
§ 7. The Scotch Gambit.

The Queen's Pawn Two Game, or Scotch Gambit, is a perfectly sound opening, but very apt to resolve itself into the Giuoco Piano, and consequently possessing little variety.


1. P to K 4

2. K Kt to B 3

3. P to Q 4


1. P to K 4

2. Q Kt to B 3
3. PxP

He cannot refuse the proffered Pawn without getting a very bad game; if he take it with Knight instead of with Pawn, then

4. Kt x P

5. P to KB 4

3. Kt x P

4. Kt to K 3

with a decided advantage.

4. B to QB 4

You may, instead, take the Pawn; and if he then play 4. Q to K R 5, you reply with 5. Kt to Q Kt 5, having the better game; but if he should play 4. B to Q B 4, you may play 5. B to K 3, and the game is even.

4. B to QB 4

This is reckoned the best defence, but I think 4. K Kt to B 3 at least as good; it produces a position already examined in the Two Knights' Defence, which gives an even game. White may

now continue the attack in three ways: (1) 5. P to QB 3 (best); (2) 5. Kt to K Kt 5; (3) 5. Castles. In the first place

5. P to QB 3 (best)

5. K Kt to B 3 (best)

and the position is that of the Giuoco Piano, where it is arrived at by

1. P to K 4

2. K Kt to B 3

3. B to QB 4

4. P to QB 3

5. P to Q4

1. P to K 4

2. Q Kt to B3

3. B to Q B 4
4. K Kt to B 3
5. Px P

after which White gets a slight advantage, though not sufficient to influence materially the result of the game.

In the second place

5. Kt to K Kt 5

This gives you a more formidable-looking, but a less lasting attack, than that which springs from 5. P to Q B 3.

6. Kt x K BP

5. Kt to K R 3 (best)

If 6. Q to K R 5, then 6. Q to K 2, with the advantage.

[blocks in formation]

The object of this check is to drive the King on

to a square commanded by your QB when at Q Kt 2.

10. QxB

9. K to Kt 2

10. R to K sq

This move, recently introduced, seems better than either P to Q 3 or P to Q4.


In the third place

5. Castles

The game is now

This move is inferior to either of the preceding.

5. P to Q3

5. K Kt to B 3 gives the Max Lange attack in

the Giuoco Piano.

6. P to QB 3

7. P to Q Kt 4

8. Q to Q Kt 3 9. BXKBP, ch 10. PxB

11. BxK Kt

12. K to Kt 2

13. K to R sq

6. B to K Kt 5

7. B to Q Kt 3
8. Bx K Kt

9. K to B sq
10. Q Kt to K 4
11. KtxP, ch

12. Kt to KR 5, ch

13. Rx B

Black maintains the Pawn, with a superior game.

§ 8. The Queen's Bishop's Pawn's Game in the King's Knight's Opening.

This opening, which takes its name from your third move, P. to QB 3, is seldom practised, as with

the best play it ought to give the second player a superior game; yet it requires to be carefully answered, and is not unlikely to succeed against an inexperienced player.


1. P to K4

2. K Kt to B 3
3. P to QB 3


1. P to K4
2. Q Kt to B 3

One objection to this opening is that it always leaves you with this Pawn on QB 3, which retards the development of your game on the Queen's side.

[blocks in formation]

Ponziani's counter gambit, 3. P to KB 4 is bad,

[blocks in formation]

Retreating the Knight to his own square, or to K 2, would cramp Black's game greatly.

6. Px Kt (best)

7. K to K 2

6. BXK BP, ch

7. P to Q4

7. Kt P x P, threatening mate by B to QR 3, weak, because you can prevent it by Q to QR4.

8. Q. to Q R 4


If P x Kt P, he would retake with B, and have the Bishop exceedingly well posted.

9. Q Kt to Q2

8. Castles

9. P to KB 4

Black has lost a Knight for two Pawns, but his strong attack more than compensates for the loss.

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