

An ACT to authorise the county court of Washing ton to permit the building of a mill upon the Beech fork of Salt river.

APPROVED January 2, 1818.

1. BE it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, That the county May permit a court of Washington shall have the same power mill to be which they possessed prior to the passage of "an built, &c.


act more effectually to secure the navigation of the Beech and Rolling forks of Salt river," approved the 13th day of January 1817, so far as to authorise Edward Berry and Philips Mattingly to build a mill upon the Beech fork of Salt river, if the said court shall deem the erection of the said mill expedient.

§ 2. And be it further enacted, On the condition To take bond that said county court of Washington shall take and security. bond and sufficient security, under the penalty of three thousand dollars, to be renewed from time to time as the said court may require, conditioned that the mill-dam shall not exceed two feet in height across the main channel of said Beech fork; and also that Berry and Mattingly will pay all damages that may be sustained either by detaining or staving any boat or boats, or any water-craft whatever; that they will renew said bond from time to time as the county court may require.

§3. And be it enacted, The bond shall be bindFurther con- ing on all future owners of said mill; conditionditions. ed also, that they will, within ninety days after a jury directed by the county court of Washington shall be summoned by the sheriff, and after taking the necessary oaths, shall in their verdict say that the mill obstructs the navigation of said river, that Berry and Mattingly shall remove said dam, with any other obstruction which may be occasioned by the erection of said mill and dam. All damages which may be sustained under this act, shall be recovered before any justice of the peace or circuit court having jurisdiction of the



An ACT to amend an act establishing a Town in the Forks of Licking, approved December, 10th


APPROVED January 2, 1818.

WHEREAS it is represented to the general Recital assembly, that one hundred acres of land, at the junction of the Main and South forks of Licking, in the county of Pendleton, the property of John Cook, William M'Dowell and John Waller, was by an act of the legislature, approved December the 10th 1793, established as a town, by the name of Falmouth; and that the successors of the trustees therein mentioned, were not vested with the legal title to the aforesaid tract of land, and that great inconvenience has resulted in consequence of the present trustees being unable to convey lots which have been heretofore sold: Therefore,


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, That the present Trustees in trustees, and their successors, of the town of vested with Falmouth, shall be, and they are hereby fully and certain pow. completely invested with the fee simple estate to the aforesaid one hundred acres of land, and every part and parcel thereof; and that they shall have full power to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, and also have power to make and complete conveyances to all lots not conveyed by the original trustees; and all conveyances made by them or their successors shall be valid in law.


An ACT for the benefit of Francis M'Dermit.
APPROVED January 2, 1818.

WHEREAS it is represented to the general assembly of the commonwealth of Kentucky, that Francis M'Dermit, of Wayne county, is very old and infirm, and entirely unable to labor for his subsistence, and prays the state price of fifty acres of land, on which he now lives, may be re mitted: Therefore,


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Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, That the state price of fifty acres of land on which the said Francis M'Dermit now lives, be, and is hereby remitted; and the register of the land-office shall, and is hereby authorised to issue a patent to the said Francis M'Dermit, without fee, for the said fifty acres of land, on a plat being returned from the surveyor of Wayne county: Provided, however, that this act shall give the said Francis M'Dermit no preference to the said land, if there be a prior and valid title to the same.



An ACT for the benefit of Sarah W. Timberlake and her children,

APPROVED January 2, 1818. WHEREAS it is represented to this present general assembly, that Roger Thompson, dec'd. late of Mercer county, did, some years past, by deed of trust, vest in the hands of certain trustees a number of slaves, to be held in trust for the support and benefit of his daughter Sarah W. Timberlake and her children, during her life, and after her death to belong to her children; and that afterwards, by a similar deed of trust, dated the 18th day of January 1813, the said Roger Thompson did vest in the hands of his two sons, George W. Thompson and Foster Thompson, certain other negroes, to wit, Hagar and her three children, James, Milo and Philip, to be held by the said last mentioned trustees for the benefit of their sister the said Sarah, and her children, and after her death to belong to her children; and that since the date of said last mentioned deed, two of the slaves thereby conveyed, viz. James and Philip, have died, and the woman Hagar has two other children, Thruston and Preston. And whereas it is further represented, that the said Sarah W. Timberlake is destitute of any house or real estate of any kind whatever, and labors under great inconvenience for want of

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a residence for her and her children; and that it would be expedient to permit the said George W. Thompson and Foster Thompson to make sale of the said woman Hagar and her children, and vest the proceeds of the sale in a tract of land or improved town lot, as a residence for their said sister, and to be held by them in like trust for her and her children: Wherefore,


1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, That it shall be law- sell slaves. ful for the said George W. Thompson and Foster Thompson, or the survivor of them, to sell the said negro woman Hagar and her children, and


to lay out the money arising from the sale of the And apply the said slaves in a tract of land, or an improved town proceeds. lot, for the use and benefit of the said Sarah during her life, and after her death to belong to her children; and that they may take a deed of conveyance in trust to themselves as trustees for the said Sarah and her children, containing all the substantial stipulations and directions, relative to the land or lot by them so purchased, as are contained in the deed of trust aforesaid to them made by the said Roger Thompson, concerning the said Hagar and her children: Provided, however, that before the said slaves shall be sold, the said George W. Thompson and Foster Thompson, or the survivor of them, shall enter into bond with approved security, in the penalty of two thousand five hundred dollars, in the Mercer county court, to be approved of by said court, and payable to the said Sarah and her children, and conditioned that in case they make sale of said slaves, that he or they so selling the slaves aforesaid will vost the proceeds of the sale as is directed by this act.



§2. Be it further enacted, That if the said Surplus mo slaves shall sell for more money than shall be ne- ney cessary for the purchasing a lot or tract of land príated. as aforesaid, the said trustees shall expend the remainder in making necessary improvements on the lot or land so by them to be purchased, or put it out to interest, or vest it in bank stock for the benefit of said Sarah and her children, as to said trustees it shall seem most advisable.

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An ACT authorising the publication of Advertise ments in the "Kentucky Herald," at Louisville. APPROVED January 2, 1818.

BE it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, That it shall be law ful to insert and publish in the "Kentucky Herald," printed in Louisville, any and all advertisements which are required and authorised by law to be published in any newspaper in the state of Kentucky; and the editors of said paper shall be governed by the same rules, and entitled to the same fees as other printers in this commonwealth: Provided, that nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to authorise the insertion in said paper of such advertisements as are required by law to be published in the paper of the public printer.


An ACT to incorporate the Morganfield Library

APPROVED January 2, 1818.

1. BE it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, That James Townsend, William Dyer, Henry F. Delaney, Joshua H. Davis, Adam Lake, Samuel Casey and Kerr Hicks, and those who have subscribed, and who may hereafter subscribe to the Morganfield Library Company, be, and they arc hereby constituted a corporation and body politic in law and in fact, under the name and style Style of in- of the President and Directors of the Morgancorporation. field Library Company."

§2. Be it further enacted, That the said corporation may purchase, receive by grant or otherExtent of cor wise, and hold, books, maps, charts and all other porate powapparatus appertaining to literature, and every other species of property; and may grant, sell or dispose of the same at pleasure, for the use and benefit of the company; and may by their


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