Resolution relative to the election of the Judges of the Superior Courts. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia in General Assembly convened, That at the next general election for Governor and Members of the Legislature, the people of this State be requested to express their wishes as to the manner in which the Judges of the Superior Courts shall thereafter be elected, by endorsing on on their tickets, "By the Legislature," or "By the People." Assented to, December 12th, 1849. Resolutions to send Delegates to the Nashville Convention. The Joint Committee on the State of the Republic, to whom were referred certain resolutions of the members of the Legislature of the State of South Carolina, and other resolutions introduced in the House of Representatives of this General Assembly, relative to a proposed Convention of the people of the slaveholding States, recommend the adoption of the following resolutions: Resolved, 1st. That this General Assembly regard most favorably the recommendation emanating from the people of Mississippi, that the people of the slaveholding States meet in Convention at Nashville on the first Monday in June next, as eminently conducive to harmonious and efficient action among them in defence of the institution of slavery, and all the rights incident thereto, guaranteed by the letter and by the spirit of the Constitution. Resolved, 2d. That both branches of the General Assembly will meet in the Representative Hall, on Thursday next at 11 o'clock, for the purpose of sending four delegates from the State at large to the Nashville Convention. : Resolved, 3d. That we recommend to the people of this State to send two delegates from each of their Congressional Districts of this State to said Nashville Convention, to be elected on the first Tuesday in April next, by the people of said Districts and that his Excellency the Governor, by his proclamation to the people of this State, make known the day of election herein designated, to be held as elections are for members of the Legislature, and that the returns of the election so held by the people, shall be made to the Governor as elections for members of Congress by the people are; and upon the returns so made his Excellency the Governor shall, by his proclamation, make known the persons so elected; and in the event any of the delegates so elected shall refuse to accept the appointment by the 15th of May, or if any vacancy shall in any manner occur, then the Governor shall be and he is hereby requested to fill such vacancy by appointment from whichever party the vacancy shall happen. Resolved, 4th. That in the election of delegates to the Convention, we would recommend that the same be done by the election of an equal number from each political party in the several counties in this State. Resolved, 5th. That his Excellency the Governor be requested to forward a copy of these resolutions to the Executive of each slaveholding State, to be laid before the Legislature of each State. Assented to, February 6th, 1850. [OMITTED IN ITS PROPER PLACE.] AN ACT to amend the ninth Section of the third Article of the Constitution of the State of Georgia. WHEREAS the said ninth Section of the third Article of the Constitution of this State is in the following words, to wit: "Divorces shall be final and conclusive when the parties shall have obtained the concurrent verdict of two special juries authorizing a divorce upon legal principles;" and whereas it is proper that the General Assembly should have the right and power to establish the "legal principles" upon which divorces should be authorized and' allowed: Therefore be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia in General Assembly convened, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That as soon as this act shall pass agreeably to the requisitions of the Constitution, providing for its own amendment, the following amendment shall be adopted in lieu of the said ninth Section of the third Article of the Constitution, to wit: Divorces shall be final and conclusive when the parties shall have obtained the concurrent verdict of two special juries authorizing a divorce upon such legal principles as the General Assembly may by law prescribe. Approved, December 28, 1847, and November 22, 1849. NOTE. In the execution of the printing of these laws, critical comparison has been made with the enrolled acts in the Secretary of State's office, which have been strictly followed-except in the second line on page 123, where, by a typographical error, the word "or" is printed for "and.” It should read "California and New Mexico." In a few instances, cor rections of obvious errors are inserted, but always in [ ] brackets. STATE PRINTER. -- INDEX TO THE LAWS. Union ACADEMIES. A. Camden-Centre Village Academy incorporated St. Mary's Academy-act of 1839 incorporat- Carroll-Carrollton Male Academy incorporated Coweta-Rock Spring Academy do. do. do. Longstreet do. Newnan Male and Female Seminary incor- Greene-Greensboro' Male Academy, trustees em- Buena Vista Academy incorporated and trus- Henry-Henry county Academy, number of trus- Lincoln-New Hope Academy incorporated and trustees appointed, Lumpkin-Dahlonega Male and Female Acade- mies incorporated and trustees appointed, Page. 23 29 26 25 do. do. do. 25 do. do. do. 35 29 22 31 22 31 72 26 24 Talbot-Centreville Male and Female Academy incorporated and trustees appointed, Centreville Academy incorporated and trus- Talbotton Female Academy, act of 1830 in- Walker-Lafayette Female Academy incorporat- Wnyne-Andrew Academy incorporated and trus- Wilkinson-Harrison do. do. do. do. ABERNATHY, MILES J. Residence changed from Walker to Murray, ALIENS. Authorized to purchase, hold and devise real estate, AMENDMENT. Laws as to Executors, Administrators and Misnomer in judicial proceedings to be amend- Omission to join the name of a necessary par- 136 46. 37 44 45 Bills of Exception amendable in Supreme Court, 68 Justices' Court established at Holmesville, 294 3 3 3 6. Treasurer, 66 66 3 3 Secretaries Executive Department, 3 3 3 3 Attorney and Solicitors General, Contingent Fund for 1850 and 1851, do. do. special, 3 3 9 3 3, 11 Superintendent Lunatic Asylum, Trustees, Treasurer, and sub-officers do. 4 4 4 4 4 66 do. do. do. Milledgeville, President of the Senate and Speaker of the House, Members of the General Assembly, 66 Secretary of Senate and Clerk of House, 4, 5, 8 66 Assistant Clerks Senate and House of Reps. 5 4 4, 10 4 4, 5 |