
Roman Ideals.


Rome under the Republic down to the conquest

of Greece imitated the Spartan ideal. Under the Emperors, Athenian ileals were preferred. However, in consequence of the utilitarian incliration of the Romans, literature ani oratory received marked attention. Music and sculpture were left mainly to the Greeks. While the Greek education aimed at intellectual Educational and.physical culture, the Roman had utilitarian


ideals, essentially literary and ethical. Athonideal of intellectual culture is represented in our classical courses; Rome's utilitarian, combined with the literary and ethical in our scientific courses. Since the Romans merely initated the Greeks in education, tley have no lesson for us in this field save that of showing how to adapt ideals and methods to secure desirable results under conditions different from those which formerly produced them.

Chapter 11.

Medieval and Modern Continental Ideals.

German Ideals.


Of the modern nations, Germany's educational ideals and practice rank foremost. A study of her schools is also in large measure a study of all similar schools on the continent because the other nations have patterned after her. Even

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France and England did. France in 1830 and again after her national disaster of 1870. England, in 1956, sent Dr. Arnold to study German schools for the purpose of making that study the basis of plans for improving English schools. The German Fomer. schools were organized to support the tenets of the Christian faith and they have always been strong agencies in the realization of the highest spiritual ideals of the German people. Now, after the union of church and state, they have been taken over boiily into the service of the broader national life. Their aim now is to produce a religious and patriotic citizen-ship.

Present. Emperor WillThe elementary school has fully realized ian's effort. its ideal but not the secondary schools. Hence Imperor William called that famous conference of secondary school teachers in December 1390 to discuss ways and means with them. Talking of the existing practice he said: "First of all,

a national basis is wanting. The foundation of our gymnasium must be German. It is our duty to educate men to become young Germans, and not young Greeks or Romans. We must relinquish the basis which has been the rule for centuries-the old monastic education of the Middle Ages, when Latin and a little Greek were most important. These are no longer our standard; we must make German the basis and German composition must be made the center around which everything else revolves." Apain in his Emphasizes purpose

of gymnasia.

order of May 1, 1899 he says: "The prime schools will be ever to lay

object of the

the foundation for a sound comprehension of both civic and social relations, by cherishing reverence for God and love for the fatherland. But I cannot fail to recognize that in a time when the errors and misrepresentation of social democracy are spread abroad with increased zeal, the school is called upon to make increased efforts to advance the recognition of the true, the real, and the possible in the world. The school must endeavor to create in the young the conviction that the teachings of social democracy contradict not only the divine commands and Christian morals, but are, moreover, impracticable and in their consequence destructive alike to the community. The school must be for the purpose of bringing the new, and the newest history of the times more than hitherto irto the circle of the subjects of instruction, and show that the power

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