



or Street
Vendors of


Harness and Saddlery.

Hospitals and Sanitariums.

In cities and towns of less than fifty thousand and more than forty thousand inhabitants, shall pay a license tax of two hundred and fifty ($250.00) dollars.

In cities and towns of forty thousand and more than thirty thousand inhabitants, shall pay a license tax of two hundred ($200.00) dollars.

In cities and towns of thirty thousand and more than twenty thousand inhabitants, shall pay a license tax of one hundred ($100.00) dollars.

In cities and towns of twenty thousand and more than ten thousand inhabitants, shall pay a license tax of fifty ($50.00) dollars.

In cities and towns of ten thousand inhabitants or less, shall pay a license tax of twenty-five ($25.00) dollars.

Provided further, that any individual, firm, or corporation or company, furnishing gas to its customers and making a charge by meter and who shall make a minimum charge without reference to the meter shall pay a license tax of fifty per cent more than as above set out; provided, however, the above proviso shall not apply to companies or individuals who furnish meters without cost to places of business and residences.

Sec. 27. Hypnotist, professional, in each County, shall pay a license tax of five hundred ($500.00) dollars each.

Hawkers or Street Venders of Medicines, drugs or patent medicines, or of any kind of drug, ointment, expedient or device of any kind, intended for the use or treatment of any disease, injury or deformity, shall pay a license tax of twenty-five ($25.00) dollars.

Harness and Saddlery, repairers or makers of, shall pay a license tax of five ($5.00) dollars.

Hospitals, Sanitariums and (or) other places for the treatment of diseases or habits, for profit, shall pay a license tax of twenty-five ($25.00) dollars, provided, that Exemptions. this shall not apply to hospitals, sanitariums or other places of like character, conducted by charitable associations or societies.


Hat Clean

Hat Cleaning and Blocking: Person or persons engaged in the business of, in cities and towns of over ten thousand inhabitants, shall pay a license tax of five ing and ($5.00) dollars.

Sec. 28. Ice Factories, including cold storage plants connected therewith, and the right to sell at wholesale and retail, shall pay a license tax as follows:

With a capacity of ten tons per day or less, shall pay a license tax of ten ($10.00) dollars.

With a capacity of more than ten and less than twenty tons per day, shall pay a license tax of fifteen ($15.00) dollars.

With a capacity of twenty tons and not more than thirty tons per day, shall pay a license tax of twenty-five ($25.00) dollars.

With a capacity of more than thirty tons and not more than sixty tons per day, shall pay a license tax of fifty ($50.00) dollars.

With a capacity of more than sixty tons and less than one hundred tons, shall pay a license tax of seventy-five ($75.00) dollars.

With a capacity of one hundred tons and less than one hundred and fifty tons per day, shall pay a license tax of one hundred ($100.00) dollars.

With a capacity of one hundred and fifty tons or more per day, shall pay a license tax of two hundred ($200.00) dollars.

Ice wagons, peddling on streets, not owned and operated by ice factories who pay license, shall pay a license tax of five ($5.00) dollars for each wagon.

Blocking. Ice Factories.

Ice Wagons on Streets.

Ice cream carts or wagons, selling on streets at retail, Ice Cream shall pay a license tax of three ($3.00) dollars for each cart or wagon.

Carts and Wagons on streets.

Ice cream, manufacturers of, selling at wholesale, shall Ice Cream; pay a license tax of fifteen ($15.00) dollars in cities and town of ten thousand inhabitants or more.

In cities and towns of less than ten thousand inhabitants, shall pay a license tax of ten ($10.00) dollars.

manufacturers of.


Firms or

Sec. 29. Insurance Companies: That each insurance company or association, firm or individual doing business in this State, including corporations or associations engaged in the business of insuring against fire, indemnity,

doing an in- accidents to the persons, acting as surety upon bonds

surance business.

guaranteeing the fidelity of employees, and insuring employers against liabilities for accidents to employees, and life insurance companies, shall pay to the State Treasurer a license tax of two hundred ($200.00) dollars; plateglass insurance companies shall pay to the State Treasurer a license tax of fifty ($50.00) dollars, and in addition License and thereto each of said companies shall, upon the thirty-first

Plate Glass Insurance Companies.

percentage of gross receipts.

Sick and
Benefit As-

Percentage on Gross Receipts.



for fail

day of January after the passage of this Act, and upon the thirty-first day of each succeeding January thereafter, pay to the State Treasurer two per cent. of the gross amount of receipts of premiums from policy holders in this State.

Sick and Funeral Benefit Companies or Associations, doing business under Chapter 5459, Laws of Florida, Acts of 1905, shall pay to the State Treasurer two per cent. of the gross amount of receipts from policy holders in this State. Provided, That Knight of Pythias or other fraternal or benevolent associations shall be exempted from the provisions of this Act.

Should any Insurance company, association, firm or individual fail to pay to the State Treasurer the percentage as above required of the gross amount of receipts from policy holders in this State by the first day of March in each and every year, the certificate of authority issued to said insurance company, association, firm or individual, as

ure to make the case may be, to transact business in this State, shall

report and


Insurance Companies to report name and address of

be cancelled and revoked by the State Treasurer, and it shall be unlawful for any such insurance company, association, firm or individual to transact any business thereafter in this State unless such insurance company, association, firm or individual shall be granted a new certificate of authority to transact business in this State, in compliance with provisions of law authorizing such certificate of authority to be issued.

Each insurance company or association, firm or individual, mentioned in this Act, doing business in this State, shall upon the first day of October after the passage of

each agent, this Act, and upon the first day of each succeeding October, furnish to the State Treasurer, the name and address

and pay license for


Affidavit of


Each Local

of each agent or solicitor authorized to write insurance in this State, together with the affidavit of each such agent that he has not and will not directly or indirectly divide or agent reoffer to divide his commissions, or rebate any part of any premium on any policy of insurance with any corporation, firm or individual; and for each local agent or solicitor, each insurance company shall pay to the State Agent. Treasurer a license tax of five ($5.00) dollars, and it shall be the duty of the State Treasurer to transmit to the County Tax Collector the name and address of every such agent as resides respectively in such County. Counties, cities and towns may require a license tax of any such agent not to exceed fifty per cent. of the State license tax.


cities and towns

may require

license from each agent.

That each insurance company, association, firm or indi- Each Trav

vidual shall pay to the State Treasurer for each traveling agent or solicitor doing business in this State, a license tax of twenty-five ($25.00) dollars for each such agent. Counties, cities and towns may require from any such traveling agent or solicitor a license tax of five ($5.00) dollars for each County, city or town that he does business in.

eling Agent.


cities and towns may



Each Insurance Adjuster.

For each insurance adjuster, whether resident or nonresident, who has not paid a license as agent or traveling agent, who adjusts insurance losses in this State, each insurance company, association, firm or individual, shall pay to the State Treasurer a license tax of ten ($10.00) sented to dollars.

Each company repre


Each Inrate-maker


or rate agent.

For each insurance rate-maker or rate agent, traveling in this State, who makes, fixes or recommends the fixing or adjustment of rates in this State, each insurance company, association, firm or individual represented by him, or whose rates are affected by his services, whether such company is operating alone or as a member of any asso- sented shall ciation or combination of companies shall pay to the State Treasurer a license tax of twenty-five ($25.00) dollars.

Section 30. Junk, dealers in, shall pay a license tax of fifty ($50.00) dollars and shall keep a full and complete record of each transaction of their business showing from whom and when each article of their stock was purchased or acquired, and to whom sold and date of such sale, and

Each company repre


Junk; dealord to be kept.

ers in, rec



Job Printing, by power.

Contest companies.

Spirituous, Vinous or Malt Liquors; dealers in.


No fractional license.

Permit must be obtained.

such record shall at all times be subject to the inspection of all police or peace officers. Any violation hereof shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than six months.

Job Printing: Owners or managers of job printing offices, running by power, in cities and towns of ten thousand inhabitants or over, shall pay a license tax of ten ($10.00) dollars.

Contest Companies, persons, firms, associations or corporations engaging in the business of conducting contests by offering premiums or other inducements for the purpose of securing subscriptions to any newspaper, magazine or other periodical published in this State shall pay a license tax of one hundred dollars ($100.00) in each county in which they operate, or in which such subscriptions are sought.

Section 31. Dealers in Spirituous, Vinous or Malt Liquors, shall pay a license tax of one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars, in each county and for each place of business and each bar or place where liquor is sold to customers shall constitute a separate place of business under this Act, and require a separate license. Five hundred ($500.00) dollars shall go to the county and five hundred ($500.00) dollars shall go to the State, and any incorporated city or town may require an additional tax of not less than two hundred and fifty ($250.00) dollars. Provided, That whenever any such business is located outside the corporate limits of any city or town, the owner or owners of such business shall pay a county license tax to the county where the business is located equal in amount to the sum total of the license tax that would be assessed for both the municipality and county for each such place of business, if such place of business were located within the limits of a city or town; Provided, further, That no fractional license shall be issued for State, county or municipal purposes to dealers in spirituous, vinous or malt liquors, the dealers paying the same and receiving a license therefor shall be authorized to sell spirituous, vinous or malt liquors, or any such liquors, but neither spirituous, vinous or malt liquors shall be permitted to be sold unless said license tax is first paid.

That no such license shall issue until a permit to sell such spirituous, vinous or malt liquors has been pro

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