
2. Some dogs are dogs are cross and snappish; but others it is very hard to disturb or make angry. They seem always to wear a mild, tranquil, and noble aspect. Such a one you may see in the picture, which represents a large hound, like those used in England for hunting deer.

3. These dogs are very swift and strong; and when once on the scent of a stag, will run till they overtake him. Some years ago, in a chase of this kind, the stag ran more than forty miles, and fell dead just as the hound overtook him. The hound also died from fatigue.

4. The dog rarely forgets his master, even though he has not seen him for many years. Ulysses was, in ancient times, king of a little island called Ith' a ca; and he was obliged to leave his home to assist in a war against the famous city of Troy. He did not return for many years.

5. When he came back, no one knew him ; his old servant was about to turn him away from the gate, as he was dressed like a beggar; but his faithful dog Argus, now grown very old, came up to him, licked his hands, and wagged his tail in token of remembrance.

6. Every one has heard of the faithful greyhound, Gel' ert, to whose care was left his master's infant child in the cradle. When the

father returned from the chase, he found the cradle overturned; and the child was nowhere to be seen.

7. The father, thinking the dog had killed the child, slew him on the spot. But he soon regretted his rashness; for, on looking under the bed, he found the infant alive and well, and not far off the body of a large wolf, which the noble Gel' ert had killed.

8. A splendid tomb was erected to this faithful dog, and an image of him, made of marble, was placed upon it, with the word FIDELITY carved upon the stone.

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1. One day, as a large New' foundland dog, named Brave, was carrying a bone over a bridge, he met a surly mastiff, by the name of Bruce.

As soon as they saw each other the mastiff began to growl and bristle up for a fight.


2. Old Brave was not willing to give up the bone, and Bruce would not let him pass unless he did. So, after many angry growls, they began to fight, and soon tumbled off the bridge into the water.

3. The banks of the stream were so very steep and high, that they were forced to swim a long distance before they came to a good landing-place. It was quite easy for old Brave

to swim; indeed, he seemed to be as much at home in the water as he was on the land.

4. But it was not so with poor Bruce. He struggled and tried his best to swim, but he made very little progress. Old Brave soon reached the land, and turned round to look at his enemy.

5. He saw plainly that Bruce's strength was fast failing, and that he was likely to drown. So, what should that noble dog do but plunge into the water again, seize Bruce gently by the collar, and tow him safely to the shore.

6. It was amusing to see these two dogs look at each other as they shook their wet coats. Their glances seemed to say as plainly as words, "We will never quarrel again!"

7. The conduct of some boys is like that of these two dogs. They begin to quarrel about a very trifling thing, and by so doing often lose the object of their rage. But the conduct of

old Brave should teach us that he who is the most ready to forgive and assist his enemy, is the most noble and praiseworthy.


Bris' tle (bris' ), to show anger, Mås' tiff, a large, strong dog.

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nish in the tree The little bird said, in his innocent glee,

That we should be grateful and joyous as he


Busy Bee, from flower to flower,

You are flying every hour;

Can you, in your humming way,

Teach us something new to-day'?


The bee does not trifle her moments away,
And we should be active in work or in play.


Little Ant, why do you toil

In the dirt and in the soil'?
Can you, in your working way,

Teach us something new to-day'?


My dear little children, the ant might well say,
"I set an example to work while you may.”

lele you to work and too tough

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