
returns thanks to Providence, for having cast his destiny in a free, prosperous, and civilized nation; and though the expression of gratitude may, in some instances, be ascribed to an overweening national conceit, still it cannot be denied, that the people of this country are infinitely more virtuous, more enlightened, and consequently more happy, than any of their continental neighbours. Now the question has often been asked, how does it happen that the Deity, who is the common father of all mankind, and therefore incapable of showing a preference to any particular nation, should permit Britain and Holland to be prosperous, while Spain and Italy are sunk in a demoralizing superstition? To those who feel interested in the solution of this difficulty, the following explanation is offered.*

It has been already stated, that the moral precepts of the Gospel point out a sure road to present, as well as future happiness. Among those precepts is the following: is the following: "Unto whom much is given, of him much will be required;' and in illustration of it, Christ delivered the

*The existence of moral and physical evil has long been a subject of controversy; and which, it is probable, will be terminated when the Arian Heresy is explained to the satisfaction of the world.

parable of the talents; in which the diligent servant is rewarded, for having increased the money entrusted to him by his master, and the slothful servant, who wrapped up his talent in a napkin, is reproached for idleness, and punished. In this different treatment of the two servants, the obligation of physical and mental exertion is exemplified and enforced; and it may also be observed, that in the precept and parable, there is an implied confirmation of the sentence, which declares, that man shall earn his bread by the sweat of his brow. There are some superficial freethinkers, who argue against the benevolence of God, on account of this decree; but the folly and sinfulness of their objections may be readily exposed. Who are the most miserable class of society? Those who are devoured by what, in fashionable life, is called ennui, a feeling of lassitude and disgust, which proceeds entirely from want of occupation. To kill time, is the study of the rich; for which reason the gaming table is the frequent resource of generous minded men, who have not a particle of avarice in their composition. If the sceptic replies, that the goodness of God would have been more apparent, in constructing man after a different fashion, in which he would neither feel tired with labour, or disgusted with idleness, we answer, that it does not become a

finite being to conjecture what ought to have been done by a being of infinite wisdom. Perhaps the present state of human existence is a state of probation: there are men of learning and piety who hold this opinion; but even if it be not so, God has provided man with faculties to enable him to fulfil his destiny. If he had ordained that man should earn his bread by the sweat of his brow, and not endowed him, both mentally and corporeally, with adequate powers, then it would be just to deny his benevolence: but such is not the fact. When the Deity breathed into man the breath of life, he also communicated a portion of the mens divinior, that ethereal spirit, which, when properly exercised and directed, is sufficient to ensure happiness. Let any man look among his own acquaintance, and he will see that those who have increased their talent by industry, enjoy the comforts of prosperity, and that the idle wasters of time, who have wrapped up their talents in napkins, are either struggling with embarrassments, or tortured by the tædium vita. Now, classes of individuals are, as it were, the epitome of a nation: and as it is found that those persons (no matter in what country they may have lived) who have imitated the example of the diligent servant, have possessed a greater share of happiness than their indolent fellow citizens; so, by parity

of reasoning, it will be perceived that those nations, qui vitam excoluere per artes, have been wealthier and happier than others, who have permitted their energies to lie dormant. Nations advance in civilization as they advance in knowledge; therefore it is the duty of every government to remove all obstruction to the diffusion of knowledge. Now, knowledge can only be effectually disseminated by printing; consequently, a Christian government, believing that the faculties of man were bestowed for the purpose of increasing the sum of human happiness, are bound to do every thing in their power to extend the thoughts and opinions of those, whose attention is directed to the purpose of enlightening their more ignorant brethren; in other words, they are under a moral and religious obligation, to protect the liberty of the press.

We will now proceed to substantiate these opinions, by an inquiry into the causes which have hastened or retarded the happiness and civilization of the different states in Europe, since the Reformation. Throughout this examination the reader is requested to bear in mind, that all the advantages of climate and soil, are in favour of the Catholic countries. We begin with Spain.

his son,

"Notwithstanding Charles was disappointed in his scheme of transmitting the empire to son, Philip was still the most powerful monarch of his age. In Europe, besides the united kingdoms of Castile, Arragon, and Navarre, he possessed the kingdoms of Naples, and Sicily, the Dutchy of Milan, Franche Compté, and the Netherlands; in Africa, Tunis, Oran, the Cape Verd and the Canary Islands; in Asia, the Phillippine and Sunda Islands, and a part of the Moluccas; and in America, the Empires of Peru and Mexico, New Spain and. Chili, besides Hispaniola, Cuba, and many other of the American Islands. The mines of Mexico, Chili, and Potosi, were, at the time of Philip's accession, a source of greater wealth than almost all the other princes of Europe were possessed of. His fleet was much more numerous than that of any other European power; his troops were better disciplined, and more accustomed to war and victory; and they were commanded by the ablest and most experienced generals of the age."

When Philip took into his hands the reins of government, it appeared highly probable that

* Watson's Life of Philip II. vol. 1, p. 25.

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