

tress of the city of Nicopolis, 75;
account of her monastic life, 311,

PAULICIANS, Christian sect, origin of,

vii. 47; name whence derived, 48;
their Bible to what restricted, ib.
and note; simplicity of their creed
and worship, 49; rejected the Old
Testament, ib.; establishment of
their sect in Armenia, Pontus, &c.,
50; persecuted by the Greek em-
perors, 51; revolt, 52; defeat the
emperor Michael, 53; pillage Asia
Minor, ib.; their decline, 54; trans-
planted from Armenia to Thrace,
55; their pope or primate, 56; their
introduction into Italy and France,
ib.; settlements in the country of
the Albigeois, 58; persecutions, ib.;
not exempt from the errors of Gnos-
ticism, ib. note M.

PAULINUS, Suetonius, i. 139, note.
PAULINUS, bishop of Nola, account of,
iv. 110.

PAULINUS, master of the offices, exe-
cuted, iv. 165; supposed intrigue
with the empress Eudocia, ib.
PAULINUS, patriarch of Aquileia, flies
to the isle of Grado, v. 337.
PAULLINA, wife of Maximin, softens
his ferocity, i. 309, notes.
PAVIA, battle of between Aurelian and
the Alemanni, ii. 15; obstinate

siege of by Alboin, king of the Lom-
bards, v. 338; he makes that city
his capital, ib.; taken by Charle-
magne, vi. 155; burnt by the Hun-
garians, vii. 76.

PEACE, temple of at Rome, i. 184, and
note W.

PEARL fishery in Britain, i. 139 and
140, note; in the East, 192 and

PEERS, members of the British House

of doubled since the time of Gibbon,
v. 289, note M.; court of at Jerusalem,
vii. 233.

PEGASIANS, legal sect of the, v. 279.
PEHLVI language, i. 332, note; 333,
note S.

PEKIN besieged by Zingis Khan, viii.
7; foundation of the modern, ib.

PELAGIANISM, its progress and extinc-
tion, iv. 342.

PELAGIUS, archdeacon, supplicates
Totila, v. 222.


PELAMIDES, or thunnies, ii. 293, note.
PELLA, Nazarene church at, ii. 159.
PELOPONNESUS overrun by Slavoniane,

vii. 8, 9, note S.; cities and revenue
of, 10; manufactures, 11.
PELSO, lake, drained by Galerius, ii.
122; situation, ib. note.
PENANCE, public, origin and nature of,
ii. 202; jurisprudence of, iii. 36.
PENDRAGON, or British Dictator, iv.

PENITENTIALS, Greek, vii. 186 and


PENTAPOLIS, the, a dependency of the
exarchate of Ravenna, its limits, vi.

PEPIN, son of Charles Martel, assists
the Romans against the Lombards,
vi. 154; second expedition, 155;
receives the regal title by the sanc-
tion of pope Gregory, 157; presents
the exarchate of Ravenna to the
Popes, 159.

PEPIN, John, count of Minorbino, de-

poses the tribune Rienzi, viii. 244.
PEPPER, use and price of at Rome, iv.
93, note.
PEREDEUS, seduced by Rosamond,
queen of Alboin, to assist in the
murder of her husband, v. 339;
feats of strength 340 and note M.
PEREGRINUS the philosopher, ii. 184,

PERENNIS, minister of Commodus, i.
225; deputation of the legions of Bri-
tain against, and execution, 226;
Gibbon's account examined, ib.
notes W. and M.
PERFECTISSIMUS, title of, ii. 305, note.
PERGAMUS, library of transferred to
Alexandria, iii. 417, note.
PERINTHUS, Byzantium subjected to, i.

257 and note W.

PERISABOR, or Anbar, on the Euphrates,
besieged by Julian, iii. 196 and note

PEROZES, king of Persia, expedition
against the Nepthalites or White
Huns, v. 85; death, ib.
PERSARMENIA, name of Armenia when
reduced to a Persian province, iv.
170; persecutions of the Magi iu
v. 364 and note M.; revolt of, 365.
PERSECUTION of the early Christians,
delayed by their being confounded
with the Jews, ii. 231; first instance
of occasioned by the fire of Rome


under Nero, 233; that persecution
confined to Rome, 237; not caused
by the religious tenets of the Chris-
tians, ib.; second persecution under
Domitian, 239; methods of escaping
persecution, 253; flight from how
regarded, 254 and note; avoided by
purchasing false certificates, 254;
and by apostasy, ib.; ten persecu-
tions, when first established, 255;
persecution of M. Antoninus, 257;
of Severus, 258; of Maximin, 259
and note G.; of Decius, 260; of Va-
lerian, 261; of Aurelian, 261, note
G.; of Maximian and Galerius,
267; of Diocletian, 269, sqq.; ge-
neral idea of the last, 275; in Italy
and Africa, 276; in Illyricum and
the East, 278; suspended by the
edict of Galerius, ib.; renewed by
Maximin, 280; end of, 281.
PERSEUS, treasures of, i. 294.
PERSIA, monarchy of restored, i. 331;
extent and population under Arta-
xerxes, 340; military power of, 346;
cavalry excellent, 347; youth how
educated, ib.; throne of disputed by
Hormuz and Narses, ii. 81; Narses
overthrown by Galerius, 83; war be-
tween Sapor and Constantine, 370;
Christians are protected by Con-
stantine, iii. 25 and note; invaded
by Julian, 191; he passes the
Tigris, 204; retreat, 208; terms of
the treaty between Sapor and Jo-
vian, 219; peace with Theodosius,
280; state of under Cabades or
Kobad, contemporary of Justinian,
v. 181; accession of Chosroes, or Nu-
shirvan, 182; contest with Rome
reviewed, 363; anarchy of after the
death of Chosroes II., 412; Chris-
tianity in, vi. 46; Fatimite kings of,
281, note; standard of described,
293; conquered by the Saracens,
296; conquered by the Turks, vii.
165; Seljukian dynasty of, 167;
conquered by Timour, viii. 43.
PERSIAN despotism, i. 218; war under
Gordian III., 325.

PERSIANS, modern, ignorant of Sapor's
victories, i. 407, note; account of
their religion, 332, sqq.; their per-
secutions in Armenia, ii. 79; why
not easily Christianized, 214; dis-
cussed the most important affairs at
table, 405; intemperance of, ib.


note; Mahometan, their discord
with the Turks, vi. 272; reverence
for Mahomet's cousin Ali, ib.; called
Shiites, or sectaries, ib.; pilgrimage
of to the tomb of Ali at Cufa, 277.
PERTINAX chosen emperor, i. 234; suc-
cessive employments, ib. note; re-
luctant accession, 235; virtues,
236; reforms, 237, sq.; popularity,
238; discontent and conspiracy of the
prætorians, 239; murder of Perti-
nax, ib.; funeral and apotheosis, 252.
PERTINAX, Helvius, bon mot and exe-
cution, i. 270 and note.
PESCENNIUS NIGER, governor of Syria,
assumes the purple, i. 247.
PESTILENCE at Rome, i. 228.
PETAVIUS, object of his work on the
Trinity, iii. 52, note; character of
his Dogmata Theologica,' vi. 2,
PETCHENEGES, Turkish tribe of the,
vii. 79, note S.

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PETER, king of Arragon, assists John
of Procida in the revolt of Sicily from
Charles of Anjou, vii. 378; relieves
Messina, 380.

PETER, Bulgarian chief, leads a revolt
from Isaac Angelus, vii. 287.
PETER, Byzantine ambassador, his cha-
racter and negociations with Theo-
datus, king of Italy, v. 120.
PETER of Courtenay, emperor of Con-
stantinople, crowned by pope Hono-
rius III., vii. 335; captivity and
death, 336.

PETER I., czar of Russia, his conduct

to his son contrasted with that of
Constantine, ii. 353.

PETER GNAPHEUS, patriarch of An-
tioch, his addition to the Trisagion,
vi. 33 and note.

PETER THE HERMIT visits Jerusalem
and Constantinople, vii. 178; char-
acter, ib.; encouraged by pope
Urban II. to proclaim a crusade,
179; leads the first, 191; escapes
from the Bulgarians, 193; attempts
to fly from Antioch, 219; retirement
and death, 228, note S.

PETER, brother of the emperor Maurice,

violates the privileges of Azimun-
tium, v. 381; is forced to fly, ib.
PETER, the patrician, character of his
work, ii. 84, note.

PETER DE RUPIBUS, bishop of Win-
chester, commands the auxiliaries of


the pope in the battle of Viterbo,
viii. 210 and note.

PETER, ST., his visit to Rome, ii. 196;
did not found that church, ib. note
M.; tombs or trophies of St. Peter
and St. Paul at Rome, iii. 427;
legend of their apparition to Attila,
iv. 246; the two epistles of St.
Peter rejected by the Paulicians,
vii. 48.

PETER'S, ST., church, erected on the
garden of Nero, ii. 234.

PETRA, Arabian town of, i. 143, note
S.; siege of, by Dagisteus, general of
Justinian, v. 201; capital of the
Nabathæans, vi. 202, note.
PETRARCH, epistle to the doge and
senate of Venice respecting the war
with the Genoese, vii. 411; one of
the first revivers of learning in Italy,
viii. 107; intimacy with Barlaam
and Greek studies, 108; his love and
esteem for the Colonna family, 222,
224; poetical and literary character,
225; coronation at Rome, 227; pa-
triotism, 228; applauds the tribune
Rienzi, 237; invites and upbraids
the emperor Charles IV., 248; so-
licits the popes of Avignon to return
to Rome, 249; testifies the destruc-
tion of the Roman monuments by
the citizens, 280.

PETRONIUS, father-in-law of Valens,
rapacity and cruelty of, iii. 239.
PETRONIUS MAXIMUS, his wife ravished

by Valentinian III., iv. 250; his
family and character, 254; saluted
emperor, 255; compels Eudoxia,
widow of Valentinian, to marry him,
ib.; cowardice on the approach of
Genseric, 256; massacred, ib.
PFEFFEL, character of his Abrégé Chro-
nologique de l'Histoire d'Allemagne,
vi. 191.

PHALANX, Grecian, compared with the
Roman legion, i. 150.
PHANTASMA, the body of Christ held to
be by the Docetes, vi. 5.
PHARAMOND a fabulous sovereign, iv.
129 and note M.

PHARANDSEM, Wife of Arsaces Tiranus,
confounded by Gibbon with Olympias,
iii. 278, note M.; her brave defence
of Artogerassa, ib.
FHARAS, chief of the Heruli, under
Belisarius, v. 102; beleaguers Geli-
mers Mount Papua, 116; letter to


that monarch, 117, three extraor
dinary gifts to, ib.
PHARISEES, sect of the, ii. 171; added
tradition to Scripture, 172.

PHASIS, river, described, v. 193.
PHEASANT, name of that bird, whence
derived, v. 195.

PHILADELPHIA, its valiant defence
against the Turks, viii. 24.
PHILAGRIUS, præfect of Egypt, opposes
Athanasius, iii. 74, note.
PHILELPHUS, Francis, his description of
the Greek language, viii. 105; Lives
of, ib. note; obtains from Mahomet
II. the liberty of his mother and
sisters by a Latin ode, 144, note, and
174, note.

PHILIP, prætorian prefect under Gor-
dian III., i. 326; supplants his
master, ib.; whether he ordered his
execution? 327, note; solemnises
the secular games, ib.; rebellion
against, 373; death, 374; protected
the Christians, ii. 260; suspected of
being a convert, ib, and note.
PHILIP, minister of Constantius II.,
puts Paul, bishop of Constantinople,
to death, iii. 90; his previous stra-
tagem to banish Paul, 91.

PHILIP I., of France, his limited do-
minion, vii. 182.

PHILIP AUGUSTUS of France, assists at

the siege of Acre, vii. 262; con-
trasted with Richard I., 263.
PHILIP, duke of Burgundy, his banquet,
pageant, and promised crusade against
the Turks, viii. 183.

PHILIPPA, daughter of Raymond of
Poitou, her intrigue with Andronicus
Comnenus, vi. 126.
PHILIPPICUS, v. Bardanes.
PHILIPPOPOLIS taken by the Goths, i.

PHILO, his works, when published, iii.
47 and note S.; his Platonism, ib.,

PHILOPATRIS, dialogue, date of, dis-
cussed, ii, 55, notes; derides the
Trinity, 225 and note.
PHILOSOPHERS, Grecian, religious sys-
tems of the, i. 167; pagan, indiffer-
ent to the evidence of prophecy and
miracles, ii. 218; how esteemed
among the Huns, iv. 103.
PHILOSOPHY, divine or monkish, de-
scribed and contrasted with the
Grecian, iv. 306.


PHILOSTORGIUS, value of his authority,
ii. 365, note G.; character of that his-
torian, iii. 53, note.
PHILOTHEUS, a Macedonian sectary, in-
culcates religious toleration on An-
themius, iv. 281.

PHINEUS, palace of, ii. 228 and note.
PHIROUZ, a Syrian renegade, betrays
Antioch to Bohemond, vii. 217.
PHOCEA, Genoese colony at, viii. 69
and notes.

PHOCAS, a centurion, elected emperor

by the army of Maurice, v. 383;
consecration and public entry into
Constantinople, 385; executes Mau-
rice and his five sons, ib.; his
character, 386; tyranny, 387; cap-
tured and beheaded by Heraclius,
389; his rebellion suppressed by
Basil II., vi. 107.
PHOENICIA described, i. 160.
PHOENICIAN inscriptions, quoted by
Procopius, v. 121 and note M.
PHOTIUS, persecuted by his mother

Antonina, wife of Belisarius, v. 159;
persuades Belisarius to punish her
vices, ib.; further persecutions, 160;
becomes a monk, 161.

PHOTIUS, patriarch of Constantinople,
preceptor of Leo the Philosopher, vi.
100; account of and of his "Library,"
vii. 40; attempts the conversion of
the Russians, 92; his promotion from
a captaincy in the guards to the
patriarchate, 280.

PHOTIUS, the patrician, escapes the
persecution of Justinian by suicide,
vi. 37.

PHRANZA, George, Greek historian,
his testimony to Bajazet's iron cage,
viii. 59; account of, 90, notes; em-
bassy from Constantine Palæolo-
gus into Georgia, 140; to the court
of Trebizond, 141; fate of himself
and family at the taking of Constan-
tinople by the Turks, 174.
PHYSICIANS, much esteemed among
the Huns, iv. 204.

PICARDY, origin of the name of, vii.
178, note.

PICTURES, use of in Christian worship
censured by the council of Illiberis,
vi. 135; more decent and harmless
than sculpture, 136.

PIGMIES of Africa, fabulous race of,
iii. 276 and note.

PILATE, PONTIUS, date of his procurator-


ship, ii. 233, note; story of his testi-
mony in favour of Christ, 256 and
PILGRIMAGE, Christian, to Jerusalem,
iii. 156; vii. 171; Mahometan, two
kinds of, vi. 232, note.

PILPAY, fables of, procured by Chosrocs
Nushirvan V., 186; how preserved,
187 and note M.; intrinsic merit,

PILUM, description of the, i. 149.
PINCIAN palace at Rome, v. 144 and

PINNA MARINA, shell fish, silk manu.
factured from, v. 58 and note.
PIPA, a German princess, marries Gal-
lienus, i. 394.

PIREUS, Gothic fleet at, i. 400.
PISA, Council of, viii. 92; deposes the

popes of Rome and Avignon, 255.
PISANI, Venetian admiral, defeated by
the Genoese in a sea fight at Con-
stantinople, vii. 410 and note M.
PISO, CALPURNIUS, the only noble among
Gallienus' competitors, i. 410; his
virtues, ib.

PITYUS attacked by the Goths, i. 396;
taken, 397.

Pius II., pope, v. Æneas Sylvius.
PLACENTIA, battle of between Aurelian
and the Alemanni, ii. 15; council of
summoned by pope Urban II., vii.

PLACIDIA, sister of Honorius, her ad-
ventures, iv. 114; marriage with
Adolphus, king of the Goths, ib.;
where solemnized, ib. note S.; ill-
treatment of by Singeric, 126; re-
stored to Honorius by Wallia, 127;
after the death of Adolphus marries
Constantius, 171; fondness of Hono-
rius for changed to hatred, 172;
flies to Constantinople with her chil-
dren, ib.; restored after the death of
Honorius, 173; assumes the guar-
dianship of her son Valentinian III.,
174; her administration, 175; ba-
nishes her daughter Honoria, 229;
death, 249, note; sepulchre at Ra-
venna, ib.

PLAGUE, its origin and nature, v. 253;

account of the destructive one in the
reign of Justinian, ib.
PLANE-TREES cultivated by the an-
cients, iv. 111.

PLATO's doctrine of immortality, ii.
169; republic, 197 and note; system


of, iii. 45; whether derived from the
Jews, ib. note; three principles, 46;
his system taught at Alexandria, ib. ;
respect of the Christians for, 49 and
note; the source of the Gnostic er-
rors, ib. note; how distinguished
from the Christian doctrines, 50; his
theological Trinity not understood by
ancient philosophers, ib. note; study
of revived in Italy, viii. 115; cha-
racter of his philosophy, ib.
PLATONISTS, new, rise of, ii. 104; cha-
racterized, 105; oppose Christianity,
266; allegorical mythology of adopted
by Julian, iii. 139; their magic or
theurgy, 142 and note; seven Pla-
tonists take refuge in Persia on the
suppression of the schools of Athens,
v. 93; their disappointment, ib.;
Chosroes exacts an immunity for
them from Justinian, 94.

PLAUTIANUS, minister of Severus, i.
261; rank, 276, note.
PLEBEIANS, Roman, account of, ii. 308.
PLETHO, George Gemistus, revives the

study of Plato in Italy, viii. 115;
account of, ib. note; a pagan, 119,

PLINY, the younger, legacies to, i. 300;

examines the Christians of Bithynia,
ii. 183; describes the prevalence of
Christianity in Bithynia, 208; date
of his proconsulship, ib. note S.;
mentions Christians of every order,
216; consults the emperor Trajan
respecting them, 240; which proves
that there were then no general laws
against them, ib.; tortures two fe-
males, ib. note M.; his test of recan-
tation, 243, note M.
PLOTINA, empress, i. 213.
PLOTINUS, the philosopher, accompanies
the army of Misitheus into Persia, i.
326, note; his intimacy with Gal-
lienus, 408.

PLUMBATE, weapons so called, ii. 92,

Pocock, character of his 'Description
of the East,' vi. 315, note.
POET LAUREATE, invention of that
title, viii. 482; its perpetuation a
ridiculous custom peculiar to the
English court, ib. and note.
POGGIUS, his dialogue De Varietate For-
tunæ, when composed, viii. 58, note;
testimony as to the iron cage of Baja-
zet, ib.; his reflections on the fall of


Rome, 267; description cf its ruins,

POITIERS, battle of between Clovis and
Alaric II., iv. 360.

POLAND ravaged by the Mongols, viii.

POLLENTIA, date of the battle of be
tween Stilicho and Alaric, iv. 32,
note S.; battle described, 36.
POLL-TAX, provincial, i. 303, note S. ;
sometimes called capitatio, ii. 337
note S.; how levied, ib.

POLYBIUS, his opinion of Byzantium, ii.

POLYCARP, martyrdom of, ii. 243, note.
POLYEUCTES, Story of, ii. 252, note.
POLYTHEISM, best described by Hero-
dotus, i. 165; M. Constant's view of,
166, note M.; its ministers little
interested in supporting it, ii. 204;
its weak hold on the human heart,
205 (v. Paganism).

POMPEIANUS, Claudius, his manly re-
solution, i. 233.

POMPEIANUS, Ruricius, commandant of
Verona, ii. 129; defeated and slain
by Constantine the Great, 130.
POMPEIANUS, præfect of Rome, super-
stitious project for driving away
Alaric, iv. 91.

POMPEY, extraordinary power of, i. 200
and note; raised the Asiatic tribute,
295 and note S.; his house at Rome,
311, note.

POMPEY, nephew of the emperor Anas-
tasius, suspected of sedition, v. 53;
executed, 55.

POMPTINE marshes drained by Theo-
doric the Ostrogoth, v. 23.
PONTIFEX MAXIMUS, office of assumed
by the first seven Christian emperors,
iii. 99; first refused by Gratian, ib.
note; but not till the sixteenth year
of his reign, ib. note S.
PONTIFFS, Roman, their jurisdiction, iii
407, sqq.

PONTIROLO (pons Aureoli), ii. 2.
PONTIUS, his Life of Cyprian, ii. 247,

PONTUS, kingdom of, i. 160.
POPES of Rome, growth of their power,
v. 361; their policy and ambition,
vi. 145; their dominion founded on
rebellion during the heresy of the
Iconoclasts, ib.; begin to be con-
sidered by the Romans as their first
magistrates, 152; mutual obligations

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