
RULE 27. Wherever any of the diseases mentioned in rule 24 are found to exist, a placard shall be displayed in a conspicuous place, informing the public of the presence of such disease, and no person shall remove such card without the permission of the board of health.

RULE 28. In all cases of diphtheria or membranous croup the patient shall be held in quarantine until a negative culture shall have been received from the State board of health.

RULE 29. Pulmonary tuberculosis is a contagious disease and must be reported as is provided in Rule 24.

RULE 30. No person or persons, except physicians, nurses, clergymen, and undertakers in the performance of their duties, and members of the household who at the time may be living in any house or building which is under quarantine, shall for any purpose whatever enter such home or building without permission from the board of health. The sick person is to be kept in a room by himself. No one but the nurse and doctor will be allowed in the room with him.

Your own children must be kept at home. They may play in their own yard but must be kept off the street. All children in the house are to be kept from school until a certificate to return is granted by the board of health. This applies to Sunday school and public entertainments, etc. Other people's children must not be allowed to enter your house, nor play with your children during quarantine.

Adult members of the family will not be allowed to work or to attend any public entertainments, clubs, lodges, church services, etc., without permission of the board of health. They must keep out of the sick room at all times.

Neighbors must not come into the house. You may talk to them through a closed window. Grocers, butchers, milkmen, etc., may receive orders and deliver goods at the outside door. No milk can or glass jars to be taken out of the house during quarantine.

The sick person will not be allowed to leave the house until the card is removed from the door.

Public library books, day school and Sunday school books must not be used by the patient, nor any attendant on the patient, nor left in the sick room. All such books must be given to the agent of the board of health for fumigation, after which they will be returned.

RULE 31. No person or persons who may be visiting upon premises which are under quarantine shall leave such premises without permission from the board of health. RULE 32. Wherever two or more families residing in the same buildings use the entrances, halls, or stairways of such building in common, or where there is other direct communication, such building shall, for the purpose of quarantine, be considered one house. If only a part of any house or building shall be under quarantine. these rules shall apply only to such part.

Toys that the patients play with should be burned after quarantine is removed. unless thoroughly fumigated by the agent of board of health.

Do not use handkerchiefs for the patient. Use old, soft linen or cotton, and burn it as soon as used.

The patient should not use the same eating utensils (knives, forks, plates, spoons. etc.), that are used by the family. Give the patient separate ones during the illness A sheet should be hung from top of door casing of the sick room door and kept moistened with a disinfecting solution which will be furnished by the board of health. RULE 33. No child ill with whooping cough, measles, purulent ophthalmia, chickenpox, mumps, or any other contagious disease shall attend school, nor shall any child attend school in this city while any member of the household to which such child belongs is ill with smallpox, diphtheria, scarlet fever, measles, or membranous croup. or during the period of two weeks after the death, recovery, or removal of such person; except that all children who have been excluded from school on account of

measles may be readmitted immediately after the termination of the disease on presenting a written permit from the board of health, signed by its chairman, its physician, or its agent; and that in all families where there are children who are sick with measles the children in these families who have had measles may attend school.

No pupil who by reason of this rule has been debarred from school attendance shall be admitted to any school in this city without a written permit from the board of health, signed by its chairman, its physician, or its agent.

RULE 34. The principal of any school upon the receipt of information that a pupil under his charge has visited a household where at the time of such visit any of the diseases enumerated in Rule 33 existed shall immediately notify the board of health. RULE 35. Whenever any child is absent from school on account of illness the principal, if he has reason to suspect that the child is suffering from a contagious disease, stall exclude from school all pupils from such household and notify the board of health. Any teacher when sending a pupil to the home of another pupil shall forbid him to enter the house to which he is sent. (This is to prevent him from inadvertently exposing himself to a contagious disease.)

Extract from section 6, chapter 44, Revised Laws: "A child who has not been vaccinated shall not be admitted to a public school except upon presentation of a certificate signed by a regular practicing physician that he is not a fit subject for vaccination."

Vaccination. (Reg. B. of H., May 28, 1912.)

Chapter 75, section 136, Revised Laws: "A parent or guardian who neglects to cause his child or ward to be vaccinated before the child or ward attains the age of * shall forfeit $5 for every year during which such neglect

two years,


* *

Chapter 75, section 137, Revised Laws: "The board of health of a city or town if, m its opinion, it is necessary for the public health or safety shall require and enforce the vaccination and revaccination of all the inhabitants thereof and shall provide them with the means of free vaccination. Whoever, being over 21 years of age and not under guardianship, refuses or neglects to comply with such requirements, shall forfeit $5."

Communicable Diseases-Funerals Shipment and Burial of Bodies. (Reg. Bd. of H. May 28, 1912.)

RULE 36. It shall be the duty of the undertaker or other person having charge of the funeral or burial of the dead body of a person within said city, who has died of Asiatic ch lera, yellow fever, typhus fever, smallpox, scarlet fever, diphtheria, or membranous croup to keep such funeral strictly private and to permit no person other than members of the family of the deceased who are at the time residents at the place f death, and the officiating clergyman to be present thereat; and to convey such dead body directly from the place of death to the place of burial and in no other vehicle than a hearse, and the funeral to take place within 24 hours after death.

RULE 37 (a). It shall be the duty of the undertaker, or of any other person or persons within said city who shall have charge of the burial or shipment, or of the preparation for the burial or the shipment of the dead body of any person who has died of any ntagious disease to observe and obey the following rules and regulations embodied in this section:

The dead body of any person who has died of any contagious or infectious disease shall be thoroughly disinfected, and shall not be exposed to the view of any person who is not necessarily engaged in the preparation of the same for burial.

The dead body of any person who has died of any contagious or infectious disease all not be placed or kept in any receiving vault in any cemetery or burying ground,

unless such dead body shall be first inclosed in a hermetically sealed zinc-lined or other metallic casket.

No dead body of any person who has died of Asiatic cholera, yellow fever, typhus fever, or smallpox shall be shipped or carried into or from said city by any means of conveyance whatsoever.

In preparing for shipment the dead body of any person who has died of scarlet fever. diphtheria, or membranous croup, the said body shall be wrapped in a sheet saturated either with a solution of bichloride of mercury of a strength of one part in two thousands, or with a solution of carbolic acid of the strength of one part in forty. The said body shall then be inclosed in a tightly sealed casket, and said casket shall be placed in a zinc-lined or a tin-lined box hermetically sealed.

RULE 37 (b). The body of any person who has died of any contagious disease except Asiatic cholera, yellow fever, typhus fever, or smallpox, when taken directly from the place of death to the grave must be completely wrapped in absorbent cotton and then wrapped in a sheet saturated with a solution of bichloride of mercury 1:2,000; all inclosed in a tightly sealed casket.

Cemeteries. (Reg. Bd. of H., May 28, 1912.)

RULE 38. It shall be the duty of every superintendent of a cemetery, or other person in charge of any cemetery or burying ground within the city, to receive the permits issued for burials in said cemetery or burying ground; to preserve the same and to furnish to the board of health of said city, upon Monday of each week, a written report, upon blank forms to be furnished upon application by said board of all burials made or caused to be made by him.

RULE 39. Any grave in which any dead body shall be buried within this city shall be dug to a depth of not less than 5 feet below the surface of the ground.

RULE 40. No new cemetery, burying ground, vault or tomb for the reception and burial of human bodies shall be established within this city, or under the control of any organization within said city, without a permit so to do first being granted by the board of health of said city. No additions shall be made to those already in use without the same authority.

Offensive Trades, Regulation of. (Reg. Bd. of H., May 28, 1912.)

RULE 41. No person, company, firm or corporation shall erect or maintain any manufactory or place of business within this city which is dangerous to life or detrimental to health, or where unwholesome, offensive, or deleterious odors, gas, smoke, deposit, or exhalations are generated, except in such places as are allowed by the board of health. All such establishments shall be kept clean and wholesome, nor shall any offensive or deleterious waste substance be allowed to accumulate upon the premises or be thrown or allowed to run into any public waters, stream, watercourse, street, or public place. RULE 42. All licenses granted by the board of health may be revoked at the discretion of said board.

Distribution of Samples of Medicines. (Reg. Bd. of H., May 28, 1912.) RULE 43. No person shall distribute, or cause to be distributed, from house to house on any street in this city, any package or bottles containing free samples of any medie inal substances, or substances for household use, except by permission of the board of health.

Barbers and Barber Shops. (Reg. Bd. of H., May 28, 1912.)

RULE 41. The place of business, together with all the furniture, shall be kept at all times in a cleanly condition.

Mugs, shaving brushes, and razors shall be sterilized in boiling water after every separate use thereof.

A separate clean towel shall be used for each person.

Alums or other astringents shall be used in powdered form and applied with a clean 1. wel.

The use of powder puffs and sponges is prohibited.

Every barber shop shall be provided with running hot water (through a pressure beiler).

Every barber shall clean his hands thoroughly immediately after serving each


Hair brushes and combs shall be thoroughly washed at least once a day.

No person shall be allowed to use any barber shop as a dormitory.

Shaving mugs, etc., except those in constant use, shall be kept in closed or covered receptacles.

Hair and other waste accumulations shall be destroyed each day by fire, or by such means as the board of health may approve.

Every barber, after handling anyone with any skin eruption, must cleanse his hands thoroughly before handling the next person, and all tools used in connection therewith must be thoroughly sterilized before they are used again.

Milk-Production, Care, and Sale. (Reg. Bd. of H., May 28, 1912.)

RULE 45. No milk shall be sold in the city of North Adams after the passage of this ordinance, except from cows that have been subjected within one year to examination that shall be satisfactory to the board of health and to the inspector appointed by the mayor and the council of the city of North Adams under section 12, chapter 90 of the Revised Laws of Massachusetts, and pronounced free from the disease known as tuberculosis or any other disease that may render the milk injurious to man.

In case an examination made by any person other than the inspector of the city of North Adams shall be unsatisfactory either to him or to the board of health, a proper examination shall be made by said inspector for the city of North Adams, and his decision shall be final.

Any person selling or distributing milk or keeping cows from which milk is sold or distributed in the city of North Adams, shall, upon the addition of any cow or cows to his dairy, immediately give notice to the board of health of such addition, and the hard of health shall thereupon order an examination of such animal or animals to be made, as provided in section 1 of this ordinance.

Any person selling or distributing milk in the city of North Adams shall, at the time of taking out his license, inform the board of health, in writing, of all sources from which he receives his supply, and upon making any change whatever in the sources of supply shall immediately give notice to the board of health of such change.

Whenever the board of health shall deem it necessary, but not less frequently than once during each year, it shall make or cause to be made an inspection of all dairies and other places from which milk is sold in the city of North Adams, and shall keep a written report of the result of such inspection on file in its office for public examination and reference.

All such premises and all vessels and vehicles used in the business of selling or distributing milk shall be kept in a perfectly clean and sanitary condition and at all times acceptable to the board of health, and no person who refuses to allow such inspectin to be made in accordance with section 3 of this ordinance or who fails to keep his premises, vessels, and vehicles as above mentioned in such cleanly and sanitary condrion as shall be satisfactory to the board of health or fails to comply with the written rlers and recommendations of the board of health or to provide such proper light and ventilation of his stables and such sources of water supply as the board shall deem necessary shall be allowed to sell or distribute milk in the city of North Adams. Every person keeping cows from which milk is sold in the city of North Adams shall have a room entirely apart from the stable (although it may be in the same building, esired in which the milk shall be strained and cooled, said room to have a tight

floor and the side walls and ceilings to be made of matched lumber or battened, unless lathed and plastered. No water-closet, earth closet, or privy shall be within or communicate directly with this room. The walls and ceilings of all cow stables shall be cleaned and whitewashed at least twice a year and oftener if required by the board of health; nothing in this section, however, shall be interpreted to prevent the cooling of milk in spring houses when same are properly constructed.

No person who is suffering from or who is suspected of having typhoid fever, diphtheria, or any other contagious disease, shall, while so suffering, be engaged in the care of cows or the handling of milk in places from which milk is to be sold or distributed in the city of North Adams.

Every person being in any way engaged in or connected with the production. handling, selling, or distribution of milk or cream sold or offered for sale in the city of North Adams is required to immediately report to the board of health of North Adams all cases or suspected cases of contagious diseases occurring in the family or household of said person.

Every person selling milk or offering it for sale in a store, booth, or stand in the city of North Adams shall keep such milk in a refrigerator or other perfectly tight receptacle entirely separate from any food or other contaminating produce, said refrigerator of other receptacle to be provided with ice during the warm months or at any other time when required so to do by the board of health.

Any person, party, or corporation violating the provisions of this chapter shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $20 for each offense.

Any person, party, or corporation after being notified by the board of health to discontinue the sale of milk in the city of North Adams who shall sell or distribute any milk in the city of North Adams until he receives permission in writing so to do from the board of health shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $20 for each offense, and his license to sell milk in this city shall be revoked.

Bakeries. (Reg. Bd. of H., May 28, 1912.)

RULE 46. The walls and ceilings of every room which is used for the manufacture of flour or meal food products, in any building in the city, which is occupied as a biscuit, bread, or cake bakery, shall be whitewashed at least once in three months; and further, every such room shall have an impermeable floor of hardwood properly saturated with linseed oil. All such bakeries must be provided with proper screens for doors and windows, to keep the rooms free from flies and other insects; this require ment must be complied with in 10 days from the receipt of a notice from the board of health.

Rummage Sales. (Reg. Bd. of H., May 28, 1912.)

RULE 47. No rummage sale shall be held in the city of North Adams without a permit from the board of health.

Nuisances Washing Windows and Walks. (Reg. Bd. of H., May 28, 1912.)

RULE 48. No person, between the hours of 7 o'clock in the 'morning and 10 o'clock in the evening, shall wash or allow to be washed any windows, doorways, or walls of any building owned or occupied by him in such a manner as to cause the discharge of any water upon any public sidewalk or walk devoted to public use; and no person, between the said hours, shall wash or allow to be washed any public sidewalk or walk devoted to public use abutting on premises owned or cared for by him.

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