
30. SECT. XI. There shall be appointed in and for each of the said counties, such number of discreet persons to be justices of the peace, as the president of the United States shall from time to time think expedient, to continue in office five years; and such justices, having taken an oath for the faithful and impartial discharge of the duties of the office, shall, in all matters civil and criminal, and in whatever relates to the conservation of the peace, have all the powers vested in, and shall perform all the duties required of, justices of the peace, as individual magistrates, by the laws herein before continued in force in those parts of said district, for which they shall have been respectively appointed; and they shall have cognizance in personal demands to the value of twenty dollars, exclusive of costs; which sum they shall not exceed, any law to the contrary notwithstanding: And they shall be entitled to receive for their services the fees allowed for like services by the laws herein before adopted and continued, in the castern part of said district. [See postea 69.]

31. SECT. XII. There shall be appointed in and for each of the said counties, a register of wills, and a judge to be called the judge of the orphans court, who shall cach take an oath for the faithful and impartial discharge of the duties of his office; and shall have all the powers, perform all the duties, and receive the like fees, as are exercised, performed, and received, by the registers of wills and judges of the orphans court, within the state of Maryland; and appeals from the said courts shall be to the circuit court of said district, who shall therein have all the powers of the chancellor of the said state,

32. SECT. XIII. In all cases where judgments or decrees have been obtained, or hereafter shall be obtained, on suits now depending in any of the courts of the commonwealth of Virginia, or of the state of Maryland, where the defendant resides or has property within the district of Columbia, it shall be lawful for the plaintiff in such case upon filing an exemplification of the record and proceedings in such suits, with the clerk of the court of the county where the defendant resides, or his property may be found, to sue out writs of execution thereon, returnable to the said court, which shall be proceeded on, in the same manner as if the judgment or decree had originally been obtained in said court.

33. SECT. XIV. All actions, suits, process, pleadings, and other proceedings of what nature or kind soever, depending or existing in the courts of hustings for the towns of Alexandria and George Town, shall be, and hereby are continued over to the circuit courts to be holden by virtue of this act, within the district of Columbia, in manner following; that is to say: All such as shall then be depending and undetermined, before the court of hustings for the town of Alexandria, to the next circuit court hereby directed to be holden in the town of Alexandria; and all such as shall then be depending and undetermined, before the court of hustings for George Town, to the next circuit court hereby directed to be holden in the city of Washington: Provided nevertheless, That where the personal demand in such cases, exclusive of costs, does not exceed the value of twenty dollars, the justices of the peace within their respective counties, shall have cognizance thereof,

34. SECT. XV. All writs and processes whatsoever, which shall hereafter issue from the courts hereby established within the district, shall be tested in the name of the chief judge of the district of Columbia.

35. SECT. XVI. Nothing in this act contained shall in any wise alter, impeach or impair the rights, granted by or derived from the acts of incorporation of Alexandria and George Town, or of any other body corporate or politic, within the said district, except so far as relates to the judicial power, of the corporations of George Town and Alexandria.

ACT of March 3, 1801. (Vol. V. p. 287.)

36. SECT. I. The circuit courts for the district of Columbia shall be and they are hereby invested with the same power respecting constables, inspectors, and the inspection of tobacco and flour, surveyors, mills, highways and ferries, for the county of Alexandria, as have heretofore been vested in the county courts of the commonwealth of Virginia; and for the county of Washington, the same power and authority as have been heretofore exercised by the county and levy courts of the state of Maryland; with power to appoint to all other offices necessary for the said district, under the laws of the respective states of Maryland and Virginia.

37. All officers for whom no special provision is made by this act, or the act to which this is a supplement, shall receive the same fees and emoluments as they have respectively received under the jurisdiction of the respective states. [See postea 69.]

38. SECT. II. All indictments shall run in the name of the united states, and conclude, against the peace and government thereof.

39. All fines, penalties and forfeitures accruing under the laws of the states of Maryland and Virginia, which by adoption have become the laws of this district, shall be recovered with costs, by indictment or information in the name of the united states, or by action of debt, in the name of the united states and of the informer; one half of which fine shall accrue to the united states, and the other half to the informer; and the said fines shall be collected by or paid to the marshal, and one half thereof shall be by him paid over to the board of commissioners hereinafter established, and the other half to the informer; and the marshal shall have the same power regarding their collection, and be subject to the same rules and regulations as to the payment thereof, as the sheriffs of the respective states of Maryland and Virginia are subject to in relation to the same.

40. SECT. III. All felonies committed within the county of Alexandria shall be punished in the same manner as such crimes were punishable by the laws of Virginia, as they existed prior to the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-six.

41. The circuit court for the said county of Alexandria shall possess and exercise the same powers and jurisdiction, civil and criminal, as is now possessed and exercised by the district courts of Virginia.

42. SECT. IV. The magistrates, to be appointed for the said district, shall be and they are hereby constituted a board of commissioners

within their respective counties, and shall possess and exercise the same powers, perform the same duties, receive the same fees and emolu ments, as the levy courts or commissioners of county for the state of Maryland possess, perform and receive; and the clerks and collectors, to be by them appointed, shall be subject to the same laws, perform the same duties, possess the same powers, and receive the same fees and emoluments as the clerks and collectors of the county tax of the state of Maryland are entitled to receive. [See postea 69.]

43. SECT. V. The clerks of the circuit court shall, within their respective districts, be bound to perform the same duties, respecting the recording of deeds and all other services, and shall receive the same fees and emoluments for the same (except in those cases provided for in the ninth section of the act to which this is a supplement) as are now performed and received by the clerks of the counties of the respective states of Maryland and Virginia. [See antea 29.]*

44. SECT. VI. In all cases where the constitution or laws of the united states provide that criminals and fugitives from justice, or persons held to labor in any state, escaping into another state, shall be delivered up, the chief justice of the said district shall be, and he is hereby empowered and required to cause to be apprehended and delivered up such criminal, fugitive from justice, or persons fleeing from service, as the case may be, who shall be found within the district, in the same manner and under the same regulations as the executive authority of the several states are required to do the same; and all executive and judicial officers are hereby required to obey all law ful precepts or other process issued for that purpose, and to be aiding and assisting in such delivery. [See Constitution art. iv. sect. ii. Crimes 34 & seq.]

45. SECT. VII. It shall be lawful for the sheriffs and collectors of public dues for the counties of Montgomery and Prince George, in the state of Maryland, and for the sheritis of Fairfax county in the commonwealth of Virginia, and they shall respectively have full power and authority to enter into those parts of the now district of Columbia, which were heretofore within the limits of their respective bailiwicks, for the purposes of collecting by distress or otherwise, as they were heretofore authorized to do, all officers fees, state taxes and county taxes, levies, fines and other public dues, which were due on the first Monday of December one thousand eight hundred, and still remain uncollected, from persons residing or having property, subject to the payment of such officers fees, state taxes and county taxes, and levies within the said district; and all disputes or controversies that do or may arise between such sheriff or collector, and the person or persons from whom he or they may claim such public dues, shall be cognizable before and tried by the respective state courts to whom the trial of such controversies heretofore belonged, and not before the court of the district of Columbia.

SECT. VIII. It shall and may be lawful for the sheriffs of the said counties of Montgomery and Prince George, in the state of Maryland, and for the sherial of Fairfax county in the commonwealth of Virginia, and they shall respectively have full power and authority to enter into those parts of the now district of Columbia, which were heretofore

within the limits of their respective bailiwicks, for the purpose of arresting and conducting to the respective jails under their keeping and care, as they heretofore might have done had the law to which this is a supplement never passed, each and every person within the limits of the district of Columbia, upon whom such sheriff hath heretofore served a writ of capias ad satisfaciendum, capias ad respondendum, attachment or other process, issuing from any state court, which commands and requires such sheriff to have the body of the person before the court from which such writ or process hath issued.

46. SECT. IX. Where by this act, and the act to which this is à supplement, appointments are authorized to be made by the circuit court of the district, it shall be lawful for the chief judge, with one of the associate justices of the said court, to make such appointments.

ACT of May 1, 1802. (Vol. VI. p. 126.)

47. SECT. I. From and after the first day of June next, the offices of the commissioners appointed in virtue of an act passed on the sixteenth day of July in the year seventeen hundred and ninety, entitled, “ An anto establish the temporary and permanent seat of the government of the united states," shall cease and determine; and the said commissioners shall deliver up unto such person as the president shall appolat, in virtue of this act, all plans, draughts, books, records, accounts, deeds, grants, contracts, bonds, obligations, securities, and other evidences of debt, in their possession which relate to the city of Washington, and the affairs heretofore under their superintendance or care. [bee antea 2, and postea 53.] ·

48. SECT. II. The affairs of the city of Washington, which have heretofore been under the care and superintendance of the said commissioners, shall hereafter be under the direction of a superintendant, to be appointed by, and to be under the control of the president of the united states; and the said superintendant is hereby invested with all powers, and shall hereafter perform all duties which the said commissioners are now vested with, or are required to perform by, or in virtue of any act of congress, or any act of the general assembly of Maryland, or any deed or deeds of trust from the original proprietors of the lots in the said city, or in any other manner whatsoever.

49. SECT. III. The said commissioners shall forthwith settle with the accounting officers of the treasury their accounts, for all monies received and expended by them in their capacity as commissioners, and shall immediately thereafter pay to the said superintendant any balance which may be found against them upon such settlement.

39. SECT. IV. The said superintendant shall pay all the debts heretofore contracted by the commissioners in their capacity as such, the Payment of which are not herein after specially provided for, out of any Luonies received by him arising out of the city funds.

51. SECT. V. The said superintendant shall, under the direction of the president of the united states, sci, so many of those lots in the city of Washington which are pledged for the re-payment of a loan of two bundred thousand dollars, made by the state of Maryland, in the years

one thousand seven hundred and ninety-six and one thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven, to the commissioners for the use of the said city, as may be sufficient to pay the interest already accrued on the said loan, and the interest and instalments thereof, as they may respectively become due: Provided, That if in the opinion of the president of the united states, the sale of a sufficient number of the said lots, to meet the objects aforesaid, cannot be made without an unwarrantable sacrifice of the property, then so much money as may be necessary to provide for the deficiency is hereby appropriated and shall be paid out of any money in the treasury of the united states not otherwise appropriated.

SECT. VI. The said superintendant shall, prior to the first day of November next, sell, under the directions of the president of the united states, all the lots in the said city, which were sold antecedent to the sixth day of May, in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-six, and which the said commissioners are authorized by law to resell, in consequence of a failure on the part of the purchasers, to comply with their contracts; and the monies arising thereupon shall be applied, on or before the first day of November next, to the payment of the sum of fifty thousand dollars and the interest thereon to the state of Maryland, which said sum was formerly loaned by the said state to the commissioners for the use of the city of Washington: Provided, That if a sufficient sum to meet the objects last aforesaid, shall not be produced by the sale of the whole of the lots aforesaid, then so much money as may be necessary to provide for the deficiency is hereby appropriated, and shall be paid out of any money in the treasury of the united states, not otherwise appropriated.

52. SECT. VII. After the debts already contracted by the commissioners shall have been discharged, all monies advanced out of the treasury in pursuance of this act, shall be reimbursed by the said superintendant, by paying into the treasury all monies arising from the city funds, until the whole sum advanced, with the interest thereon, shall be repaid.

53. SECT. VIII. So much of the act, entitled, "An act to establish the temporary and permanent seat of government of the united states," passed on the sixteenth day of July, in the year seventeen hundred and ninety, as relates to the appointment of commissioners shall be, and the same is hereby repealed. [See antea 2 and seq.]

54. SECT. IX. It shall and may be lawful to open books in the city of Washington, for receiving and entering subscriptions for opening the canal to communicate from the Potomack river to the eastern branch thereof, through a part of the city of Washington, under the management of Thomas Tingey, Daniel Carroll of Duddington, Thomas Law, and Daniel Carroll Brent, which subscriptions shall be made personally, or by power of attorney: the said books shall be opened for receiving subscriptions, and continue open until the sum of eighty thousand dollars shall be filled up, in shares of one hundred dollars each; and that each person shail, at the time of subscribing, pay down ten dollars, being one tenth of cach share; and after fourteen days previous notice, by advertisement, there shall be a meeting of the subscri

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