases of Barrera and Dominguez.............
Bativerrez and Mieto: cases of; illegally removed from Mexico into Texas,
while under arrest under extradition treaty


Beaconsfield, Lord: effect of speech in Berlin congress..

Beira Alta Railway: aid granted by Portugal

Beiram, Feast of: observed with less spirit than usual in Turkey
Belgium: Eastern question; grant of credit; prepared for eventualities.
general election; ministry defeated; liberal ministry formed..
monetary conference, invitation accepted

Berlin celebration of the Emperor's birthday
European congress convenes June 13

text of treaty of Berlin....

Mr. Taylor's dispatch respecting the congress and its results
Mr. Kasson's dispatch respecting the congress and its results..
Mr. Marsh's dispatch respecting the congress and its results..
Bessarabia: cession to Russia.

[blocks in formation]


bill to reorganize the imperial chancery
attitude in tobacco-tax debate

Birney, Mr.: report upon socialism; and the meetings of Verviers and Ghent..
Bismarck, Prince: speech in Reichstag on Eastern question

recommends dissolution of the Reichstag on the ground that socialist re-
pression law is needed...



202, 204



reception of and conversation with Mr. Bayard Taylor..


meeting with General Grant.


Black Sea to be free from blockade; Bosphorus to be free to merchant ships
in peace or war; articles 23, 24, treaty of San Stefano


Odessa torpedo regulations


Blyden, Mr., Liberian minister: letter asking co-operation of United States in
building railway from the coast of Liberia inland


his letter to be submitted to Congress


deira River surveying party

Bosnia: Austrian occupation of..

Bolivar: national festival in commemoration of, at Caracas

Borges, Mr: requesting a letter from, to authorities at Para in behalf of Ma-

Bosnia and Herzegovina: article 14, treaty of San Stefano.

article 25, treaty of Berlin ..........

Brazil: trade with; no facilities for; steamship line needed

line of mail steamers established

visit of Emperor to new steamship City of Rio; its outgoing cargo..
increased trade dependent upon increased means of intercommunication..
agreement as to form of consular certificate to clearance papers proposed....
Parliament not in session; new ministry; political condition of country..
the superiority of Brazil in civilization and order to the other South
American countries recognized by the press of Caracas...
British diplomatic corps: report by Mr. Nadal upon

Bremen: emigration via..

Buenos Ayres: mint to coin gold and silver to be established.
Bulgaria: autonomy conceded; articles 6 and 7, treaty of San Stefano.
boundaries and constitution; articles 1 to 12, inclusive; treaty of Berlin..
Bullis, Lieutenant: expedition across frontier into Mexico; correspond-


von Bülow, Mr.: notes in Ganzenmuller case

[See Naturalization and Germany].

[blocks in formation]

Cabe, William M., sheriff: cases of Bativerrez and Mieto secretly removed
from Mexico to Texas by

[See Mexico and Extradition].

... 633, 675

Cairns, Lord: speech in House of Lords on introducing bill to extend juris-
diction of courts to territorial waters..

Cairoli, Mr.: forms new ministry in Italy

Camp, Walsh, and Andreté: arrested in Mexico for not performing military
service; correspondence.

Camphansen, Mr., Prussian minister of finance: opposed to Prince Bismarck's
centralizing ideas

his position upon the tobacco-tax question.

Campos, General: appointed governor-general of Cuba

Canada: agreement as to regulations for the transportation of dutiable goods
between the two countries under Article XXX, treaty of Washing-


proposing conditional boundary-line between Alaska and British Colum-
bia in valley of the Stickine....

conditionally accepted by the United States
conditionally accepted by Canada..

[blocks in formation]

Canadian customs regulations in conflict with free navigation of the
Stickine, secured by treaty of Washington; ease of steamboat Nellie..
inquiring if Canada will grant right to American vessels to aid those
disabled in Canadian waters in return for accordance of same right to
Canadian vessels in our waters



case of tug Champion: need for such reciprocal action..


Canadian fishery question. (See Fishery Question.)

Canal, President: proclamation respecting relations between Hayti and San



suppresses revolt at Port-au-Prince..


Caracas, notable rain-fall: report of Academy of Sciences

Carnarvon, Lord, retires from the cabinet; Lord Derby also retires..

Central America: peace prevails; good coffee crop.

Costa Rica: Ex-President Guardia succeeds Herrera

relations with Guatemala broken off.

friendly relations with Nicaragua restored......

Guatemala: attempt upon the life of President Barrios; death of the assas-

sin, the priest Pajes; its effect

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

.527, C03, 606


9, 13.6

[blocks in formation]

Chavero, Mr.: speech in Mexican Congress against American railways in

Chevallier and Tanis, leaders of the Haytian revolt.

Chihuahua: exactions upon Americans; cases of MacManus & Sons, Muller;

[blocks in formation]

refugee Indians protected by Mexico, charged with commission of mur-

Chili: Argentine boundary question; to be submitted to arbitration.
Centennial Exposition awards delivered.

financial statements; condition unsatisfactory; recommendations of the


state of treaty relations: effect of Chili's notice of 1849 to terminate cer-
tain clauses of the treaty of 1832


China: currency of; extended memorandum upon, by Mr. Seward

famine in North China; report upon; labors of missionaries; measures
of relief...



North China Daily Mail; reports upon the famine

foreign trade upon the Yang-tze River; regulations concerning

[blocks in formation]

115, 116, 117





mining of coal and iron; service railway; concession granted by viceroy
of Tientsin; report upon mineral resources.


South China Daily Mail; article upon coal and iron mining in China
position of Americans in China contrasted with that of Chinese in the
United States; treaty revision discussed



Chinese: abduction of; two Chinese charged with; intervention at instance
of Mr. Comly

trade-dollar; conditions of circulation in China; consular reports ....93, 101, 141
treaty with Spain as to treatment of Chinese in Cuba; analysis of treaty;
text of treaty.



their position in Peru; reports and efforts of Peruvian consul at San Fran-
cisco to induce emigration thence to Peru


their treatment in Peru...


representative from China needed in Peru..

Olyphant emigration line established; fails to bring immigrants; hos-
tility of governor of Hong-Kong..


Cherif Pasha: note from, as to extension of jurisdiction of international tri-
bunal in Egypt..


Cholera disappears from Japan


appears in Morocco; its ravages


Circulating medium: requiring reports as to volume and character; and re-
lation of coin to paper..

Civil service: organization of that of England; letter of lords of the treasury
in answer to Mr. D. B. Eaton...


Coffee crop

Central America: good.

Coahuila: Mexican troops make campaign against Indians.

[See Mexico and Raids].

Coal and iron to be mined, and railway built north of Tientsin, China

Coal trade of Egypt: report upon; imports at Alexandria and Port Said..
Coffee: shipment from Brazil to New York by City of Rio................

Hayti: good...

Venezuela and Brazil: a partial failure.

Cole, R. M.: statement as to condition of affairs in Armenia

Coleman, Mr.: his retention at Berlin requested ..........

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