
Relations with Great Britain.

Mr. King to the Secretary of State.

NEW YORK, July, 1803. SIR: I take the liberty to add a few miscellaneous articles by way of supplement to my last despatch.


As soon as the war appeared to me unavoidable, I thought it advisable to renew the attempt to form an arrangement with the British Government for the protection of our seamen: with this view, I had several conferences both with Lord Hawkesbury and Mr. Addington, who avowed a sincere disposition to do whatever might be in their power to prevent the dissatisfaction on this subject that had so frequently manifested itself during the late war. With very candid professious, I, however, found several objections in discussing the subject with the first Lord of the Admiralty. Lord Hawkesbury having promised to sign any agreement upon the subject that I should conclude with Lord St. Vincent, I endeavored to qualify and remove the objections he offered to our project: and finally, the day before I left London, Lord St. Vincent consented to the following regulations:

mission, I concluded to abandon the negotiation, rather than to acquiesce in the doctrine it proposed to establish.

I regret not to have been able to put this business on a satisfactory footing, knowing as I do its very great importance to both parties; but I flatter myself that I have not misjudged the interests of our own country, in refusing to sanction a principle that might be productive of more extensive evils than those it was our aim to prevent.


As it is possible that another attempt will be made during the present war to establish the rule that free bottoms make free goods, I ought not to omit the communication of the following anecdote:

Soon after the British armament in March past, Bonaparte sent his aid-de-camp-du-roi to Berlin, to announce his determination to occupy Hanover, and to close the Elbe against England, in the event of war. The Prussian Cabinet, a thing very rarely done, immediately despatched a courier with orders to Baron Jacobi, the Prussian Ambassador at London, to apprize the English Government of the views of France, to impress the dissatisfaction with which Prussia had learned them, and to offer to protect Hanover and the North of Germany, provided England would give her consent to the principle that free ships should make free goods. The English Cabinet immediately replied, that the German Empire is bound to protect the rights of its several members; that Hanover must therefore look to Germany, and not to England, for sup2. Each party will prohibit its citizens or sub-port; and, in respect to the proposed rule that free jects from clandestinely concealing or carrying away from the territories or colonial possessions of the other, any seamen belonging to such other

1. No seaman nor seafaring person shall, upon the high seas and without the jurisdiction of either party, be demanded or taken out of any vessel belonging to the citizens or subjects of one of the parties, by the public or private armed ves sels or men of war belonging to, or in the navy of the other party; and strict orders shall be given for the due observance of this engagement.


3. These regulations shall be in force for five years, and no longer.

On parting with his Lordship, I engaged to draw up, in the form of a convention, and send him, these articles in the course of the evening, who promised to forward them, with his approbation, to Lord Hawkesbury. I accordingly prepared and sent the draught to his Lordship, who sent me a letter in the course of the night, stating that on further reflection he was of opinion that the narrow seas ought to be excepted, they having been, as his Lordship remarked, immemorially considered to be within the dominions of Great Britain; that with this correction he had sent the proposed convention to Lord Hawkesbury, who, his Lordship presumed, would not sign it before he should have consulted the Judge of the High Court of Admiralty, Sir William Scott.

As I had supposed, from the tenor of my conferences with Lord St. Vincent, that the doctrine of mare clausum would not be revived against us on this occasion, but that England would be content with the limited jurisdisction or dominion over the seas adjacent to her territories, which is assigned by the law of nations to other States, I was not a little disappointed on receiving this communication; and, after weighing well the nature of the principle, and the disadvantage of its ad

ships should make free goods, that no advantage nor service which could be named, would be sufficient to engage England to give it her sanction. In any circumstances, this would be the opinion of England; in the present instance, if I mistake not, the proposition was believed to have come, indirectly, from Paris.


In a very late conversation with Mr. Addington respecting the colony trade, he insinuated the probability that events might happen in the course of the present war, alluding, as I understood, to South America, that would enable England' to form with us such commercial arrangements as would be satisfactory. As Mr. Addington meant to be obscure, I could only conjecture his meaning; and my inference was, in case of the independence of South America, that the colony system must everywhere be abandoned-an opinion tertained by the principal members of the late not peculiar to Mr. Addington, but one that is enEnglish Ministry.


When the preliminaries of the late peace were signed, an expedition, fully prepared, was in readiness to set sail for the purpose of assisting the inhabitants of the province of Carracas in throwing off their obedience to Spain. Trinidad was retained by England, chiefly with the view of furthering this revolt; and if Spain be drawn into the war, which she will be unable to avoid, the

Relations with Great Britain.

expedition to the Carracas will be revived. No probable change of the Ministry of England will change this intention, for it is known to be the opinion of the first men of the nation that the secondary object of the present war, and one that must give England courage as well as resources to go on with the struggle, is the entire independence of South America.

With perfect respect and esteem, I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient and faithful servant, RUFUS KING.

Maryland Bank Stock.

Mr. King to the Secretary of State.

LONDON, May 1. 1803. SIR: According to the certificate of the Accountant General of the Court of Chancery, the fund now standing in his name, and claimed by the State of Maryland, is composed of98,518 29 Bank stock, worth at the present price of 170 15,290 17 9 5 per cent. stock at par 4,796 2 3 Cash in the Bank of



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167,480 120
15,290 17 9

4,796 23

£187,567 12 0

It will be recollected that suits in Chancery were instituted many years back against Russell and other trustees of this fund

By Chase, agent of Maryland.

By Barclay and others, executors of Hanbury, for the two sums of eleven thousand pounds, and four hundred and forty pounds bank stock, and the accruing dividends granted to them by Maryland in 1786.

By Harford, devisee of Lord Baltimore, claiming as Lord Proprietor of the Province of Maryland, and, as such, entitled to all forfeitures.

Besides these persons, the Ewers, and the signee of Buchanan, have likewise respectively claimed an indemnity for losses of real estate in Maryland.

and others; and of the motion of the Attorney General, founded on the presumption that after the decree in Barclay's suit, the regular course of an information, for the purpose of vesting the stock in the Crown, would have been dispensed with by the parties consenting to receive their costs, and withdraw all opposition to the funds being disposed of as the Crown should direct.

Contrary, however, to this expectation, the solicitors of Mr. Chase and Mr. Harford refused their consent: the motion was therefore postponed to a future day, before which I sent the two subjoined letters to Messrs. Lyons and Collyer, the solicitors of Mr. Chase, who, in consequence thereof, withdrew their opposition. Mr. Harford continued to oppose; and when the motion of the Attorney General was resumed, on the 27th past, however, to his doing so, he came to me with an his solicitor again refused his consent: previous, cffer to withdraw his opposition, and consent to the motion of the Attorney General, provided I would engage to transfer to Mr. Harford ten thousand pounds bank stock. This I declined doing, with the observation that, as both the late and present Chancellor had given an opinion that, upon the dissolution of the Corporation or Colony of Maryland, the stock accrued as bona vacantia to the Crown; and as I held the engagement of the King to transfer the same to the State of Maryland, upon its being decided that the title to the same had accrued to the Crown, there was sumcient certainty that Maryland must ultimately, and in spite of all opposition, obtain possession of the entire fund; and although it might be some time before this could be accomplished, owing to delays which might be created, still, as the dividends would, from time to time, be reinvested, the property would, in the end, be received, together with compensation for its detention.

Could I have been certain that the representatives of Buchanan and of the Ewers, or that the as-holders of a considerable sum of the Colony bills of credit, said to have been issued upon the credit of this fund, and who have petitioned the King to apply the same according to its original destination, might not have been encouraged by the settlement with Harford to pursue their opposition, unless they also were bought off, I might, for the sake of finishing a tedious business. have agreed with the Hanburys to give to Mr. Harford. according to the respective interests of the proprietors, a sum of money, or bank stock, to induce him to withdraw his opposition. But, after mature consideration of the subject, I have preferred the course which is now to be adopted.

The title of Maryland has been more than once argued in the case of Barclay and others; and it has appeared to be the opinion, both of the late and present Lord Chancellor, that the Crown is legally entitled to this property. My correspondence with the Department of State has explained the means that have been employed to effect a transfer of it to Maryland, as well as the series of disappointments which has defeated them.

I have now the satisfaction to send you the copy of a letter that I have received from Lord Hawkesbury, in which the King engages, in the event of its being decided that the title to this stock has accrued and belongs to the Crown, that the same shall be transferred to the State of Maryland, together with the accumulations proceeding from the re-investment of the dividends. I likewise enclose for your information copies of the instruction given to the Attorney General relative to this stock; of the decree of the Court of Chancery, in the suit of Barclay and others, against Russell

The suit of Barclay, and others, having been dismissed upon the principle that the fund must. by law, accrue to the Crown, and the King hav ing given his solemn engagement to transfer the same to Maryland as soon as it shall have been decided that it has so accrued, it remains only that an information be filed against all the parties hitherto in opposition, in order to obtain a decision vesting the fund in the Crown; and for this purpose it may be expedient that the solicitors of Mr. Chase be instructed to assist those of the Treasu

Relations with Great Britain.

ry, and the family of Hanbury, in pressing the process to a conclusion. Owing to the dispersed situation of the parties, and of the angry perseverance which influences the conduct of Mr. Harford, it may require some time to complete the business; but it is a satisfaction that we hitherto have not enjoyed, that no future change in the Court of Chancery, or in the Ministry, can alter the decision of the one or the precise engagement of the other.

It would have given me great pleasure to have seen the close of a business that is of importance to the State of Maryland, and which has so constantly as well as zealously engaged my attention; but the entanglements of an intricate suit in Chancery, early and unfortunately thrown into an embarrassing situation, are reached with difficulty by diplomatic means: there have, moreover, been some difficulties in our way, which neither patience nor industry has hitherto been able to surmount. We may, I think, now put our opponents at defiance, as we at length stand on secure ground, and with a little more patience may reckon with confidence upon the attainment of our object. I shall leave with the papers of the Legation such a view of the subject as I hope may enable my successor with little trouble to hasten the conclusion of this long protracted business. With perfect respect and esteem, I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient and faithful servant,


Lord Hawkesbury to Mr. King.

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The Accountant General's certificate read. CUR-Dismiss the bill, with liberty for the parties to apply to the court on this or any other cause for a transfer of the funds standing in the name of the Accountant General, in trust in this cause, as they shall be advised; and no order on the petition.

Motion in Hanbury's cause.

26th April, 1803.



In Chancery.

Between Samuel Chase, Esq., plaintiff, and James Russell and others, defendants; between David Barclay and others, plaintiffs, the said James Russell and others, defendants; and between Henry Harford, Esq., plaintiff, and His Majesty's Attorney General and others, defendants.

Take notice that this honorable court will be

moved by the Attorney General, on behalf of His Majesty, on Wednesday, the twentieth day of April instant, being the first seal before next Easter term, that all parties be paid their costs of these suits, to be taxed by one of the masters of this court, out of the sum of four thousand seven hunthree pence cash, in the bank, in the name of the dred and ninety-six pounds two shillings and Accountant General of this court, in trust in the

DOWNING STREET, April 25, 1803. SIR: I have the honor to send you herewith enclosed a copy of the instruction that has been given to His Majesty's Attorney General, relative to the stock claimed by the State of Maryland; and I have the satisfaction, by His Majesty's commands, to state to you, for the information of your Government, that in the event of its being decided that the title to this stock has accrued, and belongs to His Majesty, His Majesty will cause the same to be transferred to the State of Maryland, togeth-cause, Chase against Russell; and that, after the er with the accumulations which shall have ac- payment of such costs, the Accountant General of crued from the reinvestment of the dividends; this court may transfer the several sums of nineand measures to enable His Majesty to fulfil his ty-eight thousand five hundred and eighteen intention to this purpose, shall be adopted with as pounds two shillings and nine pence bank stock, little delay as shall be consistent with a due ob- the sum of eight thousand three hundred and servance of the forms with which it may be re-five per cent. annuities, 1797, and the sum of six fourteen pounds, sixteen shillings and one penny quisite to comply.

I flatter myself, sir, that this communication will be regarded by your Government as a new proof of His Majesty's disposition to consult and promote the interests of the United States; and I avail myself of this occasion to renew to you the assurances of the high consideration with which I have the honor to be, sir, your most obedient,

humble servant,


Lord Hawkesbury to Mr. Perceval.

thousand nine hundred and seventy-six pounds one shilling and eight pence, bank navy five per cent. annuities, also standing in his name in trust in the same cause, and may pay the residue of the said sum of four thousand seven hundred and ninety-six pounds two shillings and three pence, cash in the bank; and, also, such future dividends on the said several stocks, as shall accrue thereon respectively, until such transfer thereof unto such person or persons as His Majesty shall, by warrant, under his Royal sign manual, nominate and appoint. Dated 18th April, 1803.

DOWNING STREET, Dec. 15, 1802. SIR: As I understand that a cause has long JOS. WHITE, been depending in the Court of Chancery, relaSolicitor for the Attorney General. tive to a sum of money which is claimed by the To Messrs. WADESON, BARLOW, & GROSVENOR.

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France and Spain-Louisiana.

Mr. King to Messrs. Lyon and Collyer.

GREAT CUMBERLAND PLACE, April 22, 1803. GENTLEMEN: Having reason to be satisfied, in the event of its being decided that the title to the stock of the Bank of England, claimed by the State of Maryland, has accrued and belongs to the Crown, that the same will be transferred to the State of Maryland, (in which case I am authorized to transfer to Mr. Chase the portion thereof to which he may be entitled,) I am of opinion that you will promote the interests of the State of Maryland and of Mr. Chase, by giving no opposition concerning this stock, proposed by the Attorney General.

I am, gentlemen, your obedient servant, RUFUS KING.

Mr. King to Messrs. Lyon and Collyer.

GREAT CUMBERLAND PLACE, April 26, 1803. GENTLEMEN: Since the appointment of Mr. Chase as agent of Maryland for the recovery of the bank stock claimed by that State, the business has been committed by the State of Maryland to me, as the Minister of the United States in this country; and, in virtue of this authority, I took the liberty to send you my letter of the 22d inst. Perceiving that you have some hesitation in complying with the tenor of that communication, on the score that it is not sufficiently explicit and directory; in behalf of the State of Maryland and Mr. Chase, I hereby request and direct you to give your consent to the motion made in the Court of Chancery by the Attorney General, or to any other motion or process having for its object a transfer of the stock in question, to such person as the King, under his sign manual, may nominate and appoint.

With great respect, I remain gentlemen. your obedient servant, RUFUS KING.

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relating to them, as may assist in deciding whether you will advise and consent to their ratification.

The ratification of the First Consul of France

is in the hands of his Chargé des Affaires here, to be exchanged for that of the United States. whensoever, before the 30th instant, it shall be in readiness. TH. JEFFERSON. OCTOBER 17, 1803.

To the Senate and House of

Representatives of the United States:

In my communication to you of the 17th instant, I informed you that conventions had been entered into with the Government of France, for the cession of Louisiana to the United States; these, with the advice and consent of the Senate, having now been ratified, and my ratification exchanged for that of the First Consul of France in due form, they are communicated to you for consideration in your Legislative capacity. You will observe, that some important conditions cannot be carried into execution but with the aid of the Legislature; and that time presses a decision on them without delay.

The ulterior provisions, also suggested in the communication, for the occupation and government of the country, will call for early attention. Such information relative to its government, as time and distance have permitted me to obtain, will be ready to be laid before you within a few days; but as permanent arrangements for this object may require time and deliberation, it is for your consideration whether you will not forthwith make such temporary provisions for the preservation, in the mean while, of order and tranquillity in the county, as the case may require. THOMAS JEFFERSON.

OCTOBER 21, 1803.

Treaty between the United States of America and the French Republic.

The President of the United States of America, and the First Consul of the French Republic, in the name of the French people, desiring to remove all source of misunderstanding, relative to objects

Letter from Messrs. Livingston and Monroe, of May 13 and May 16, 1803.

Letter from Messrs. Livingston and Monroe, June 7, 1803.

Extract of a letter from Secretary of State, of July 2, 1803.

Extract from Mr. Monroe, at London, August 15, 1803.

Extract from Mr. D'Yrujo to the Secretary of State, September 4, 1803, and September 27, 1803. Extract from Mr. Madison to Mr. Livingston, October 6, 1803.

Letter from the Secretary of State to M. D'Yrujo, October 4, 1803.

Letter from M. D'Yrujo to the Secretary of State, October 12, 1803.

Letter from the Secretary of State to D'Yrujo, Octo ber 12, 1803.

Mr. Pichon to the Secretary of State, October 14, 1803.

France and Spain-Louisiana.

of discussion mentioned in the second and fifth articles of the Convention of (the 8th Vendemiaire, an 9) September 30, 1800, relative to the rights claimed by the United States, in virtue of the Treaty concluded at Madrid, the 27th October, 1795, between His Catholic Majesty and the said United States, and willing to strengthen the union and friendship, which at the time of the said Convention was happily re-established between the two nations, have respectively named their Plenipotentiaries, to wit: The President of the United States of America, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate of the said States, Robert R. Livingston, Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States, and James Monroe, Minister Plenipotentiary and Envoy Extraordinary of the said States, near the Government of the French Republic; and the First Consul, in the name of the French people, the French citizen Barbe Marbois, Minister of the Public Treasury, who, after having respectively exchanged their full powers, have agreed to the following articles: ART. 1. Whereas, by the article the third of the Treaty concluded at St. Ildefonso, (the 9th Vendemiaire, an 9.) October 1, 1800, between the First Consul of the French Republic and His Catholic Majesty, it was agreed as follows: His Catholic Majesty promises and engages on his part to cede to the French Republic, six months after the full and entire execution of the conditions and stipulations herein, relative to his Royal Highness the Duke of Parma, the Colony or Province of Louisiana, with the same extent that it now has in the hands of Spain, and that it had when France possessed it; and such as it should be after the treaties subsequently entered into between Spain and other States: And whereas, in pursuance of the Treaty, particularly of the third ar ticle, the French Republic has an incontestable title to the domain and to the possession of the said territory, the First Consul of the French Republic, desiring to give to the United States a strong proof of friendship, doth hereby cede to the said United States, in the name of the French Republic, for ever and in full sovereignty, the said territory, with all its rights and appurtenances, as fully and in the same manner as they might have been acquired by the French Republic, in value of the above-mentioned treaty, concluded Iwith His Catholic Majesty.

ART. 2. In the cession made by the preceding article, are included the adjacent islands belonging to Louisiana, all public lots and squares, vacant lands, and all public buildings, fortifications, barracks, and other edifices, which are not private property. The archives, papers, and documents, relative to the domain and sovereignty of Louisiana and its dependencies, will be left in the possession of the Commissaries of the United States, and copies will be afterwards given in due form to the magistrates and municipal officers, of such of the said papers and documents as may be necessary to them.

ÁRT. 3. The inhabitants of the ceded territory shall be incorporated in the Union of the United State, and admitted as soon as possible, according

to the principles of the Federal Constitution, to the enjoyment of all the rights, advantages, and immunities, of citizens of the United States; and, in the mean time, they shall be maintained and protected in the free enjoyment of their liberty, property, and the religion which they profess.

ART. 4. There shall be sent by the Government of France a Commissary to Louisiana, to the end that he do every act necessary, as well to receive from the officers of His Catholic Majesty the said country and its dependencies in the name of the French Republic, if it has not been already done, as to transmit it, in the name of the French Republic, to the Commissary or agent of the United States.

ART 5. Immediately after the ratification of the present treaty by the President of the United States, and in case that of the First Consul shall have been previously obtained, the Commissary of the French Republic shall remit all the military posts of New Orleans, and other parts of the ceded territory, to the Commissary or Commissaries named by the President to take possession; the troops, whether of France or Spain, who may be there, shall cease to occupy any military post from the time of taking possession, and shall be embarked as soon as possible in the course of three months after the ratification of this treaty.

ART. 6. The United States promise to execute such treaties and articles as may have been agreed between Spain and the tribes and nations of Indians, until, by mutual consent of the United States and the said tribes or nations, other suitable articles shall have been agreed upon.

ART. 7. As it is reciprocally advantageous to the commerce of France and the United States, to encourage the communication of both nations, for a limited time, in the country ceded by the present treaty, until general arrangements relative to the commerce of both nations may be agreed on, it has been agreed between the contracting parties, that the French ships coming directly from France or any of her Colonies, loaded only with the produce or manufactures of France or her said Colonies, and the ships of Spain coming directly Spain or any of her Colonies, loaded only with the produce or manufactures of Spain or her Colonies, shall be admitted during the space of twelve years in the port of New Orleans, and in all other legal ports of entry within the ceded territory, in the same manner as the ships of the United States coming directly from France or Spain, or any of their Colonies, without being subject to any other or greater duty on the merchandise, or other or greater tonnage than those paid by the citizens of the United States.

During the space of time above-mentioned, no other nation shall have a right to the same privileges in the ports of the ceded territory. The twelve years shall commence three months after the exchange of ratifications, if it shall take place in France, or three months after it shall have been notified at Paris to the French Government, if it shall take place in the United States; it is, however, well understood, that the object of the above

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