
From her red Locks her Mouth with Venom fills;
And thence into the Royal Ear instils.

The Q incens'd, his Services forgot,
Leaves him a Victim to the vengeful Scot:

Now, through the Realm a* Proclamation spread,
To fix a Price on his devoted Head.

While innocent, he scorns ignoble Flight;
His watchful Friends preserve him by a Sleight.

By Harley's Favour once again he shines; Is now carefs'd by Candidate Divines;

Who change Opinions with the changing Scene: Lord! how were they mistaken in the Dean! Now, Delawere again familiar grows;

And, in St's Ear thrufts half his powder'd Nose.

$ The Scottish Nation, whom he durft offend, Again apply, that S would be their Friend.


*The Proclamation was against the Author of a Pamphlet, called, The Publick Spirit of the Whigs, against which the Scotch Lords complained.

Lord DELAWERE, then Treasurer of the Houfhold, always careffing the Author at Court: But during the Tryal of the Printers before the Houfe of Lords, and while the Proclamation hung over the Author, his Lordship would not feem to know him, till the Danger was past.

The Scotch Lords treated and visited the Author more after the Proclamation than before, except the D. of ARE, who would never be reconciled.

By Faction tir'd, with Grief he waits a while,
His great contending Friends to reconcile.
Performs what Friendship, Juftice, Truth require:
* What could he more, but decently retire?

* The Author retired to a Friend in Berkshire, ten Weeks before the Qu- died; and never saw the Ministry after.


Written foon after the Author's coming to live in IRELAND, upon the Queen's Death, October, 1714.


-then why should I repine,

IS true,
To see my Life so fast decline?

But, why obfcurely here alone?

Where I am neither lov'd nor known.
My State of Health none care to learn;
My Life is here no Soul's Concern:
And, those with whom I now converse,
Without a Tear will tend my Herse.
Remov'd from kind Arbuthnot's Aid,
Who knows his Art, but not his Trade;

Preferring his Regard for me

Before his Credit or his Fee.


Some formal Vifits, Looks, and Words,
What meer Humanity affords,

I meet perhaps from three or four,
From whom I once expected more ;
Which those who tend the Sick for Pay,
Can act as decently as they.

But, no obliging, tender Friend
To help at my approaching End;
My Life is now a Burthen grown
To others e're it be my own.



YE formal Weepers for the Sick,
laft Offices be quick:
And spare my abfent Friends the Grief
To hear, yet give me no Relief;
Expir'd To-day, entomb'd To-morrow,
When known, will fave a double Sorrow.



To the Earl of OXFORD, Lord Treasurer. Sent to him when he was in the Tower, before his Tryal.

Out of HORACE.

Written in the Year 1716.

OW bleft is he, who for his Country dies;

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Since Death pursues the Coward as he flies. The Youth, in vain, would fly from Fate's Attack, With trembling Knees, and Terror at his Back; Tho' Fear fhould lend him Pinions like the Wind, Yet swifter Fate will feize him from behind.

VIRTUE repuls'd, yet knows not to repine; But fhall with unattainted Honour shine; Nor stoops to take the Staff, nor lays it down, Just as the Rabble please to smile or frown,

VIRTUE, to crown her Fav'rites, loves to try Some new unbeaten Paffage to the Sky; Where Jove a Seat among the Gods will give To those who die, for meriting to live.

NEXT, faithful Silence hath a fure Reward: Within our Breast be ev'ry Secret barr'd : He who betrays his Friend, fhall never be Under one Roof, or in one Ship with me; For, who with Traytors would his Safety truft, Left, with the Wicked, Heaven involve the Juft? And, tho' the Villain 'fcape a while, he feels Slow Vengeance, like a Blood-hound at his Heels.

Upon the South-Sea PROJECT,

Written in the Year 1721.

E wife Philofophers, explain,

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What Magick makes our Money rise,
When dropt into the Southern Main;
Or do these Jugglers cheat our Eyes?

Put in your Money fairly told;

Prefto be gone

'Tis here agen:

Ladies and Gentlemen, behold,

Here's ev'ry Piece as big as Ten.


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