
Patr. Well said, Adversity!1 and what need these tricks?

Ther. Pr'ythee be silent, boy; I profit not by thy talk: thou art thought to be Achilles' male varlet.

Patr. Male varlet, you rogue! what's that?

Ther. Why, his masculine whore. Now, the rotten diseases of the south, the guts-griping, ruptures, catarrhs, loads o' gravel i' the back, lethargies, cold palsies, raw eyes, dirt-rotten livers, wheezing lungs, bladders full of imposthume, sciaticas, lime kilns i' the palm, incurable bone-ache, and the rivelled fee-simple of the tetter, take and take again such preposterous discoveries!

Patr. Why, thou damnable box of envy, thou, what

meanest thou to curse thus?

Ther. Do I curse thee?

Patr. Why, no, you ruinous butt; you whoreson, indistinguishable cur,3 no.


Ther. No? why art thou then exasperate, thou idle, immaterial skein of sleive silk, thou green sarcenet flap for a sore eye, thou tassel of a prodigal's purse, thou? Ah, how the poor world is pestered with such water-flies; diminutives of nature!

Patr. Out, gall!

Ther. Finch egg!

Achil. My sweet Patroclus, I am thwarted quite From my great purpose in to-morrow's battle.

Here is a letter from queen Hecuba;

A token from her daughter, my fair love;"
Both taxing me, and gaging me to keep

An oath that I have sworn. I will not break it:
Fall, Greeks; fail, fame; honor, or go, or stay,

1 Adversity is here used for contrariety.

2 This expression is met with in Decker's Honest Whore :-" "Tis a male varlet, sure, my lord!" The person spoken of is Bellafronte, a harlot, who is introduced in boy's clothes.

3 Patroclus reproaches Thersites with deformity, with having one part crowded into another.

4 See Macbeth, Act ii. Sc. 2.

5 So Hamlet, speaking of Osrick:

"Dost know this water-fly?"

6 This is a circumstance taken from the old story-book of The Destruction of Troy.


My major vow lies here; this I'll obey.Come, come, Thersites, help to trim my tent; This night in banqueting must all be spent. Away, Patroclus. [Exeunt ACHILLES and PATROCLUS. Ther. With too much blood, and too little brain, these two may run mad; but if with too much brain, and too little blood, they do, I'll be a curer of madmen. Here's Agamemnon, an honest fellow enough, and one that loves quails; but he has not so much brain as ear-wax. And the goodly transformation of Jupiter there, his brother, the bull,-the primitive statue, and oblique memorial of cuckolds; a thrifty shoeing-horn in a chain, hanging at his brother's leg,-to what form, but that he is, should wit larded with malice, and malice forced with wit, turn him to? To an ass, were nothing he is both ass and ox: to an ox were nothing: he is both ox and ass. To be a dog, a mule, a cat, a fitchew,1 a toad, a lizard, an owl, a puttock, or a herring without a roe, I would not care: but to be Menelaus, -I would conspire against destiny. Ask me not what I would be, if I were not Thersites; for I care not to be the louse of a lazar, so I were not Menelaus Hey-day! spirits and fires! 5


Agam. We go wrong, we go wrong.


There, where we see the lights.


No, yonder 'tis ;

I trouble you.

Here comes himself to guide you.

Ajax. No, not a whit.


1 By quails are meant women. "Caille coeffee" is a sobriquet for a


2 He calls Menelaus the transformation of Jupiter, that is, the bull, on account of his horns.

3 i. e. farced or stuffed.

4 A polecat.

5 This Thersites speaks upon the first sight of the distant lights.

Enter ACHILles.

Achil. Welcome, brave Hector; welcome, princes all. Agam. So now, fair prince of Troy, I bid good night. Ajax commands the guard to tend on you.

Hect. Thanks, and good night, to the Greeks' general. Men. Good night, my lord.


Good night, sweet lord Menelaus. Ther. Sweet draught.' Sweet, quoth 'a! sweet sink,

sweet sewer.

Achil. Good night.

And welcome both to those that go, or tarry.

Agam. Good night.

[Exeunt AGAMEMNON and MEnelaus. Achil. Old Nestor tarries; and you too, Diomed, Keep Hector company an hour or two.

Dio. I cannot, lord; I have important business, The tide whereof is now.-Good night, great Hector. Hect. Give me your hand.


To Calchas' tent: I'll keep you company.

Follow his torch; he goes

[Aside to TROILUs.

Tro. Sweet sir, you honor me.


And so good night.



Achil. Come, come, enter my tent.


Ther. That same Diomed's a false-hearted rogue, a most unjust knave; I will no more trust him when he leers, than I will a serpent when he hisses: he will spend his mouth, and promise, like Brabbler the hound; 2 but when he performs, astronomers foretell it; it is prodigious, there will come some change; the sun borrows of the moon, when Diomed keeps his word. I will rather leave to see Hector, than not to dog him;

1 Draught is the old word for forica.

2 If a hound gives mouth, and is not upon the scent of the game, he is

called a babbler or brabbler.

they say, he keeps a Trojan drab, and uses the traitor Calchas' tent: I'll after.-Nothing but lechery! all incontinent varlets!


SCENE II The same. Before Calchas' Tent.

Enter DIOMEdes.

Dio. What, are you up here, ho? speak.
Cal. [Within.] Who calls?

Dio. Diomed.-Calchas, I think.-Where's your daughter?

Cal. [Within.] She comes to you.

Enter TROILUS and ULYSSES, at a distance; after them, THERSITES.

Ulyss. Stand where the torch may not discover us.


Tro. Cressid comes forth to him!


How now, my charge?


Cres. Now, my sweet guardian!-Hark! a word

with you.

Tro. Yea, so familiar!

Ulyss. She will sing any man at first sight.

Ther. And any man may sing her, if he can take

her cliff! She's noted.

Dio. Will you remember?



Remember? yes.

Nay, but do, then,

And let your mind be coupled with your words.
Tro. What should she remember?

Ulyss. List!

Cres. Sweet honey Greek, tempt me no more to folly Ther. Roguery!

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

I'll tell you what.

Dio. Pho! pho! come, tell a pin. You are forsworn.— Cres. In faith, I cannot. What would you have me do?

Ther. A juggling trick, to be-secretly open.

Dio. What did you swear you would bestow on me? Cres. I pr'ythee, do not hold me to mine oath; Bid me do any thing but that, sweet Greek. Dio. Good night.

[blocks in formation]

Hold, patience!

How now, Trojan

Dio. No, no, good night. I'll be your fool no more.

Tro. Thy better must.


Hark! one word in your ear.

Tro. O plague and madness!

Ulyss. You are moved, prince; let us depart, I pray


Lest your displeasure should enlarge itself
To wrathful terms: this place is dangerous;
The time right deadly; I beseech you, go.
Tro. Behold, I pray you!


You flow to great destruction;1 come, my lord.

Tro. I pr'ythee, stay.


Now, good my lord, go off;

You have not patience; come.

Tro. I pray you, stay; by hell, and all hell's torments,

I will not speak a word.


Cres. Nay, but you part in anger.


O withered truth!

And so, good night.

Doth that grieve thee?

[blocks in formation]

1 i. e. your impetuosity exposes you to imminent peril. The folio reads


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