
1746 Timothy Murraine, alias Fahy, for cow-ftealing, executed on Saturday April 12th.

Richard Dooly was fined 107. for faying in open court, at Auguft affizes, " that he did not expect justice, whilft the Mayor fat on the bench." 1748 Methodists firft came to this City.


The Work-house finished, and opened for the reception of foundling children.

Dennis Dunn executed near Broad-lane, on Saturday April 15th, for enlifting John M'Fall to be a Serjeant in the French army.

Peace proclaimed with France and Spain.

Henry Keating, bum-conftable, pleaded his Majefty's moft gracious pardon, for the murder of John Flood.

1750 James Mullowny and James Regan, were hanged quartered and beheaded, at the corner of Broadlane, on Saturday April 14th, for the murder of Michael Sullivan..


William Delany was-publickly whipt through the City, on Saturday April 28th, for abufing William Holmes, Efq; Mayor of Cork, by calling him a Rafcal and a Son-of-a-Whore, and that he did not care a ft for him.

Robert Colebrank was executed at Broad-lane, on Saturday the ift of September, for the robbery of John Meade, Efq; Counsellor at Law. Colebrank was pitied by the multitude, and fortunately for himself, he came to life, and made his escape through Poultney's-lane. John Webb and John Swete, Efqrs. Sheriffs.

Downfall of the Spanish gold.

Daniel Hoolahan was hanged, quartered, and beheaded, oppofite the North-Shambles, near lower Shandon-Church, on Wednesday April 3d. for the murder of John Sullivan. Sir John Freke, Bart. and Robert Newenham, Efq; Sheriffs. Hoola



1751 han's head was fpiked on the North-Gaol, and the knife adjoining it, with which he committed the murder.


Edward Dunn, executed at the corner of Broadlane, on Saturday, April 16th, for robbing Hans Hendrick Fleugel on the Paffage Road, of his watch and fome money.

At this affizes, John Gold and James Hennefly, were fined 5. each, for drinking Profperity to Pope and Popery, and Confufion to him that would not drink it.

At Auguft affizes, Benjamin Bonworth, CityGaoler, was fined 40 l. and ordered to be detained in execution for it until paid, for not having done his duty in burning Timothy Rourke on the hand with a hot iron, as he was directed to do, it being a cold one he made ufe of.

Affizes began Thurfday, March 19th, Juftice French and Boleyn Whitney, Efq; Judges for the Munfter Circuit.

Affizes began Saturday, August 8th, Lord Chief Baron Bowes and Serjeant Marshall, Judges.

Thomas Hierlihy, for enlifting William Towers and Thomas Dove to ferve the French King; William Fitzgerald and Thomas Fitzgerald (brothers) for robbing William Keating on the high-way, of fix fhillings in money, were executed near Broad-lane, on Saturday April 4th; Francis Carlèton and Hugh Swayne, Efqrs. Sheriffs. It is worthy of remark, that whiltt William Fitzgerald was on his trial in the City-Court, his brother Thomas (who was accufed of the robbery, but not taken) being confcious of his own innocence, carried a quart of ale into the open Court, and reached it to his brother in the Dock; he was immediately seized, tried by the fame Jury, found guilty, and executed with his brother.



I 752.

Dennis M'Carthy was executed at Gallows-Green, on Monday May 4th, for enlifting men for the French King's fervice.

Daniel Shea and John Shea, were imprifoned three years each; the former for affaulting John Afterly, and the latter for affaulting Dennis Donnogan.

At Auguft affizes, Owen Brien was convicted of bigamy in the City-Court, and tranfported for marrying Sarah Smith on the 18th of May, 1751, notwithstanding his being married to Honora Sullivan, January 12th 1741, who was still alive; both wives appeared against him, and he confeft the fact.

John Duffy and John Brickford ftood in the Pillory on Saturday Auguft 22d, for riotously affaulting Jofeph Brabfon.

Joan Sullivan, pillored for perjury, Saturday October 6th.

William Uniacke killed in a duel with Robert Fulton, Friday March 27th.

His Excellency Henry Boyle, Speaker of the Honourable Houfe of Commons, landed at the Custom-house Quay.

St. Finbarry's bells were put up in September; the firft mournful peal they rung, was for the Rev. Father Coleman Sarsfield, who died in the beginning of October.

Shandon bells were put up the fame Summer; the first joyful peal they rung, was for the marriage of the prefent Burgefs, Henry Harding, with Mifs Catharine Dorman, on Thursday December 7th.


Occurrences in 1753.

Richard Townsend, Efq; High Sheriff of the County of Cork, and Charles M'Carthy, Gent. Sub-theriff. Affizes began Saturday 14th of April; Baron Mountney and Juftice Blenerhaffet, Judges.

Affizes began Thursday, 13th of September; Lord Chief Juftice Caulfield and Juftice French, Judges.

Matthew Callaghane, aged 18 years, was capitally convicted in the City-Court, on Tuesday April 17th, for the robbery of Captain Capel at Glanmire; as foon as he received fentence of death, he leaped out of the Dock with his bolts on, made his efcape out of Court, but was retaken the fame day, and hanged at the corner of Broad-lane on Wednesday the 25th of April. The unfortunate criminal was taken in Court-lane, and the informer who difcovered on him, was fo ill-treated by the mob (having one of his ears cut off) that his life was defpaired of. Since this transaction happened, the Dock in the City-Court has been made higher.

David Linchy (otherwise Coofheen) executed on Saturday, September 29th, for the robbery of John Burchill, on Glafheen Road; he was the laft perfon executed at Broad-lane.

April 19th, Francis Taylor, was buried in Peter's Church-yard, and the next morning was found fitting up in the grave, his cap and throud tore to pieces, the coffin broke, one of his fhoulders much mangled, one of his hands full of clay, and blood running from his eyes; a melancholy inftance of the fatal confequences of a too precipitate interment.

May ift, There was the greatest and longeft fhower of hail ever remembered in the City of Cork.

Three men and a child of 9 years old, were burnt to death, in a houfe in Bowling-Green Lane, May 2d.

Y 2


The Earl of Rothes reviewed the Earl of Holines's and Sir Peter Hacket's regiments in Balliphehane Field, May 23d.


I 754.

John Lyfaght, Senr. Efq; High Sheriff of the County of Cork, and Thomas Allen, Gent. Sub-sheriff.

Affizes began Monday April 8th; Lord Chief Justice Caulfield and Juftice French, Judges.

Affizes began Friday 16th Auguft; Lord Chief Baron Bowes and Boleyn Whitney, Efq; Judges.

William Sullivan, for running away with Mifs Margaret Mullane; William Connor and Timothy Cleary, for burning Mary M'Carthy to death, in her dwellinghoufe, and Cornelius Swiney for robbing John Burchill on the high-way, were executed at Gallows-Green, on Saturday the 20th of April. Sullivan was the firft perfon executed on the new Stone Gallows, which at that time faced the Pound and the Lough Road.

Daniel Horrogan executed at Gallows-Green, on Saturday the 27th April, for ftealing. ftockings out of the dwelling-houfe of Jofeph Elliot.

John Sullivan and Daniel Connel, were executed on the wooden gallows, Wednesday the 28th of August, for the murder of John Puxley, Efq; both their heads were spiked on the South Gaol.

Dennis Lyne' (commonly called Donogha Loyder) was whipt from South-gate to Blackpool Bridge, on Saturday 27th of April, for riotoufly affaulting and beating Simón Rawlins; he was alfo whipt on Wednesday the ft of May, for riotously affaulting and beating William Joyce. John Coffart and Kevan Izod, Efqrs. Sheriffs.


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