
Faithful his brother, were fo fhamefully handled in our town: At that they stood amazed, faying, We little thought 10 fee Chriftiana when Grace came to call us, wherefore this is a very comfortable furprize: Then they asked he about her welfare, and if thefe young men were her hu band's fons. And when fhe had told them they were, they faid, The King whom you love and ferve, make you your father, and bring you where he is in peace.

Some talk bewixt Mr. Honeft and Mr. Contrite.

The fruit of watchfulness.

How Then Mr. Honeft (when they wan all fat down) asked Mr. Contrite and the reft, in what pofture their town was prefent.

Contrite. You may be fure we are full hurry in fair time. It is hard keeping ou hearts and fpirits in good order, when we are in cumber'd condition. He that live in fuch a place as this, and that has to do with fuch as we have, has need of an item, to caution him to take heed every moment of the day.

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Rut how are your neighbours now for quietnefs? Contrite. They are much more moderat Profecution not now than formerly. You know how Chrif fo but at Vanity tian and Faithful were used at our town fair as formerly. but of late, I fay, they have been far more moderate. I think the blood of Faithful lieth as a load upon them till now; for fince they burned him, they have been afhamed to burn any more, in those days we were afraid to walk the treets, but now we can fhew our heads. Then the name of a profeffor was odious; now, especially in fome parts of our town, (for you know our town is large) religion is counted honourable.

Then faid Mr. Contrite to them, Pray how fareth it with you in your pilgrimag? How ftands the country affected towards you?

Hon. It happens to us as it happeneth to way-fareing men; fometimes our way is clean, fometimes foul; fome times up hill, fometimes down hill; we are feldom at a certainty; the wind is not always on our backs, nor is every one a friend that we meet with in the way. have met fome notable rubs already, and what are yet behind we know not: 'But for the most part, we find it true that has been talked of old, A good man muft füffer trouble.



Contrite. You talk of rubs, What rubs have you met thal ? Hon. Nay, ak Mr. Great-heart, our guide, for he can we you the b-ft account of that.

Great-heart. We have been befet three or four times aldy. Firft, Chriftiana and her children were befet by o ruffians, that they feared would take away their lives. were befet with giant Bloody-man, giant Maul, and nt Slay-good. Indeed, we did rather befet the last that re beset of him: And thus it was; after we had been he time at the house of Gaius, mine hof, and of the ole church, we were minded, upon a time, to take our apons with us, and fo go fee if we could light upon any thofe that were pilgrims (for we heard that there was a table one thereabouts). Now Gaius knew his haunt betthan 1, because he dwelt thereabout; fo we looked and ked, till at last we difcesned the mouth of his cave; then are we glad, and plucked up our fpirits: So we approachup to his den, and lo, when we came there he had agged, by mere force, into his net this poor man, Mr. eble-mind, and was about to bring him to his end. But en he faw us, fuppofing, as we thought he had another ey, he left the poor man in his houfe, and came out : Sa fell to it full fore, and he luftily laid about him; bat conclufion he was brought down to the ground, and his ad cut off, and fet up by the way-fide for a terror to fuch should after practife fuch ungodliness. That I tell you e truth, here is the man himself to affirm it, who was as amb taken out of the mouth of the lion.

Feeble-mind. Then faid Mr. Feeble-mind, I found this te to my colt and comfort; to my coft, when he threatento pick my bones every moment; and to my comfort, en I faw Mr. Great-heart and his friends with their apons approach fo near for my deliverance: Holy-man. Then faid Mr. Holy-man, there Mr. Holyman's two things that they have need to be pofjpeech.

led with that go on pilgrimage, courage, dalfo an unfpotted life: If they have not courage they n never hold on their way; and if their lives be loofe, cy will make the very name of a pilgrim Aink. Love faint. Then fid Mr. Love-faint, I pe this caution is not nee ful among you: ut truly there are many that go upon the

Mr Love-faint's


road, that rather declare themfelves ftrangers to pilgrima

Mr. Dare-notLie's peech.

than ftrangers and pilgrims in the earth. Dare-not-lie. Then faid Mr. Dare-ne lie, It is true, they neither have the pi grims weed, nor the pilgrims courag they go not uprightly, but all awry with their feet; of fhoe goeth inward, another outward, and their hofen a behind; here a rag, and there a rent, to the difparageme of their Lord.

Mr. Penitent's


Thefe things faid Mr. Penitent, th ought to be troubled for; nor are the p grims like to have that grace upon them a their pilgrim's progress as they defire, until the way .cleared of fuch spots and blemishes.

Thus they fat talking and spending the time until fa per was fet upon the table, unto which they went and freshed their weary bodies; so they went to rest. Now th Raid in the fair a great while at the house of Mr. Mnafo who, in procefs of time, gave his daughter Grace un Samuel, Chriftiana's fon, to wife, and his daughter Mart to Joseph.

The time as I faid, that they lay here was long, (for was not now as in former times); wherefore the pilgr grew acquainted with many of the good people of the tow and did them what fervice they could.. Mercy, as fhe wont, laboured much for the poor, wherefore their bell and backs bleffed her, and fhe was there an ornament her profeffion. And to fay the truth for Grace, Pho and Martha, they were all of a very good nature, and much good in their places. They were alfo all of the very fruitful, fo that Chriftian's, as was faid before, w like to live in the world.

A monster.

While they lay here there came a mon out of the woods, and flew many of people of the town. It would also carry away their ch dren, and teach them to fuck its whelps. Now no man the town durft fo much as face this monfter; but all m fed when they heard the noise of his coming..

The monster was like unto no one beast upon the earth its body was like a dragon, and it had few heads and ten horns It made great have of children, and yet it was governed by woman. This monter propounded

Rev 13. 3.
His fhape..
His nature.

ons to men; and fuch men as loved their lives more a weir fouls accepted of thefe conditions.

Now Mr. Great-heart, together with thofe who came ift the pilgrims at Mr. Mnafon's house, entered into a enant to go and engage this bealt, if perhaps they might ver the people of this town from the paws and mouththis fo dev uring a ferpent.

Then faid Mr. Great-heart, Mr. Contrite, Mr. Holyn, Mr. Dare-not-lie, and Mr. Penitent,

h their weapons, go forth to meet him. How to engage. w the monster at first was very rampant,

I looked upon thefe enemies with great difdain; but they belaboured him, being Iturdy men at arms, that they ke a retreat. So they came home to Mr. Mnafon's houfe ain.

The monfer, you must know had his certain feafons to me out in, and to make his attempts upon the children. the people of the town: Alfo the feafens did thefe vant worthies watch him in, and did continually, affault m; infomuch that, in procefs of time, he became not. ly wounded but lame: alfo he had not made the havock the townfmen's children, as formerly he had none: And. is verily believed by fome, that this beat will certainly ie of his wounds.

This therefore made Mr. Great heart and his fellows of great fame in this town; fo that many of the people that wanted their talle of things, yet had a reverend efleom and. refpect for them. Upon this account therefore it was that thefe pilgrims got not much hurt here, True, there were fome of the bafer fort that could tee no more than a mole, nor understand no more than a beast; thele had no reverence for thefe men, nor took titey notice of their valour and adventures.

Well, the time drew on that the pilgrims must go on their way, wherefore they prepared for their journey.They fent for their friends, they conferred with them, they had fome time fat apart therein to commit each other to the protection of their Prince. There were ag in that brought shero of fuch things as they had, that were

fit for the weak and the strong, for the vos Aŭs 18. 10.. men and the men, and fo loaded them with fuch things as were neceflary.

Then they fet forwards on their way, and their friend accompanying them fo far as was convenient, they agai committed each other to the protection of their King, an departed.

They therefore that were of the pilgrims company wen on, and Mr. Great-heart went before them; now the wo men and children being weakly, they were forced to go a they could bear; by this means Mr. Ready-to-halt and Mr Foeble-mind had more to fympathize with their condition

When they were gone from the townfmen, and wher their friends had bid them farewell, they quickly came to the place where Faithful was put to death; therefore they amade a ftand, and thanked Him that had enabled him to bear his crofs fo well; and the rather, because they now found that they had a benefit by fuch a man's fufferings a his were.

They went on therefore after this a good way further talking of Chriftian and Faithful, and how Hopeful joine himself to Chriftian after that Faithful was dead.

Now they were come up with the hill Lucre, where the filver mine was, which took Demas off from his pilgrimage, and into which, as fome think, By-cada fell and perished; wherefore they confidered that: But when they were come to the old monument that stood at the hill Lucre, to wit, to the pillar of falt, that stood also within view of Sodom, and its ftinking lake, they marvelled, as did Chriftian before, that men of that knowledge and ripeness of wit as they were, fhould be fo blind as to turn afide here: Only they confidered again, that nature is not affected with the harms that others have met with, especially if that thing upon which they look has an attracting virtue upon the foolish eye.

I faw now that they went on till they came to the river that was on this fide of the Delectable Mountains, to the river where the fine trees grown on both fides; and whofe leaves, if taken inwardly, are good against furfeits, where the meadows are green all the year long, and where they might lie down fafely.

By this river fide, in the meadows, there were cotes and Folds for fheep, a houfe built for the nourishing and bring. ing up of thofe lambs, the babes of thofe women who go on pilgrimage: Also there was here one that was intrufted

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