| United States - 1796 - 776 sider
...transaction, and may be compelled to appear and give evidence in the same manner as other persons ; but the testimony so given shall not be used in any...civil or criminal, against the person so testifying. JU№w Sec. 13. And be it further enacted, That every person, upon a second conviction of larceny,... | |
 | United States. Congress. House - 1829 - 998 sider
...Whole House which proposes to strike out from the llth section of the said bill, these words, viz: but the testimony so given shall not be used in any prosecution, civil or crimi578 JOURNAL OF THE [rfpril 27. nal, against (he person so testifying," and to insert,... | |
 | New York (State) - 1829 - 878 sider
...appear and give evidence before any grand jury or in any court, in the same manner as other persons ; but the testimony so given, shall not be used in any...civil or criminal, against the person so testifying. Disquiets™ $ 4. Every person convicted of a violation of the first section of tion or <>it^.s rj,jtje^... | |
 | New York (State) - 1829 - 882 sider
...appear and give evidence before any grand jury or in any court, in the same manner as other persons ; but the testimony so given, shall not be used in any...prosecution or proceeding, civil or criminal, against tie person so testifying. i)iiqu»iifioa $ 4. Every person convicted of a violation of the first section... | |
 | New York (N.Y.). Common Council - 1858 - 762 sider
...appear and give evideuce before any grand jury or in any court, in the same manner as other persona ; but the testimony so given shall not be used in any...prosecution or proceeding, civil or criminal, against the jicrson so testifying. § :,:;. The annual election for charter officers, school officers, and Governors... | |
 | United States - 1850 - 906 sider
...transaction, and may be compelled to appear and give evidence in the same manner as other persons : but the testimony so given shall not be used in any...civil or criminal, against the person so testifying. SEC. 13. And be it further enacted, That every person, upon a second VOL. IV.— 57 2r2 Perjury, subornation... | |
 | Michigan. Supreme Court, Randolph Manning, George C. Gibbs, Thomas McIntyre Cooley, Elijah W. Meddaugh, William Jennison, Hovey K. Clarke, Hoyt Post, Henry Allen Chaney, William Dudley Fuller, John Adams Brooks, Marquis B. Eaton, Herschel Bouton Lazell, James M. Reasoner, Richard W. Cooper - 1891 - 780 sider
...criminal case, to be a witness against himself," as it was provided in the same statute, not only that " the testimony so given shall not be used in any prosecution or proceeding * * * against the person so testifying," but that the person testifying to the giving of a bribe, which... | |
 | New York (State) - 1853 - 1390 sider
...appear and give evidence before any grand jury or in any court, in the same manner as other persons ; but the testimony so given shall not be used in any...civil or criminal, against the person so testifying, contracu, to S 15- No contract by the supervisors shall be valid, un- bevniid, • •" • , , . '... | |
 | John Frederick Archbold - 1853 - 1008 sider
...evidence before any justice of tlio peace, grand jury, or court, in the same manner as other witnesses, but the testimony so given shall not be used in any...prosecution or proceeding, civil or criminal, against tlic person so testifying. Ib. § G. It shall be the duty of all grand jurors, justices of the peace,... | |
 | California - 1855 - 354 sider
...evidence before any Justice of the Peace, Grand Jury or Court, iu the same manner as other witnesses ; but the testimony so given shall not be used in any...civil or criminal, against the person so testifying. SEC. 5. Sections forty-one and forty-two of an act entitled An Repeal. Act concerning Crimes and Punishments,... | |
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