5th day of August, in the fifteenth year of the reign of King Charles, 1539, mention is made of the several fishings of Sir Laurence Washington lately called Mr. Dawbony's Mill Pond. And further on mention is made of Stonage down, parcell of West Amesbury, Sir Laurence Washington's Hold. In the boundaries of the Manor of Amesbury Priory mention is again made of the Mill Pond or several water called now Sir Laurence Washington's (late Mr. Dowbeny's Mill Pond). The foregoing goes to prove two things, that the West Amesbury Estate did belong to Sir Laurence Washington; and, lastly, that it belonged to M. Dawbony, previous to Sir Laurence Washington. The said Sir Laurence Washington, knight, was Chief Register of the Chancery, ancestor of the first President of the United States of America. He died at Oxford, May 4th, 1643, aged 64, and was buried in the church of Garsdon, Wilts, where there is a monument to his memory. Refer to Britton's "Beauties of Wiltshire," vol. iii., p. 66. The Manor of Garsdon, which belonged to him, passed to his son of the same name, and West Amesbury, with Stonehenge, descended in the same way. 4. In 1643. Laurence Washington, Esq., who is mentioned by Inigo Jones, in his work, entitled "The most notable Antiquity of Great Britain, vulgarly called Stonehenge, on Salisbury Plain, 1665," as being at that time proprietor of the site of that ancient monument. Page 107 speaks of him " as his honored Friend Laurence Washington, Esq., on whose demesnes this antiquity stands." 5. In 1665 Stonehenge is spoken of by Aubrey in his "Monumenta Britannica," as being part of the inheritance of the wife of Lord Ferrars of Chartley, who was daughter of Laurence Washington, Esq., and which is referred to in Sir Richard Colt Hoare's "History of Ancient Wiltshire," vol. i., pp. 153 and 154. 6. In 1723. Thomas Hayward, Esq. -Refer to the "Wiltshire Archæological and Natural History Magazine," vol. xiv., p. 229: "Thomas Hayward gen: owner of Stonehenge 4 Jul. 1723." It appears that he died in 1724. The above in the autograph of Dr. Stukeley and written in a copy of his work "Stonehenge and Abury." 7. In 1724. Rev. Mr. Hayward-Refer to the "Wiltshire Archæological and Natural History Magazine," vol. xiv., No. 41, page 228: "The precise spot of ground where Stonehenge stands is in the lordship of West or Little Ambresbury the possession of the Rev. Mr. Hayward who at present may be called the Arch-Druid of the Island." The above likewise written in the same book "Stonhenge and Abury," by the Rev. Dr. Stukeley. 8. In 1771. Charles, Duke of Queensberry and Dover. The writer is not at all aware as to when Stonehenge came into the possession of His Grace, nor from whom, but it certainly was his property at the time when Dr. John Smith wrote his work in 1771, entitled "Choir Gaur, the Grand Orrery of the Ancient Druids, commonly called Stonehenge, on Salisbury Plain," as the said work is dedicated to him as the owner of Stonehenge. 9. In 1778. William, Duke of Queensberry, on the death of his cousin, succeeded him as the owner of the estate, consequently of Stonehenge. 10. In 1810, Archibald, Lord Douglas, next became the owner of Stonehenge and the Amesbury property, on the death of William, Duke of Queensberry. 11. In 1824 Sir Edmund Antrobus, Bart., purchased the said property, of Archibald Lord Douglas. He died, February, 6th, 1826. 12. In 1826 Sir Edmund Antrobus, Bart., nephew of the above, succeeded him in the Amesbury property. He died, May 4th, 1870. 13. In 1870 Sir Edmund Antrobus, Bart., son of the above, succeeded his father in the estate and baronetcy, as third baronet. Acosta, 115. Index of Names of Persons. Akerman, Mr. J. Y., 130, 142. Alexander, Mr., 63. Alfred of Beverley, 9. Allnutt, Mr., 219 Antrobus, Sir E., 237, 239. Aubrey, John, 5, 31, 89, 110, 142, 219. Augustine St., 77. Aurelius Ambrosius, 9, 12, 218. Austen, Rev. J. H., 210. Bailie, Dr. R., 23. Bateman, Mr., 154, 155, 161, 167. Baynham, Mr., 34. Beamish, Capt., 86. Bede, 7, 48, Betham, Sir W., 96. Bidgood, Mr., 45. Birch, Dr. S., 176. Blight, Mr. J. T., 161. Bohlen, 123. Bolton, 23, 96. Borde, Dr. Andrew, 17. Borlase, Dr., 100. Bowles, Rev. W. L., 44, 63, 102, 108. Browne, Mr, H., 77, 81, 234. Browne, Mr. J., 86, 118. Bryant, Jacob, 94. Buckingham, George, Duke of, 33, 36, 37, 39, 48, 59, 83, Burrow, Mr. Reuben, 100. Burton, Richard, 40. Cæsar, Julius, 27, 55. Camden, 7, 20, 31, 37, 44, 45, 46, 142. Carlyle, Mr. T., 118. Caxton, W., 34. Charles King, II., 62. Charleton, Dr., 30, 39, 41, 43, 44, 47, Conybeare, Rev. W. D., 70. Conyers, Mr., 38. Cunnington, Mr., F.S.A., 56, 63, 66, 82, 84, 85, 154, 155, 165, 174, 225. 68, 71, 76, 93, 233, 235, 236. Daniel, Samuel, 27. Davies, Rev. Ε., 51, 135. Dawbony, Mr., 237. Deane, Rev. J. B., 129. Döllinger, Dr., 122. D'Orbigny, 124. Douglas, Lord Archibald, 239. Drayton, M., 34, 187. Dryden, 128. Duke, Rev. E., 128, 175, 181, 209, 215. Earle, Rev. Prebendary, 1, 127, 135. Eitol, 12. Eliot, Sir T., 36, 49. Ellis, Mr. G., 9. Emerson, Mr., 118. Evelyn, John, 28. Ferguson, Mr., Q.C., 62. Fergusson, Mr., 88, 101, 141. Ferrars, Lord, 34, 237, 238. Fox, Col. Lane, 82, 87. Fuller, Thomas, 25. Gale, Mr. Roger, 90. Geoffrey of Monmouth, 5, 8, 9, 10, 83, 110, 115. 13, 55. Gibbons, bir. John, 40. : Jones, Sir William, 123. Gloucester, Robert of, 15. Gough, Richard, 45. Greenwell, Rev. W., 153, 165. Guest, Dr., 2, 11, 98, 102, 103, 105, Jones, Rev. Prebendary W. H., 105, 161, 192. Lilly, 35, 49. Long, Mr. Henry Lawes, 65, 69, 76, 129, 157. Henry of Huntingdon, 7, 8, 39, 46, 62, I.lwyd, 9. 63. Herbert, Rt. Hon. Sidney, 224. Herbert, Mr., 2, 7, 40, 56, 60, 64, 96, Long, Mr. Charles Edward, 60. 97, 99, 131, 135, 137. Herodotus, 112, 116. Higden, 15. Hoare, Sir R. C., 6, 10, 39, 52, 54, Holland, Dr. Philemon, 49, 218. Hooker, Dr., 115. Howes, Edmund, 24. Humboldt, 96. Hume, 11. Hunter, Mr. Joseph, 131. Ingram, Rev. Dr., 52. Irby, Honble. Capt., 113. Long, Captain, 233. Lubbock, Sir John, 2, 117, 126, 137, 177. Lukis, Rev. W. C., 210. Lysons, Rev. Mr., 154. Macrobius, 90. Madden, Sir F., 8, 10, 14. Mangles, Mr., 113. Matcham, Mr. G., 131, 134. Maton, Dr., 79, 81. |