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Nevada.-Jan. 1, Feb. 22, May 30 (Memorial Day), July 4, Oct. 31 (Admission Day), General Election Day, Thanksgiving and Dec. 25.

New-Hampshire.-Feb. 22, May 30 (Memorial Day), July 4, Labor Day, T'ast Day, Thanksgiving and Dec. 25,

New-Jersey.-Jan. 1, Feb. 12 (Lincoln's Birthday), Feb. 22, May 30 (Memorial Day), July 4, General Election Day, Thanksgiving and Dec. 25.

New-Mexico.-Jan. 1, Feb. 22, May 30 (Memorial Day), Arbor Day (second Friday in March), Labor Day, Thanksgiving. Dec. 25 and Flag Day.

New-York.-Jan. 1, Feb. 12 (Lincoln's Birthday), Feb. 22, May 30 (Memorial Day), July 4, Labor Day, Election Day, Thanksgiving and Dec. 25.

North Carolina-Jan, 1, Jan. 19 (R. E. Lee's birthday), Feb. 22, May 10 (Confederate Memorial Day), May 20 (Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence), July 4, Oct. 12, Thanksgiving and Dec. 25,

North Dakota.-Jan. 1, Feb. 22, May 30 (Memorial Day), July 4, Election Day, Thanksgiving and Dec. 25.

Ohio.-Jan. 1, Feb. 22, May 30 (Memorial Day), July 4, Thanksgiving and Dec, 25. Oklahoma.Jan. 1, Feb. 22, Arbor Day, May 30 (Memorial Day), July 4, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Oregon.-Jan. 1, Feb. 22, May 30 (Memorial Day), July 4, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Dec. 25.

Pennsylvania.-Jan. 1, Feb. 12 (Lincoln's Birthday), third Tuesday in February (local election), Feb. 22, Good Friday, May 30 (Memorial Day), July 4, Labor Day, November Election Day, Thanksgiving and Dec. 25.

Rhode Island.--Jan. 1, Feb. 22, second Friday In May, May 30 (Memorial Day), Labor Day, Election Day, Thanksgiving and Dec. 25. South Carolina.-Jan. 1, Feb. 22, May 10 (Confederate Memorial Day), July 4, Thanksgiving and Dec. 25.

South Dakota.-Jan. 1, Feb. 22, May 30 (Memorial Day), July 4, Election Day, Thanksgiving and Dec. 25.

Tennessee.Jan. 1, Feb. 22, Good Friday, May 30 (Memorial Day), June 3 (Jefferson Davis's birthday), July 4, Labor Day, Election Day and Thanksgiving. Texas.-Jan 1, Feb. 22, March 2 (Texas independence), April 21 (Battle of San Jacinto), July 4, Election Day, Thanksgiving and Dec. 25.

Utah.-Jan. 1, Feb. 22, Arbor Day, May 30 (Memorial Day), July 24 (Pioneers' Day), Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Dec. 25.

Vermont.-Jan. 1, Feb. 22, May 30 (Memorial Day), July 4, Aug. 16 (Bennington Pattle Day), Election Day, Thanksgiving and Dec. 25,

Virginla.—Jan. 1, Jan. 19 (R. E. Lee's birthday), Feb. 22, July 4, Thanksgiving and Dec. 25,

Washington.-Jan. 1, Feb. 12 (Lincoln's Birthday), Feb. 22, May 30 (Memorial Day), July 4, Election Day, Thanksgiving and Dec. 25.

West Virginia.-Jan. 1, Feb. 22, May 30 (Memorial Day), July 4, Labor Day, Election Day, Thanksgiving and Dec. 25.

Wisconsin. Jan. 1, Feb. 22, May 30 (Memorial Day), July 4, Election Day, Thanksgiving and Dec. 25.

Wyoming.-Jan. 1, Feb. 12 (Lincoln's Birthday), Feb. 22, May 30 (Memorial Day), Election Day, Thanksgiving and Dec. 25.

Labor Day (first Monday in September). By an act of Congress approved June 28, 1894, this was made a federal holiday. Labor Day is observed in Louisiana on the fourth Saturday in November,

Saturday Half-Holidays.-After 12 o'clock noon. Legal holiday in Colorado and Louisiana (in cities and towns of 100,000 population and over), Delaware (Newcastle County only, in Wilmington throughout the year, and rest of county from June to September), District of Columbia, Maryland (Baltimore and Annapolis only), Michigan, Missouri (in cities of 100,000 or over), New-Jersey, NewYork, Pennsylvania, South Carolina (in Charleston County only) and Virginia


California.-The legislature of California on Jan. 11 elected Frank P. Flint (Rep.) United States Senator to succeed Thomas R. Bard (Rep.) for the six year 3, The term 1911. ending March two branches of the legislature, voting separately on Jan. 10, failed to make an election. The vote in joint assembly was: (Rep.), 16; Thomas R. Senate-Flint Bard (Rep.), 7; George A. Knight (Rep.), 6; Arthur G. Fisk (Rep.), 5; John D. Daly (Rep.), 1; Theodore A. Bell (Dem.), 4. House of Representatives-Flint, $1; Bard, 15; Knight, 14; Fisk, 14; Benjamin Brooks (Rep.), 1; Bell, 4, In a Republican caucus held Jan. 11 Mr. Flint received 65 votes. In the joint assembly of the two houses the same day the first ballot resulted: Flint, 111; Bell, 8,


Connecticut.-The legislature of Connecticut on Jan. 17 elected Morgan G. Bulkeley (Rep.) United States Senator to (.succeed Joseph R. Hawley (Rep.) for the six year term ending March 3, 1911. vote in the two branches of the legislature was: Senatc-Bulkeley, 27: A. Heaton Robertson (Dem.), 5. House of Representatives-Bulkeley, 201; Robertson, 32. At a Republican caucus held Jan. 12 Mr. Bulkeley was nominated on the first ballot, receiving 154 votes to 73 for Samuel Fessenden, for D. J. H and 8 for George P. McLean. Orville H. Platt dying on April 21 the legislature on May 9 elected Frank B. Brandagee (Rep.) to serve the remainder of the unexpired term ending March 9, 1909. The vote in the two branches was: Senate-Branda

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