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eight men to be added to each company. He hoped the motion would therefore be disagreed to.

Mr. VARNUM did not think it necessary for the Committee to rise, but it appeared necessary that they should be in possession of the calculations of the select committee, of the number of garrisons and of the men necessary for each. Except they had some information of this kind, they could not form a just opinion on the subject. It must be the desire, he said, of every gentleman, that the Military Establishment should be reduced as low as possible; but without the information he had mentioned, it would not be possible to have a correct idea on the subject.

Mr. READ observed, that gentlemen said we were at peace with the Indian tribes. Be it so, said he, and let the most effectual measures be taken to preserve the peace. The Indians, he said, had a very favorable opinion of Continental troops; they considered them as their safeguard. Perhaps they were a little jealous of the militia. It was a measure of policy to keep up the Continental troops. They might prevent the Indians from injuring the frontier inhabitants, or they them. He did not think it would be prudent to reduce the Military Establishment.

Mr. GALLATIN said, he saw by the report of the committee, that they proposed to add eight men to a company; the motion of the gentleman from New York brought the discussion fairly before them, and they could determine whether eight men should be added to each company, or whether the four regiments should be reduced to two.

The select committee, he said, had brought forward no estimates. The chairman of that committee [Mr. S. SMITH] had said, that it was not possible to obtain information of the number of men to pay, or where they were at this time; but, if this information could not be obtained, he was sure that it was possible that the number of posts might be told, and the number of troops required for each. When they had such information before them, they would be able, he said, to determine whether the Military Establishment ought to be reduced or increased.

In order to obtain this information, he wished the Committee to rise; but if the select committee thought none could be obtained-that the Secretary of War cannot, or will not, for some reason not to be communicated, give any particulars on the subject, if he had no further information, he should vote for the motion of the gentleman from New York. And if the gentlemen of the committee have no more, and can get no more information, it would be best to go on to a conclusion of the business.

The motion for the Committee to rise was put and negatived-55 to 29.


Mr. DEARBORN said, it was not in the power, believed, of the Secretary of War, to give just information as to the number of posts to be garrisoned, or the number of men to be placed in each. It appeared that a very general discretion had been given to the Commander-in-Chief. He had made such arrangements as he thought proper; but having died on his way, there had not

[JANUARY, 1797.

been the information transmitted to the War Office which otherwise would have been there.

The select committee, for their own satisfaction, with such assistance as they could get, had made a calculation of the number of posts, and the men which would be requisite for each. The posts in their contemplation were Oswego, Niagara, Presqu' Isle, Detroit, Miami, Michilimackinac, a post near Lake Erie, a post not far from the mouth of the Illinois, at the Natchez, a post a little below the river Ohio, frontier of Tennessee, frontier of Georgia; Fort Washington, on the river Ohio; a small post near Fort Pitt, at Pittsburg; and the fortifications and harbors of the seacoast.

The estimate of the garrisons necessary for these posts was mere matter of opinion, and every gentleman could form his own. It was his opinion that the number requisite for all these places would be about the number of the present establishment, the cavalry excepted. At the Natchez he believed there would be occasion for a very considerable garrison, as there were a number of citizens there, lately subjects of Spain, who could, at a short notice, raise a militia of eight hundred


Mr. D. said, although he had been in favor of a small number of men and for a small number of garrisons, yet he was inclined to believe that the number of troops remaining, after the cavalry was deducted, would not be greater than our present circumstances required. He was of opinion, however, that if the established corps be kept full and the posts established, and more opportunity was had of knowing what was necessary, perhaps there might be a possibility of reducing the number with propriety; but he could not say at present there would be too great a number, and should, therefore, be against reducing them.

It would be important for gentlemen to agree what number of men was necessary for each garrison, and consequently what number for the Military Establishment at large. He supposed, from the calculation of last year, the present number was considerably under three thousand. On the 1st of July last there were a few over three thousand; but, after the terms of men whose terms expired a few months afterwards, and from desertions and other circumstances, they did not, he supposed, exceed two thousand. But since the new organization took place a number of men and officers had not joined their corps, and until that took place no accurate accounts could be had. The saving of the expense of two regiments he acknowledged would be a considerable object, if it could be done with propriety; but he did not think it would be proper at this time to reduce them.

Mr. GALLATIN said, from what had fallen from the gentleman from Massachusetts, there could be no doubt but the present number of troops would be useful, and that it would be inconvenient to reduce them; but, upon the same ground, the number of troops might even be increased beyond the present establishment, when it was considered the number of posts which had come into our

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There was another consideration, however, that would induce him to vote for the present motion, or something like it: it was the reluctance which was shown in that House to raise the necessary revenue for the expenses of Government. Not withstanding our situation had been fully stated, it was with immense difficulty any measure could be got through the House which was intended to raise revenue; they had even a right to conclude that the measure which was lately carried through the House for direct taxes, would not be agreed to when the detail of the bill should be brought in. He thought, therefore, they should confine themselves, not to what was useful, but to what was absolutely necessary.

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hands, and consequently the number of men re-tablishment, and after admitting that a reduction quired for them. Nor would he wish to reduce of two regiments would be inconvenient to the the Military Establishment, but for other reasons. service, should avow his support of the motion. He did not think, in the present situation of our That astonishment was not lessened upon hearing foreign affairs, it would be at all prudent to re- the reason that had been assigned for it. viz: a duce the artillery. manifest reluctance on the part of the House to increase the revenues. If that member had represented accurately the disposition of the House as to revenue, he would have said, not that there was a reluctance to increase it, but more truly that there was a reluctance to increase it in the mode proposed and advocated by that gentleman, a tax on lands. Mr. D. said, that he himself, for one, had admitted the necessity of a further augmentation, but in common with many other members, he had expressed his unwillingness to resort to direct taxation, until the less exceptionable means of raising money by indirect taxes had been tried and exhausted. As to the motion which went to reduce the infantry from 2,000 to 1,000 men, he could not believe there was any probability of its succeeding, as both the public service and the general economy forbade it. The member from Massachusetts had enumerated many posts, and some very considerable, where it would be requisite to support garrisons, and others might be added to the list. The frontier of Georgia, Oswego, Fort Schuyler, West Point, the fortifications along the seacoast, and the different arsenals and magazines of arms, ammunition, &c., would equally require garrisons of soldiers.

No resolution had hitherto been brought forward to diminish the expense of any department. He would ask, in what department the expense could be diminished? The public engagements must be kept. The Civil List might, perhaps, give a saving of $20,000. They were called upon to increase instead of diminishing the expenses. There were other demands this year. There were only two objects, he believed, in which retrenchments could be made, which were the Military and Naval Establishments.

Mr. G. said, he had no doubt two thousand men would garrison our posts, &c., better than one thousand, but he thought one thousand might serve in our present circumstances. Amongst others, he did not think it necessary to have a post at Illinois or Michilimackinac, or to have a large one at the Natchez. As to the number of men necessary at the different posts, it was, as it had been stated, mere matter of opinion. They knew of no force required against the Indians, and a small body was, therefore, only necessary to be kept in garrison. With respect to other nations, he did not believe the British had any force on the frontiers. He, therefore, thought there was no occasion for a greater number than in 1792, which was 2,250 men; the number now was 3,160, which made a difference of 910, the number now moved to be struck out. However, he did believe that if they were to make the reduction it would be best done by degrees; and perhaps the best way would be not to make fur ther enlistments when the time of men expired. But, if there was any doubt on the propriety of reducing the number of men, there could be no impolicy in striking out a number of officers.

Their present number of two thousand infantry and nine hundred artillerists and engineers, would not be found more than sufficient for the service, especially when it was considered that the casualties of desertion and sickness which prevailed to a certain extent in every army, must also be guarded against, by increasing the establishment beyond the numbers which upon strict calculation might be adjudged to be necessary. Escorts also were indispensable in all cases of transportation from one part of their wilderness to another, and more especially when owing to want of watercommunication, or an unexpected lowness of the streams, or to the obstructions from ice, they were compelled to transport their supplies by land. The reasoning which he adduced when the reduction of the cavalry was in question, would here apply with greater strength, because the necessity of keeping up some regiments of infantry was admitted by all. To discharge the regular troops, and to be obliged, as heretofore, to supply their place with militia, would be found to be profusion rather than economy.

Mr. S. SMITH said, the gentleman from Pennsylvania [Mr. GALLATIN] had used the only solid argument for reducing the Military EstablishFrom these considerations he believed it would ment, viz: the unwillingness of the House to be most prudent to make the proposed reduction, provide revenue. It was a solid argument. But, though, had it not been for the depressed state of he said, it was necessary for them to provide for our revenues, he should rather have been for in- all the wants of the country; it was necessary to creasing than for diminishing the present estab-afford protection to our frontier, and, after they lishment. had provided that protection, he trusted that Mr. DAYTON was much surprised that the gen-House would not be so lost to its duty as to fail tleman from Pennsylvana, after acknowledging in providing revenue. that it would be useful to keep up the present esFrom the Civil List, the gentleman from Pennsyl

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Military Establishment.

[JANUARY, 1797.

vania had observed there could be little reduction; plete the frigates than was proposed at first, as neno saving but from the Military Establishment; cessary for the building of them. He hoped, but this might be made without any reduction. therefore, they would not at present be proceeded The Major and his Staff, which were proposed to with. be struck out, would be a saving of upwards of Mr. CRAIK said, he had not intended to have $11,600; the light dragoons were $51,000 or $52,- spoken on the present occasion; but when he 000; the rations, calculated at 20 cents, might now heard arguments against fixing a Military Estabbe obtained at 17 cents, which would lessen the lishment necessary for our security, founded on a charge $42,000; the Quartermaster's department supposed unwillingness in the House to grant rewas now $250,000, but now it might be reduced venue, he could not be silent. He believed the to $100,000; but, if estimated at $150,000, there opinion entertained of that House with respect to would be a saving of $100,000; the carting, at revenue could not be extended to the people. He $50,000, would not now be one-half. The Naval was confident they were willing to afford a suffiDepartment for the present year was calculated cient revenue for every necessary purpose of Goupon twelve months, when it was scarcely possi-vernment, and he trusted that House would also ble, from the state of the frigates, that they would be found to be so too. Indeed, he did not think be fit for more than four months' service. there was ground for the disgraceful opinion which the gentleman from Pennsylvania [Mr. GALLATIN] had formed with respect to the reluctance of the House to grant revenue.

The whole of these items made a sum of $403,000; to which he believed might be added a saving in the Civil List of $62,000. The Mint Establishment he did not think necessary, though it might flatter our vanity, and $25,000 might be saved from that source. The savings he had mentioned in the Military Establishment might be much more, because any loss on account of the contract would fall upon the contractors and not upon Government. But he trusted they should not make deductions in the establishment which might put the Government itself into jeopardy. With respect to the suggestion of striking out officers, he would rather have skeletons of regiments, which might be at any time filled up; for he believed more men were lost for want of proper officers than by the sword.

They had discussed the means of raising revenue, and seemed only to differ in opinion about the mode of doing it. The people who sent them there were able and willing to pay whatever should be found to be necessary, and he hoped the want of revenue would not be urged as a reason for not doing what they were convinced it was necessary to do.

If this principle was adopted, he said, it might be extended to every measure brought forward this session. He hoped, therefore, it would not be countenanced. If the Military Establishment was necessary our interest required it should be made sufficient, and it would be an injury to the Union not to make it so. He trusted they should do it, and he was not afraid that the money would not be found. He did not believe this country to be in a state of bankruptcy, but that it was equal and willing to pay every necessary expense of its Government.

Mr. NICHOLAS said, that the opinion of the gentleman from Pennsylvania [Mr. GALLATIN] that though a greater number of men might be necessary, yet it was necessary they should be lessened on account of the unwillingness of that House to provide revenue, had not been invalida- Mr. DAYTON said, that if there was a single trait ted by what had fallen from the gentleman from of candor in the remarks made by the gentleman New Jersey, [Mr. DAYTON ;] for, though that gen- from Virginia and applied to him, then he was tleman had strongly opposed direct taxes, he had ignorant of the real meaning of the word, and he offered no substitute for them. Indeed, none had knew not what language and what conduct merbeen offered except that proposed by the gentle-ited a different appellation. It was more than unman from South Carolina [Mr. HARPER] and he candid, it was cruel to upbraid him with not havseemed to have grown lukewarm in its support. ing done what he had no opportunity, consistently And was it to be expected, he said, that when with the rules of the House, to have done. Every permission to bring in a bill on the subject had member, Mr. D. said, who had held a seat there only been obtained by a majority of ten votes, only for a few hours, must know that being in the when the passage of the plan for a direct tax had chair he had it not in his power to offer any probeen so difficult in that stage of it, was it not to positions to the House to be referred to the Combe supposed that there was great hazard of its mittee of the Whole on the subject of further repassing? And, if so, was it not incumbent upon venues, as had been their regular course of prothe House, lest additional revenue should not be ceeding. In Committee of the Whole, where provided, to make every saving in their power? alone he could make any motion, it would be reHe believed it was. He did not wish to put Go- collected that no opening had been afforded him; vernment in jeopardy, but he thought they were for the first resolution reported by the Committee called upon to save every shilling in their power. of Ways and Means in favor of a land tax was unHe hoped they should go further with respect to der discussion, and it would have been a violathe Navy, than had been proposed by the gentle- tion of their rules of order to have offered any man from Maryland. He had contemplated four other as a substitute. It would be remembered, months' service of the frigates; but he hoped also, that the moment that proposition was decided, they should have none at all, since it would be the Committee of the Whole rose and reported, found that more money was now wanted to com- I thus postponing to a future day the consideration

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of any other resources. It was also possible, Mr. D. said, that if there had been an opportunity to present any system of his own, it might have been useless and unnecessary until that offered by the gentleman from South Carolina had been discussed and decided. Why, he asked, should he be charged with silence or forbearance in such pointed terms by the gentleman from Virginia, when it was well known to every member, that they were enjoined upon him by the duties of his station, and the rules of decorum?

Mr. RUTHERFORD said, he paid great respect to the opinions of every gentleman in that House; but he must think for himself on the present occasion. Was this people, he asked, to be supported by a few regular troops? No: whilst the yeomanry, and the people in general, delighted in the Government, they would always be ready to rise as one man in support of it. Let the people have peace, and acquire property, said he, and they will defend themselves. The late insurrection, beyond the mountains, had proved this; and this would continue to be the case whilst they were well governed. What need was there then to rely upon regular troops?

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prudent to make frequent calls upon the militia, and by that means put the country to unnecessary expense. If it were not, it was proper there should be a permanent force to prevent the necessity of such calls.

Whenever the subject of taxation came up, Mr. S. said, he trusted they should determine upon some permanent source of revenue; for if gentlemen adopted such as were not so, they would have to be responsible for the consequences.

Mr. GALLATIN said, his colleague [Mr. SwANWICK] had, in one respect, put the question on its true ground, though in another point he was mistaken, viz: where he said, that if the House voted for a certain number of men, and their funds should fall short, the money could be applied no further than it would go, and their object would be defeated. On the contrary, Mr. G. said, if they voted a greater number of men than the revenue was found equal to pay, the same thing would be done which had been done heretofore-anticipations would be obtained. But the question was upon its true ground when he said, that if they voted a number of men, they stood pledged to increase the revenue in order to meet the expense. At a time when they were about to tax the peo-He did not think the gentleman from New Jersey ple, it was necessary to reduce this article of expense.

Mr. NICHOLAS said, if he had been convinced the gentleman from New Jersey [Mr. DAYTON] had not had an opportunity of bringing forward any proposition as a substitute for the direct tax, which he had opposed, he certainly should not have charged him with having failed to do it. But he thought it was possible for him to have done it; if he was mistaken in point of form, he must stand corrected. He did not mean any thing uncandid with respect to that gentleman.

was correct in his remarks upon what he had said.

Mr. G. said, when he was up before he had observed, that there was a reluctance to raise additional revenue, there having been a bare majority in favor of direct taxes, and he believed there was as great a reluctance with respect to indirect taxes. They differed so much about the mode of raising revenue, that it would be difficult to raise revenue at all. The plan which that gentleman chose to call his plan, was founded upon a report of the Secretary of the Treasury, which had been made in pursuance of an order of that House, on the subject of direct taxation. It was true he was in favor of the plan, but it was not his.

Finally, if they voted for continuing the present military force, they pledge themselves to furnish additional revenue, and except they agree to assist them in carrying into effect the plan which had been adopted, he believed no other would prove effectual.

Mr. SWANWICK did not conceive that the question of revenue had any thing to do in the present business. The question was, whether they should have four or two regiments of infantry? Not being a military man, he did not feel himself very competent to decide on the present question. Whatever disposition, however, might have been shown on a former occasion, of an unwillingness to raise revenue, he trusted they should grant libe- Mr. WILLIAMS said, when he made the present rally and cheerfully what was necessary for the motion, there was no information before the House. defence of our frontiers; and when they came to He wished, therefore, to have reduced the estabbe upon the subject of raising revenue, he trusted lishment to what it was in the year 1792, except they should be impelled by the same necessity- he could hear some reason for making it greater, the necessity of doing what they were convinced Previous to his motion, the gentleman from Maswas right to grant what appeared to be necessa-sachusetts had not informed them what posts the ry. He thought there was no way of raising this revenue but by direct taxes; other gentlemen thought differently; but raised, additional revenue must be; for, if they made these grants, and there was not money in the Treasury to pay the expense, they could only be carried into effect so far as the funds would go; and gentlemen would therefore take this consequence upon themselves when revenue came under consideration. The question now was, whether they should have four regiments or two? He thought the latter number was too small. He had heard of the power of the militia; but he did not know whether it was

committee had in contemplation to garrison. He confessed, the account he had since given seemed to show that more than one regiment was necessary; but, notwithstanding the observations of that gentleman, he was of opinion that the four regiments might be reduced to two, and the same number of men now employed might be put into those regiments, by which means all the force would be retained, and the expense lessened. He asked, if the posts to be kept up required all the officers in the present establishment, and whether 2,500 men required so many officers to command them? He believed not; and that a considerable

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saving would be made by putting all the men into two regiments.

When he made the motion, he said, it was principally with a view of getting information what number of troops was necessary, and where they were to be stationed. If, he said, there was supposed to be danger from our situation with respect to Europe, it was not necessary to increase troops which were intended to be employed only on the frontier. Surely not. If danger was apprehended from that quarter, they ought to turn their eyes to the sea-coast, and increase our artillery and engineers. Those gentlemen who thought a Navy necessary, might put to that object what was saved in the present. This, he said, would be much more prudent; since, standing on our own ground, we could defend ourselves against the whole world. The question for reducing the four regiments of infantry to two was put and negatived, there being only 25 in favor of it.

The Committee then rose, and had leave to sit again.


Mr. W. SMITH, Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, to whom was referred a resolution of the 10th instant on dutiable articles imported, made the following report:

"The Committee of Ways and Means having taken into consideration the resolution of the House of the tenth instant, and a Letter of the Secretary of the Treasury on the subject therein contained, are of opinion:

[JANUARY, 1797.

ject of revenue as illicit importations are not to be apprehended the extent to which the duty is to be carried, can be best determined by the committee. One cent on each fifty-six pounds of salt, will produce nearly thirty thousand dollars.

It will, however, be proper to readjust the bounties the allowances to vessels employed in the cod fisheries, on the exportation of salted fish and provisions, and to any augmentation of the duties on this article.

2d. BROWN SUGAR.-The duties on sugars will hereafter require revision; the rates, now imposed, are as follow on brown sugar one and one half cent per pound; clayed sugar, three and one-half cents; lump sugar and refined, other than loaf sugar, six and one half cents; loaf refined sugar, nine cents. The duties are already so high, that most of the sugars, other than brown, which are imported, are also exported; the revenue is not therefore benefited by the importations. On the contrary, the public are exposed to the risk of collection, and responsible for the drawback. Illicit importations cannot be easily practised in respect to so bulky an article as sugar, and it is not likely that they have been practised, except in a small degree with respect to loaf refined sugar, the duty on which appears to be more than necessary to protect the business of domestic refiners.

To induce the consumption of any considerable quantities of clayed sugars, a reduction of the duty is necessary and it is probable that some reduction would be favorable to the interest of the refiners; on this point, my information is however too imperfect to justify a positive opinion.

The present duty on brown sugar is less in proportion to the value of the article than that on most other "That the only articles, on which it will be expedi- West India productions. The average importations of ent to impose an additional impost duty, are the follow-brown sugar into the United States, during the years ing, viz: brown sugar, bohea tea, and cotton goods, not printed, stained, or colored: They accordingly submit the following resolutions:

"Resolved, That there be paid an additional duty of one half cent per pound on brown sugar, imported into the United States.

"Resolved, That there be laid an additional duty of two cents per pound on all bohea teas imported into the United States.

"Resolved, That there be laid an additional duty of two and a half per cent., ad valorem, on all cotton goods not printed, stained, or colored, imported into the United States."

TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Jan. 19, 1797. SIR: I have now the honor to communicate my opinion on the subject referred to the Committee of Ways and Means by the resolution of the House of Representatives of the 10th of January, 1797.

If it shall be determined to increase the duties on importations, the following appear to be most safe and productive objects of revenue:

1st. SALT. The existing duty is twelve cents upon each bushel of fifty-six pounds, and is much lower than what is imposed in many countries. There is no article of which the consumption is more uniform, nor of which an evasion of the duties would be more difficult: the natural value being inconsiderable, the importation requires and employs but little capital. Owing to the bulky nature of most of our articles of export, compared with those imported, and to the use of sait in lieu of ballast, it is introduced with a moderate charge for freigh. All these circumstances render salt a fit ob

1790, 1791, and 1792, were about twenty-two millions of pounds weight, which, therefore, may be considered as the quantity usually consumed in this country in each year. Since 1792, the quantities imported have been increasing. In the term of a year, prior to October 1st, 1795, the quantity imported exceeded sixty millions of pounds weight. During the greater part of the year 1796, sugar and coffee were the most beneficial, and in point of value, equal to any articles exported from the United States; considering the great quantities of these articles which have been imported, exceeding what were required for domestic consump tion, their prices must have been determined by the state of foreign demand. These prices cannot therefore be stationary, and their vibrations have a tendency to embarrass commerce. These circumstances, and the risk to which the revenue is exposed on the importation, and also on the exportation of these articles, strongly admonish against excessive duties, and even dissuade from the imposition of such a duty, as under other circumstances might be safe and proper; nevertheless, an additional duty of one half cent per pound, on brown sugar, appears to be as eligible as any which can be suggested.

3d. TEAS.-The duties are at present as follow: on bohea tea, ten cents per pound; on souchong and other black teas, eighteen cents; on hyson, imperial, gunpowder, or Gomee tea, forty cents; and on other green teas, twenty-four cents. It has been stated, as the opinion of the Treasury, that the revenue would be probably benefited by a reduction of the higher and an increase of the lower rates of duty. An addition of two cents per pound to the duty on bohea tea, may be

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