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This is a picture of pupils playing games at recess. Some of the games boys alone play; some, girls play; and some, boys and girls together play.

The boys of the class may select at least three of these games, and in as many paragraphs may tell how they are played what they are; the girls may take the three or more which they like best, and do the same with them.

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Confine yourselves to the essential features of each game. See how much good thought upon these points

you can put into the paragraphs. Choose apt and simple words, arrange them with care, and diversify your sentences in kind and in length, making what you have to say clear and strong by your way of saying it.

The composition, telling what some things are, will be Expository.



I haven't near so much. I only want one. Draw the string tightly. He writes good. I will prosecute him who sticks bills upon this church or any other nuisance. Noah for his godliness and his family were saved from the flood. We were at Europe this summer. You may rely in that. She lives to home. I can't do no work. will never be no better. They seemed to be nearly dressed alike. I An hundred head of o sarah i Saw A pretty


won't never do so no more. A ivory ball. cattle. george washington. gen dix of n y. Bonnet. are You going home? A young man wrote these verses who has long lain in his grave for his own amusement. This house will be kept by the widow of Mr. B. who died recently on an improved plan. (In correcting the position of the adjective clauses in the two examples above, observe the caution for the phrase modifiers, Lesson 41.) He was an independert small farmer. The mind knows feels and thinks. The urchin was ragged barefooted dirty homeless and friendless. I am some tired. This here road is rough. That there man is homely. pshaw i am so Disgusted. Whoa can't you stand still. James the gardener gave me a white lily. Irving the genial writer lived on the hudson.



Construct one sentence out of each group of the sen

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A prudent man was chosen.

An honorable man was chosen.

An able, prudent, and honorable man was chosen.

Pure water is destitute of color.

Pure water is destitute of taste.

Pure water is destitute of smell.

Cicero was the greatest orator of his age.

Demosthenes was the greatest orator of his age.

Daisies peeped up here.

Daisies peeped up there.

Daisies peeped up everywhere.

Expand each of the following sentences into three:

The English language is spoken in England, Canada, and the United States. The Missouri, Ohio, and Arkansas rivers are branches of the Mississippi.

Out of the four following sentences compose one sentence having three explanatory modifiers:

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Elizabeth, the daughter of Henry VIII., sister of Queen Mary, and the patron of literature, defeated the Armada.

166-7. Until you become lost to all feeling of your tru terest and your natural dignity, freedom they can have none but you.

They is the subject of the sentence. The ph from none, modifies can have, and the phrase, but modifies none. But is here a preposition. The predi can have, is modified by the subordinate clause, Until become, etc. Lost is an adjective after become.

166-8. The sound of the wind among the leaves wa longer the sound of the wind, but of the sea.

The phrase, among the leaves, modifies wind. Lo modifies was, and no modifies longer. But of the se equivalent to but (it was the sound) of the sea.

166-9. These are follies on which it would be greater to remark.

To remark on which modifies the subject it, of the ordinate clause.

167-10. I am now at liberty to confess that much whi have heard objected to my late friend's writings was founded.

To confess modifies liberty. Much is the subjec was founded, and is modified by the subordinate cla which I have heard objected, etc. Which is the objec have heard. Objected is a participle, referring to whi

167-11. One of his favorite maxims was, that the only to keep a secret is never to let any one suspect that you


All that follows that in the first line is the attri of the main clause. Of the subordinate clause, way, subject, is modified by to keep; the predicate is is to of which to let is the attribute. (To) suspect is an in

Much of the cotton which is raised in the Gulf States is exported. The house which was built upon the sand fell.

A thing which is beautiful is a joy forever.

Aaron Burr was a man who had fascinating manners.

Glaciers, which flow down mountain gorges, obey the law of rivers. The best sermon which was ever preached on modern society is "Vanity Fair."

In mere love of what was vile, Charles II. surpassed all his subjects. A common English ending is er, which is indicative of the agent.

Change the following simple sentences into complex sentences by expanding the phrases into adverb clauses:Model. - Birds return in the spring; when spring comes, the birds return.

The dog came at call. In old age our senses fail.

Shakespeare died at his birthplace.

Wishing to enjoy the Adirondacks, you must carry mountains in your brain.

Staying at home, one may visit Italy and the tropics.

Death, delaying his visits long, will certainly knock at every door. A shrug of the shoulders, translated into words, would lose much. Modern failures are of such magnitude as to appall the imagination.

Change the following complex sentences into simple sentences by contracting the adverb clauses into phrases:

The ship started when the tide was at flood.

When he reached the middle of his speech, he stopped.
Error dies of lockjaw if she scratches her finger.

Some minute animals feed though they have no mouths.
Roads are built that travelers may be accommodated.
Shakespeare died where he was born.

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