

TIMASIUS, master-general, ruined and
banished by Eutropius, iv. 141;
various accounts of his death, 142.
TIMAVUS, Virgil's description of the, i.
319, note.
TIME without bounds, doctrine of,
when first introduced into the Per-
sian religion, i. 334, note S.
TIMOTHY the Cat, monk, instigates the
murder of Protesius and becomes
patriarch of Alexandria, vi. 30.
TIMOTHY, St., his body transported to
Constantinople, iii. 427.

TIMOUR or Tamerlane, massacres of,
iv. 202 and note; histories of, viii.
39 and note M.; pedigree, 40; origin
and meaning of his corrupted name
of Tamerlane, ib. note and note M.;
birth and first adventures, 41; as-
cends the throne of Zagatai, 43; con-
quest of Persia, ib.; of Turkestan,
44; of Kipzak, Russia, &c., 45; of
Hindostan, 46; war against Bajazet,
48; letter to that sultan, 49 and
note M.; invades Syria, 51; takes
and sacks Aleppo, ib.; interview with
the cadhis of, 52; seizes and burns
Damascus, 53; burns Aleppo, ib.;
invades Anatolia, 54; gains the battle
of Angora, ib.; treatment of the
captive Bajazet, 56; testimonies as
to its harshness, 57, sq.; term of his
conquests, 60; triumphal return to
Samarcand, 62; march to China and
death, 63; character and merits, ib.;
character of his 'Institutions,' 65.
TINGI, or Tangier, conquered by the
Saracens, vi. 347.
TIPASA, city of, Catholic miracle at
during the persecution of Hunneric,
iv. 336; modern illustration of, 337,
note S.

TIRIDATES, Son of Chosroes, king of
Armenia, escapes from the Persians,
i. 403; his Roman education, ii.
78; saves the life of Licinius, 79;
restored to the throne of Armenia
by Diocletian, ib.; bodily strength,
ib. note; invades Assyria, 81; driven
from Armenia by Narses, 82; extra-
ordinary escape, 83; again restored,
88; becomes a Christian, 368; iii. 24,
note M.; death, ii. 363; his heir
exiled, ib.

TITLES, imperial, under Diocletian, ii.
93; of honour under the empire,
304, 8q.


TITUS invested with in perial power by
his father, i. 212; administration,
TOBOLSKOI, Mongol dynasty at, viii. 16,
and note M.

TOGRUL BEG, grandson of Seljuk, elected
king of the Turkmans, vii. 153;
character and reign, 154; expels the
Gaznevides from Persia, ib. ; a devout
Mahometan, 155; delivers Cayen,
caliph of Bagdad, ib.; his humility
before the caliph and investiture as
temporal lieutenant, 156 and note S.;
affianced to Cayem's daughter, 156
and 157, note S.; death, 157.
TOLBIAC, near Cologne, the Alemanni
defeated at by Clovis, iv. 349.
TOLEDO, Council of under Recared, de-
clares the procession of the Holy
Ghost from the Son as well as from
the Father, iv. 340; taken by the
Arabs under Tarik, vi. 358; Nonius'
description of, ib. note.
TOLERATION, religious, happy effects of,
i. 165; exceptions to, 166, note, 169;
Galerius' edict of, ii. 278; Maximin's,
281, note.

TOLLIUS, his literary character, iii. 14,

TONGUES, gift of, ii. 178 and note M.
TONGOUSES and Samoiedes, iii. 306.
TONSURE, circular, what typified by the,
vi. 302, note.

TOPA (masters of the earth), name as-
sumed by the Sienpi, iv. 43; invade

and settle in the north of China, ib.
TOPIRUS sacked by the Slavonians, v.

TORISMOND, son of Theodoric, king of
the Visigoths, his valour at the battle
of Châlons, iv. 235, 237, 238; pro-
claimed king on the death of his
father, 238; murdered by his brother
Theodoric, 260.

TORTURE applied only to slaves by the

Romans, ii. 331; extended to citizens
in cases of treason under Constantine,

TOTILA elected to the Gothic throne of
Italy, v. 215; his real name was
Badvila, ib. note S.; defeats the
Romans at Faenza, 216; reduces
southern Italy, ib.; invests Rome,
ib.; his virtues, 217; defences of the
Tiber, 221; takes Rome, 222; his
design to destroy the city averted by
the remonstrance of Belisarius, 223;


occupies one of the camps of Han-
nibal on Mount Garganus, ib.; fails
in the attempt to recover Rome from
Belisarius, 224; admitted, after his
departure, by the treachery of the
Isaurians, 227; ravages Sicily, re-
duces Sardinia and Corsica, and
harasses the coasts of Greece, 228;
his navy destroyed, 230; defeated at
Tagina by Narses, 234; slain by
Asbad, the Gepid, ib. and note M.
TOUCUSH, brother of the Sultan Malek
Shah, subdues Syria and Palestine,
vii. 176.

TOULOUSE, the residence of the Gothic
kings, iv. 128.

TOULUNIDES, Saracen dynasty of, vi.

TOULUN, descendant of Moko, conquers
Tartary, iv. 43; vanquishes the Huns,
44; assumes the title of Khan or
Cagan, ib.

TOURAN SHAW, sultan of Egypt, mur-
dered by his Mamalukes, vii. 273.
TOURNAMENTS contrasted with the

Olympic games, vii. 200.
TOURS, battle of between Charles Martel
and the Saracens, vi. 389.
TOWERS, built by the nobles in Rome

and other Italian cities, viii. 278.
Towns, walled, origin of, vii. 75.
TOXANDRIA, in Brabant, occupied by the
Franks, ii. 412; extent of, ib. note.
TOXOTIUS, husband of Paula, lineage
of, iv. 71.

TRADE, foreign, of the Romans, i. 191.
TRADITORS, or Christians who deli-

vered up the Scriptures, i. 273.
TRAJAN, emperor, conquers Dacia, i.
142; emulates Alexander, ib.; expe-
ditions in the East, ib.; the only
emperor that entered the Persian
gulf, 143; encouraged military know-
ledge, 148; forum and pillar, 184;
his adoption by Nerva, 213; cha-
racter, ib.; refuses the censorship,
383, note; his arch stripped by Con-
stantine, ii. 134; his rescript regard-
ing the Christians, 241; deemed by
Tertullian a relaxation of the ancient
penal laws, ib. note; further remarks
ou, 245, notes; his bridge over the
Danube, v. 78 and note.

TRAJAN, Count, assassinates Para, king
of Armenia, iii. 281.
TзAJAN and Profuturus, Valens' gene-
rals against the Goths, iii. 328.


TRANI, siege of by Count Roger, vil
TRANSMIGRATION of souls, whether
believed by the ancient Germans,
i. 366 and note.
TRANSOXIANA Conquered by the Arabs,
vi. 299.

TRANSUBSTANTIATION, establishment of
that doctrine, vii. 268.
TREASON, cruel and unjust law of
Arcadius against, iv. 142; inserted
in the codes of Theodosius and Jus-
tinian, 144.

TREBATIUS, his opinion of the equality
of crimes, v. 276.
TREBELLIANUS, rebellion of in Isauria,
i. 414.

TREBIZOND taken by the Goths, i. 397;
sovereignty of usurped by the de-
scendants of Andronicus Comnenus,
vi. 131; escapes subjection to the
Turks, vii. 169; dukedom and em-
pire of, 327 and note S.; yielded to
the Turks by David, the last em-
peror, viii. 181, 182, note M.
TREVES, Gallienus at, i. 391; Sarma-
tians settled at, ii. 75, notes; revolts
from Magnentius, 384.
TRIARIAN Goths, v. 5, note 6.
TRIBIGILD, the Ostrogoth, revolt of in
Phrygia, iv. 144; demands the head
of Eutropius, 146; joined by Gainas,
TRIBONIAN, minister of Justinian, ar-
raigned by the people, v. 53; his
character and various erudition, 281;
employed by Justinian, with nine
others, to compile his Code, 282;
employed, with seventeen others, to
compile the Digest or Pandects, 283;
his method, 284; Latinity, ib.,
TRIBUNES, jurisdiction of the, i. 203;
situation of under the empire, 204
and note S.

TRIBUNITIA POTESTAS of the emperors,
i. 203, note S.

TRIBUTUM, v. Property-tax.

TRIGETIUS, his embassy to Attila, iv.

TRINITY, controversy respecting the, its
origin and progress, iii. 45; Platonic
doctrine of, 49; term when first
used, ib. note; controversy con-
cerning revived at Alexandria, 53;
three hypotheses, 54, sq.; explana-
tion of Boethius, 55, note; decision


of the Council of Nice, 56; equal
deity of the Third Person established
by the Council of Constantinople,
370; interpolated text in St. John
respecting, iv. 335 and notes.
TRIPOD, dedicated at Delphi after the
defeat of Xerxes, how preserved, ii.
298 and note.

TRIPOLI, federation of (Oca, Leptis, and
Sabrata), its miserable condition
under Romanus, iii. 272; its com-
plaints to Valentinian frustrated by
the arts of Count Romanus, ib.; its
president executed, 273.

TRIPOLI, city, besieged by the Saracens
under Abdallah, vi. 343.
TRISAGION, hymn, religious war con-
cerning, vi. 32.

TRITHEISM of the Gregories, Cyril,
&c., iii. 55.

TRITHEISTS, at the Council of Nice,
join the Sabellians against the Arians,
iii. 57.

TRIUMPH, Diocletian's, the last cele-
brated at Rome, ii. 89.

TROWSERS, a Gallic fashion, ii. 28,

TROY, site of, ii. 291 and note; plain

before at first designed by Constan-
tine for the site of his new city, 292.
TRUCE of God (Treuga Dei), probable
origin of, i. 365; when and where
invented, vii. 182, note.
TRULI, name applied to the Goths by

the Vandals of Spain, iv. 127, note.
TRUMPET, Roman, v. 142 note.
TSEPHO, grandson of Esau, legend re-
specting, ii. 223, note.

TUDELA, Benjamin of, his Travels,

whether genuine, vii. 14 and note

TUNGUSCANS described, iii. 302, note S.
TUNIS besieged by Louis IX., viii. 274.
TURCILINGI, probable situation of the,
iv. 295, note S.

TURIN, battle of between Constantine

and the lieutenants of Maxentius, ii.

TURISUND, king of the Gepida, enter-
tains Alboin, the slayer of his son,
v. 332.

TURKESTAN Conquered by Timour, viii.

TURKS, tribes of, described, iii. 303,
note S.; origin and monarchy of the,
v. 172; Turks of Mount Altai and
etymology of their name, ib. note S.;


their religion and laws, 174; con.
quests and territorial limits, 175;
their embassy to Justin II., 178 and
note; alliance with the Romans,
179; offensive against the Persians,
180; their rigorous punishments,
vii. 73 and note; or Turkmans, their
manners and emigrations, 151; de-
feat Massoud the Gaznevide at Zen-
decan, and establish the Seljukian
dynasty in Persia, 153; converted to
Mahometanism, 154; invade the
Roman empire, 157; Gelalæan æra
of, 166; division of the Seljukian
empire, 167; conquer Asia Minor,
168; take Jerusalem, 176; oppress
the pilgrims, 177; remove their seat
of government from Nice to Iconium,
239; conquer Egypt, 253; Otto-
man, introduced into Europe by
John Cantacuzene, 400, 403; extent
of their race, viii. 2, note S.; inquiry
as to their oldest historical writers,
22 and note M.; first passage into
Europe, 25; fleet, ib. ; establishment
in Europe, 27 and note M.; remark-
able delicacy respecting their women,
50 and notes; act with the Christians
against Timour, 60; reason of their
abstaining from legitimate marriage,
59; extension of their name, 73;
their education and discipline, ib. sq. ;
take Constantinople, 171.
TURPILIO, general of Honorius, iv. 67.
TURPIN, archbishop of Rheims, spurious
romance of approved by pope Cal-
lixtus II., vii. 181 and note; by
whom and when composed, ib.
TUSCULUM, battle of between the Ro-
mans and Frederick Barbarossa, viii.

TWELVE TABLES, account of the laws
of the, v. 261; on what material
written, ib. and note S.; whether
they included laws imported from
Greece, ib. notes W. M. and S.; how
far they resemble those of Solon, 262
and note; esteem of the Romans for,
263; best work on, ib. note S.; se-
verity of their punishments, 316.
TYANA, besieged by Aurelian, ii. 22.
TYPE of Constans, imposing the law of
religious silence, vi. 42.

TYRANT, ancient meaning of that term,
i. 409.

TYRANTS, Roman, their contempt of
decency, i. 283; thirty, 408; their


real number, 409; lists of, ib. notes
M. and S.; their merits, 410; ob-
scure birth, ib.; rebellion how caused,
411; violent deaths, ib.; fatal con-
sequences of their usurpations, 412.
TYRE, Council of, iii. 72; degrades and
exiles Athanasius, 73; besieged by
Saladin, vii, 260.

TYTHES instituted both by Zoroaster

and by Moses, i. 337, note: esta-
blished in the Christian church by
Charlemagne, vi, 172.

TZAKONES, a people of the ancient La-
conia, their language and descent,
vii. 10, note S.

TZETZES originated the story of the
beggary of Belisarius, v. 246.


UBII of Cologne, i. 355, note.
UGRI, or Hungarians, vii. 72 and note
S.; not to be confounded with the
Igours, ib.

UGRIA or Jugoria, original seat of the
Hungarians, vii. 71, note S.
UGRIANS, Finnish or Tschudish de-
scribed, iii. 303, note S.
UKRAINE described, i. 381.
ULDIN, king of the Huns, intercepts

and slays Gainas, iv. 150; compelled
to recross the Danube, 160.
ULPHILAS, apostle of the Goths, iv.

322; translates the Scriptures, ib. ;
his country, ib. note; invents the
Maso-Gothic alphabet, 323 and note
M.; missions to Constantinople, ib.;
taught the Arian doctrine, 327.
ULPIAN, head of Mamæa's council, i.
286; constant guest of Al. Severus,
288; murdered by the prætorians,
290; Gibbon corrected respecting
this fact, ib. note W.; his work on
the duties of a proconsul, ii. 316,
note; his authority as a jurist, v.

UMBRIANS, i. 157.

UMRA, species of Mahometan pilgrim-
age, vi. 232, note S.

UNITARIANS, Mahometans so called, vi.

UNIVERSAL HISTORY, modern, character
of the history of the caliphs, vi. 284,

UNIVERSITIES, European, in the middle
ages, viii. 107 and note.


UPSAL, temple of, i. 360, note; de-
scribed, 376; destroyed by Ingo, ib.


URAIAS, nephew of Vitiges, declines
the command of the Goths in favour
of Hildibald, v. 215; put to death
by him, ib.

URBAN II., pope, encourages the de-
sign of Peter the Hermit to deliver
Jerusalem, vii. 179; summons a
council at Placentia, 180; anathe-
matises Philip I. of France, 181;
convenes the council of Clermont,
182; declines to lead the crusade,
183; his speech, ib. and note S.;
his secret motives for the crusades,
205, note M.

URBAN IV., pope, publishes a crusade
against the schismatic Greeks, vii.


URBAN V., pope, his haughty reception
of the emperor John Palæologus,
viii. 82; his temporary return to
Rome from Avignon, 249.

URBAN VI., pope, disputed election of,
viii. 251; excommunicated by the
cardinals as an apostate and anti-
christ, ib.

URSACIUS, bishop of Illyricum, intro-
duces Arianism into the Latin
church, iii. 62; question of his re-
tractation, 76, note, and 77, note M.
URSACIUS, master of the offices, occa-

sions a revolt of the Alemanni, iii.

URSEL of Baliol commands the Franks
and Normans in the service of Ro-
manus Diogenes, vii. 160 and note.
URSICINUS joins and betrays Sylvanus
in Gaul, ii. 399; defends the East
against Sapor, 410; removed by the
eunuchs, ib.; sent back to act under
Sabinian, 411; punished for the
latter's misconduct, ib.

URSINI, Roman family, history of, viii.

223; Guelphs, ib.; hereditary feuds
with the Colonna family, ib.
URSINUS, his bloody contest with Da-
masus for the see of Rome, iii. 255;
banished, 256.

URSULA, St., and train of virgins, legend
of, iii. 360, note.

URSULUS, the treasurer, unjustly exe-
cuted by Julian, iii. 127.
USURY, how practised by the Roman
nobles, iv. 75 and note (v. Interest
of money).


Urus, Romans defeated on the, by
Attila, iv. 200.

UZBEKS, least altered from the primitive
Tatars, iii. 296, note.
Uzi, tribe of, 159 and note S.


VABALATHUS (or Balbatus) son of

Zenobia, ii, 22, note S.
VADOMAIR, a prince of the Alemanni,
entrapped and made prisoner by
Julian, iii. 111; enters the Roman
service, ib. note; employed by Valens
in the East, 279.
VALARSACES, æra of, ii. 79, note; first

of the Arsacides, ib. ; when appointed
king of Armenia, iv. 170, note.
VALDRADA, wife or concubine of Lo-
thaire II., vii. 25.

VALENS, general of the Illyrian fron-
tier, made Cæsar by Licinius, ii.
140; put to death, 141.
VALENS associated in the empire by his

brother Valentinian I., iii. 236; his
mediocrity and attachment to Valen-
tinian, ib.; appointed to the empire
of the East, 237; abject fear at the
revolt of Procopius, 241; character
contrasted with that of Valentinian,
245; fiscal administration, 248; de-
clares for the Arians, 250; baptism,
ib.; ecclesiastical government, ib.;
just idea of his persecution, 251;
transactions with archbishop Basil,
252; edict against the monks, ib.;
assists Sauromaces, king of the Ibe-
rians, 279; treacherous behaviour
towards Para, son of that monarch,
280, sqq.; negociations and war with
the Goths, 285, sq.; residence at An-
tioch, 319; grants the Visigoths, after
their overthrow by the Huns, a
settlement in Thrace, 320; forbids
the Ostrogoths to pass the Danube,
322; marches against the rebellious
Visigoths, 328; defeated by Fritigern
at Hadrianople, 336; death, ib.
VALENS, bishop of Illyricum, introduces
Arianism into the Latin Church, iii.

VALENS, Arian bishop of Mursa, artful
conduct towards Constantius II., iii.
66; question of his retractation, 76,
note, and 77, note M.


VALENTIA, new province in Britain
settled by Theodosius, iii. 271.
VALENTIA, city of, destroyed by Adol-
phus, iv. 123.

VALENTIN, general, espouses the cause
of the children of Constantine III.,
vi. 73.
VALENTINIAN I. elected Emperor, iii.
233; origin and character, ib. and
note M.; genealogical table, ib., note
S.; intrepid address to the troops,
235; associates his brother Valens,
236; reforms the administration, ib. ;
divides the empire into East and
West, 237; assigns the East to Va-
lens, ib.; resides at Milan, ib.;
punishes the crime of magic, 242;
his character contrasted with that of
Valens, 245; his cruelty, 246; his
favourite bears, ib.; care for the
public interest, 247; establishes
schools at Rome, Constantinople, &c.,
ib.; institutes defensors or tribunes,
248; his universal religious tolera-
tion, 249; edict against clerical ava-
rice, 253; war with the Alemanni,
257; punishes the Batavians for
losing their standard, ib.; invades
Germany, 259; defeats the Ale-
manni at Mount Solicinium, 260;
exhibits triumphal games at Trèves,
ib.; fortifies the Rhine, ib.; and
Neckar, ib. note M.; his mechanical
skill, 261 and note; deceives the
Burgundians, 262; gains over Ma-
crianus, prince of the Alemanni, ib.;
despatches Palladius to inquire into
the state of Africa, 272; condemns
the president of Tripoli and others to
death, 273; war with the Quadi and
Sarmatians, 287; marches to Sir-
mium, 289; interview with a Cynic,
ib.; inroad on the Quadi, ib.; winters
at Bregetio, 290; singular death, ib. ;
defended from the charge of poly-
gamy, ib. sq.

VALENTINIAN II., son of Valentinian
and Justina, saluted emperor by the
soldiers, iii. 292; after the death of
Gratian, confirmed in the sovereignty
of Italy, Africa, and Western Illyri-
cum, 362; expelled by Maximus,
382; restored by Theodosius, 396;
who adds the countries beyond the
Aps, ib.; character of Valentinian,
ib.; murdered by Arbogastes, 397.
VALENTINIAN III., an infant, installed

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