
On Expenditures in the War Department, to consist of seven members.

On Expenditures in the Navy Department, to consist of seven members.

On Expenditures in the Post-Office Department, to consist of seven members.

On Expenditures in the Interior Department, to consist of seven members.

On Expenditures in the Department of Justice, to consist of seven members.

On Expenditures in the Department of Agriculture, to con. sist of seven members.

On Expenditures on Public Buildings, to consist of seven members.

On Rules, to consist of five members.

On Accounts, to consist of nine members.

On Mileage, to consist of five members.

Also the following joint standing committees, viz:

On the Library, to consist of three members.

On Printing, to consist of three members.

On Enrolled Bills, to consist of seven members.

2. He shall also appoint all select and conference committees which shall be ordered by the House from time to time.

3. The first-named member of each committee shall be the chairman; and in his absence, or being excused by the House, the next-named member, and so on, as often as the case shall happen, unless the committee by a majority of its number elect a chairman; and in case of the death of a chairman, it shall be the duty of the Speaker to appoint another.

4. The chairman shall appoint the clerk or clerks of his committee, subject to its approval, who shall be paid at the public expense, the House having first provided therefor.



All proposed legislation shall be referred to the committees named in the preceding rule, as follows, viz: Subjects relating,

1. to the election of members: to the Committe on Elections;

2. to the revenue and the bonded debt of the United States: to the Committee on Ways and Means;

3. to appropriation of the revenue for the support of the Government, as herein provided, viz: for legislative, executive, and judicial expenses; for sundry civil expenses; for fortifications and coast defenses; for the District of Columbia; for pensions; and for all deficiencies: to the Committee on Appropriations;

4. to judicial proceedings, civil and criminal law: to the Committee on the Judiciary;

5. to banking and currency: to the Committee on Banking and Currency;

6. to coinage, weights, and measures: to the Committee on Coinage, Weights, and Measures;

7. to commerce, life-saving service, and light-houses, other than appropriations for life-saving service and light-houses: to the Committee on Commerce;

8. to the improvements of rivers and harbors: to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors;

9. to the merchant marine and fisheries: to the Committee on the Merchant Marine and Fisheries;

10. to agriculture and forestry: to the Committee on Agriculture, who shall receive the estimates and report the appropriations for the Agricultural Department;

11. to the relations of the United States with foreign nations, including appropriations therefor: to the Committee on Foreign Affairs;

12. to the military establishment and the public defense, including the appropriations for its support and for that of the Military Academy: to the Committee on Military Affairs;

13. to the naval establishment; including the appropriations for its support: to the Committee on Naval Affairs;

14. to the post-office and post-roads, including appropriations for their support: to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads;

15. to the lands of the United States: to the Committee on the Public Lands;

16. to the relations of the United States with the Indians

and the Indian tribes, including appropriations therefor: to the Committee on Indian Affairs;

17. to territorial legislation, the revision thereof, and affecting Territories or the admission of States: to the Committee on the Territories;

18. to railways and canals, other than Pacific railroads: to the Committee on Railways and Canals;

19. to the manufacturing industries: to the Committee on Manufactures;

20. to the mining interests: to the Committee on Mines and Mining;

21. to the public buildings and occupied or improved grounds of the United States, other than appropriations therefor: to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds;

22. to the railroads and telegraphic lines between the Mississippi River and the Pacific coast: to the Committee on Pacific Railroads;

23. to the levees of the Mississippi River: to the Committee on Levees and Improvements of the Mississipi River;

24. to education: to the Committee on Education ;

25. to and affecting labor: to the Committee on Labor;

26. to the militia of the several States: to the Committee on the Militia;

27. to patents, copyrights, and trade marks: to the Committee on Patents;

28. to the pensions of the civil war: to the Committee on Invalid Pensions;

29. to the pensions of all the wars of the United States, other than the civil war: to the Committee on Pensions;

30. to private and domestic claims and demands, other than war claims, against the United States: to the Committee on Claims;

31. to claims arising from any war in which the United States has been engaged: to the Committee on War Claims;

32. to private claims to land: to the Committee on Private Land Claims;

22. to the District of Columbia, other than appropriations therefor to the Committee for the District of Columbia;

34. to the revision and codification of the statutes of the United States: to the Committee on the Revisiou of the Laws;

35. The examination of the accounts and expeditures of the several Departments of the Government and the manner of keeping the same; the economy, justness, and correctness of such expenditures; their conformity with appropriation laws; the proper application of public moneys; the security of the Government against unjust and extravagant demands; retrenchment; the enforcement of the payment of moneys due to the United States; the economy and accountability of public officers; the abolishment of useless offices; the reduction or increase of the pay of officers, shall all be subjects within the jurisdiction of the nine standing committees on the public expenditures in the several Departments, as follows:

36. In the Department of State: to the Committee on Expenditures in the State Department;

37. In the Treasury Department: to the Committee on Expenditures in the Treasury Department;

38. In the War Department: to the Committee on Expenditures in the War Department;

39. In the Navy Department: to the Committee on Expenditures in the Navy Department;

40. In the Post-Office Department: to the Committee on Expenditures in the Post-Office Department;

41. In the Interior Department: to the Committee on Expenditures in the Interior Deportment;

42. In the Department of Justice: to the Committee on Expenditures in the Department of Justice;

43. In the Department of Agriculture: to the Committee on Expenditures in the Department of Agriculture;

44. On public buildings: to the Committee on Expenditures on Public Buildings;

45. All proposed action touching the rules, joint rules, and order of business, shall be referred to the Committee on Rules;

46. Touching the expenditure of the contingent fund of the House, the auditing and settling of all accounts which may be charged therein by order of the House: to the Committee on accounts;

47. The ascertaining of the travel of members of the House shall be made by the Committee on Mileage and reported to the Sergeant-at-Arms;

48. Touching the Library of Congress, statuary, and pictures : to the Joint Committee on the Library.

49. All proposed legislation or orders touching printing shall be referred to the Joint Committee on Printing on the part of the House;

50. The enrollment of engrossed bills: to the Joint Committee on Enrolled Bills.

51. The following-named committees shall have leave to report at any time on the matters herein stated, viz: The Committee on Rules, on rules, joint rules, and order of business; the Committee on Elections, on the right of a member to his seat; the Committee on Ways and Means, on bills raising revenue; the committees having jurisdiction of appropriations, the general appropriation bills; the Committee on Rivers and Harbors, bills for the improvement of rivers and harbors; the Committee on the Public Lands, bills for the forfeiture of land grants to railroad and other corporations, bills preventing speculation in the public lands, and bills for the reservation of the public lands for the benefit of actual and bona fide settlers; the Committee on Territories, bills for the admission of new States; the Committee on Enrolled Bills, enrolled bills; the Committee on Invalid Pensions, general pension bills; the Committee on Printing, on all matters referred to them of printing for the use of the House or two houses; and the Committee on Accounts, on all matters of expenditure of the contingent fund of the House.

52. No committee shall sit during the sitting of the House without special leave.



The Speaker shall appoint from among the Delegates one additional member on each of the following committees, viz: Coinage, Weights, and Measures; Agriculture; Military Af fairs; Post Office and Post-Roads; Public Lands; Indian Affairs; Territories; Private Land Claims, and Mines and Mining; and they shall possess in their respective committees the same powers and privileges as in the House, and may make any motion except to reconsider.

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