[blocks in formation]


GAME I.-Between M. De la Bourdonnais and Mr.


WHITE. (M. De la B.)

1. P. to Q's 4th.

2. P. to Q. B's 4th.

3. P. to K's 3d.

4. K. B. takes P.

5. P. takes P.

6. Q. Kt. to B's 3d.

7. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 8. P. to K. R's 3d.t 9. Q. B. to K's 3d. 10. K. B. to Q. Kt's 3d. 11. Castles.

12. Q. to K's 2d.

13. K. Kt. to K's 5th.

14. Q. B. to Q's 2d. 15. Q. R. to K's sq. 16. Q. Kt. takes Kt.

17. K. Kt. takes Q. B. P.2

18. B. takes Kt.
19. Q. takes B. (ch.)
20. Q. to her Kt's 4th.

21. R. to K's 5th.

22. P. to Q's 5th.

23. Q. to her 4th.

24. P. to K. R's 4th.

BLACK. (Mr. McD.) 1. P. to Q's 4th.

2. P. takes P.
3. P. to K's 4th.
4. P. takes P.

5. K. Kt. to B's 3d.
6. K. B. to K's 2d.*
7. Castles.

8. Q. Kt. to Q's 2d. 9. Q. Kt. to his 3d. 10. P. to Q. B's 3d. 11. K. Kt. to Q's 4th. 12. P. to K. B's 4th. 13. P. to K. B's 5th. 14. P. to K. Kt's 4th. 15. K. to his Kt's 2d. 16. Kt. takes Kt.

17. Q. Kt. P. takes Kt. 18. Q. takes B.

19. R. to K. B's 2d.

20. Q. B. to K. B's 4th. 21. Q. to her 2d.

22. P. takes P.

23. K. to R's 3d.

24. Q. B. to K's 3d.

*This is a fault. The Bishop should always be played to Q's 3d at the present stage.

† An indispensable move in this opening.

The advance of these Pawns should rarely be ventured by any but the experienced player.

Capitally played.

An excellent move.

25. K. R. to K's sq.
26. Q. R. takes Kt. P.*
27. Q. to K's 5th.

28. R. to K. R's 5th (ch.) 29. Q. mates.

25. Q. R. to K's sq. 26. Q. R. to K. B's sq. 27. Q. B. to K. Kt's 5th. 28. B. takes R.

GAME II.-Between M. St. Amant and Mr. Staunton.

[blocks in formation]

4. K. Kt. to B's 3d.

5. P. to Q. B's 5th.

6. Q. B. to K. Kt's 5th.†

7. P. to K's 3d.

8. P. to Q. Kt's 4th.

9. Q. B. takes Kt. 10. K. B. to Q's 3d. 11. P. to Q. R's 3d. 12. Q. B. P. takes P. 13. Castles.

14. Q. to her Kt's 3d.¶
15. P. takes P.

16. B. to Q. Kt's 5th.**
17. K. R. to Q. B's sq.
18. B. to K's 2d.
19. Kt. to Q. Kt's 5th.
20. K. Kt. to K's sq.
21. P. to K. B's 4th.
22. K. to B's 2d.
23. K. Kt. to B's 3d.
24. Q. R. takes R.
25. B. takes B.
26. B. to Q's 3d.
27. Kt. to K's 5th.

28. Kt. to Q. B's 6th.
29. Kt. takes B. (ch.)

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

7. P. to Q. Kt's 3d.‡ 8. Q. B. to Q. Kt's 2d.

9. B. takes B.

10. P. to Q. R's 4th. 11. Kt. to Q's 2d.

12. P. takes P. 13. Q. to K's 2d.|| 14. P. takes P. 15. K. R. to Q. B's sq. 16. Kt. to K. B's sq. 17. Kt. to K. Kt's 3d. 18. Q. to her sq. 19. B. to K's 2d. 20. B. to Q. R's 3d.†† 21. Kt. to R's 5th. 22. Kt. to K. B's 5th. 23. B. takes Q. Kt. 24. R. takes Q. R. 25. Kt. to Q's 3d.

26. P. to Q. Kt's 4th. 27. Kt. to Q. B's 5th. 28. Q. to her 3d.

29. Q. takes Kt.

The best mode of taking the Pawn.

It has been previously remarked that the Q. B. in these games can seldom be advantageously played to the King's side.

This appears the only safe and effectual way of bringing the Queen's Bishop into play.

Threatening to gain a Pawn.

A much better move than advancing the King's Pawn one step, which would have cost Black at least a Pawn.

¶ Well played.

**A lost move.

†† From this point the game is in Black's favor.

30. B. takes Kt.
31. Q. to Kt's 2d.
32. R. to Q. Kt's sq.
33. Q. to her B's 2d.
34. P. to K. R's 4th.
35. R. to K. R's sq.
36. Q. to K's 4th.
37. K. to Kt's 3d.
38. R. to K. B's sq.
39. Q. to her Kt's 7th.
40. K. to R's 3d.
41. R. to K. Kt's sq.

42. Q. to her Kt's 8th (ch.)
43. Q. to K. B's 8th.
44. P. to K. Kt's 3d.
45. R. to Q. R's sq.†
46. R. takes R.
47. Q. takes Q. Kt. P.
48. Q. to her Kt's 7th.
49. Q. to K's 4th.
50. Q. to K's sq.
51. Q. to her R's sq. (ch.)
52. Q. to her B's sq.
53. K. to R's 2d.

54. P. to K. B's 5th.

55. K. to R's 3d.

56. P. takes P. (ch.)

30. Q. P. takes B.*
31. R. to Q. R's 5th.
32. Q. to her R's 2d.
33. P. to K. Kt's 3d.
34. Q. to K's 2d.
35. Q. takes Q. Kt. P.
36. Q. to her Kt's 7th (ch.)
37. R. to Q. R's 7th.
38. P. to Q. Kt's 5th.
39. P. to K. R's 4th.
40. P. to Q. B's 6th.
41. Q. to K. B's 7th.
42. K. to R's 2d.
43. Q. takes K. P. (ch.)
44. R. to Q. R's 2d.
45. Q. takes Q. P.‡
46. Q. takes R.
47. Q. to K. Kt's 8th.
48. K. to Kt's 2d.
49. Q. to her B's 4th.
50. P. to Q. B's 7th.
51. K. to R's 2d.

52. Q. to K. B's 4th (ch.)
53. Q. to her 6th.
54. Q. to K's 7th (ch.)

55. Q. to her 8th.

56. P. takes P.

And White surrendered.

* Black properly takes with the Q. P., foreseeing, in the event of the capital Pieces being changed off, that a White passed P. on the Q. Kt's file would be out of reach of his King.

High praise is due to White for the pertinacious ingenuity with which he struggled to draw the game.

Had he taken the R., White would have drawn the game.

[blocks in formation]

These two moves begin the "French Game."

2. P. to Q's 4th (best)
3. P. takes P. (best)
4. P. to Q. B's 4th.
5. B. to Q's 2d.
6. Q. to K's 2d.

7. P. takes P.

8. Q. Kt. takes B.

2. P. to Q's 4th.

3. P. takes P.

4. K. B. checks.
5. Q. to K's 2d (ch.)
6. Q. B. to K's 3d.
7. B. takes B. (ch.)
8. B. takes P.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

These moves commence the "Sicilian Game." Black's move is considered by Staunton the best reply to White's

move, 1. P. to K's 4th.

2. K. Kt. to B's 3d.

3. P. to Q's 4th.
4. P. takes Q. P.
5. P. to Q. B's 4th.
6. P. takes Q. P.
7. Q. takes P.
8. Kt. takes Q.

9. Kt. to Q. Kt's 3d. 10. B. to Q. B's 4th. 11. Castles.


1. P. to K's 4th.

2. P. to Q's 4th.

3. Q. takes P.

2. P. to K's 3d.
3. P. to Q's 4th.
4. K. P. takes P.
5. P. takes Q. P.
6. Q. takes P.
7. Q. takes Q.

8. K. B. to Q. B's 4th.
9. B. to Q. Kt's 3d.
10. K. Kt. to B's 3d.
11. Castles.

Equal game.


4. Q. to her sq.
5. Q. Kt. to B's 3d.

6. Q. B. to K. Kt's 5th.




1. P. to Q. B's 4th.
2. P. takes P.
3. Q. Kt. to B's 3d.
4. K. Kt. to B's 3d.
5. P. to K's 3d.
6. K. B. to K's 2d.

game appears to be equal.


1. P. to K's 4th.


1. P. to Q. B's 4th.

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