
advances a claim, 213. But is discouraged from prosecuting it, ibul.
How the papacy was likely to be affected in the choice of an emperor,
ibid. Advice of Pope Leo X. to the German princes, ibid. Opening
of the diet at Franckfort, 214. In whom the election of an emperor
is vested, ibid. Views of the elector, 215. The empire offered to
Frederick of Saxony, ibid. Who rejects it, and his reasons, ibid.
Charles V. chosen, 218. The capitulation of the Germanic privileges
confirmed by him, ibid. Charles sets out for, 221. Charles crowned
at Aix-la-Chapelle, 234. Commencement of the reformation there by
by Martin Luther, 235. Treatment of the bull of excommunication
published against Luther, 252. The usurpations of the clergy there,
during the disputes concerning investitures, 261. The clergy of,
mostly foreigners, 265. The benefices of, nominated by the pope,
ibid. The expedient of the emperors for restraining this power of
the pope ineffectual, 266. The great progress of Luther's doctrines
in, 349. Grievances of the peasants, 391. Insurrection in Suabia,
392, 393. The memorial of their grievances, 393. The insurrection
quelled, 394. Another insurrection in Thuringia, ilid. How the
house of Austria became so formidable in, 421. Proceedings relating
to the reformation there, ibid. Great progress of the reformation
there, vi, 2. Ferdinand, king of Hungary and Bohemia, brother to
Charles V. elected king of the Romans, 10. The Protestant religion
established in Saxony, 89. The Protestant religion established in the
Palatinate, 181. The league of Smalkalde raise an army against the
emperor, 206.
Are put under the ban of the empire, 208. The Pro-
testant army dispersed, 224. The interim enforced by the emperor,
283. Maurice of Saxony raises an army, and declares in favour of the
Protestants, 336. Maurice favoured even by the Catholic princes,
and why, 350. Treaty of Passau between the emperor and Maurice
of Saxony, 355. Truce between the emperor and Henry of France,
440. Charles resigns the imperial crown to his brother Ferdinand,
Ghent, an insurrection there, vi, 93. The pretensions of the citizens, 94.
Form a confederacy against the queen-dowager of Hungary their go-
verness, 95. Their deputies to the emperor, how treated by him, ibid.
Offer to submit to France, 96. Is reduced by Charles, 102.
Ghibeline faction in Italy, a view of, v, 406.

Giron, Don Pedro de, appointed to the command of the army of the
Holy Junta, v, 318. Resigns his commission, and Padilla replaced,

Goletta, in Africa, taken by the emperor Charles V. vi, 43.

Gonzaga, the imperial governor of Milan, procures Cardinal Farnese to

be assassinated, and takes possession of Placentia for the emperor,
vi, 276. Prepares to seize Parma, 313. Is repulsed by the French,

Gouffier, sent by Francis I. king of France, to negociate a peace with
Charles V. v, 199.

Granada, archbishop of, president of the council of Castile, his impru-
dent advice to Cardinal Adrian, relating to the insurrection in Segovia,
v, 306.

Granvelle, Cardinal, his artifice to prevail on the count de Sanserre to
surrender St Disiere to the emperor, vi, 166. Endeavours to lull the
Protestants into security with regard to the emperor's conduct towards
them, 186. Is commissioned by Philip to address the assembly at the
emperor's resignation of his hereditary dominions, 438.

Gravelines, an interview there, between the emperor Charles V. and
Henry VIII. of England, v, 233.

Death of the duke of Orleans, 178. Peace of Campe, 205. Perceives
a necessity of checking the emperor's ambitious designs, 242. Forms
a general league against him, 243. Dies, 246. His life and character
summarily compared with those of Charles, ibid. Consequences of his
death, 219.

Francis II. his accession to the crown of France, and character, vi, 499.
Frankfort, the diet of, assembled for the choice of an emperor, at the
death of Maximilian, v, 214. Names and views of the electors, 214,
215. The empire offered to Frederick of Saxony, 215. Who rejects
it, with his reasons, 215, 216. Chooses Charles V. emperor, 218. His
confirmation of the Germanic privileges required and agreed to, ibid.
City of, embraces the reformed religion, 349. The college of electors
assembled there by Ferdinand, who is acknowledged emperor of Ger-
many, vi, 475.

Frederick, duke of Saxony, assembles with the other electors, at the
diet of Frankfort, to choose an emperor, v, 215. The empire
offered to him, ibid. Rejects it, and votes for Charles V. 215, 216.
Refuses the presents of the Spanish ambassadors, 216. This disinte
rested behaviour confirmed by the testimony of historians, 217, note.
Chooses Martin Luther philosophical professor at his university of
Wirtemberg, 240. Encourages Luther in his opposition to indulgences,
241. Protects him against Cajetan, 247. Causes Luther to be seized
at his return from the diet of Worms, and conceals him at Wartburg,
277. Dies, 398.

Fregoso, the French ambassador to Venice, murdered by the Marquis del
Guasto, the imperial governor of the Milanese, vi, 137.

Fronsberg, George, a German nobleman, some account of; he joins the
army of Charles V. v, 408.


General of the Jesuits, an inquiry into his office and despotic authority,
vi, 107.

Geneva, an account of its revolt against the duke of Savoy, vi, 54.
Genoa, reduced by Lautrec, the French general, v, 427. The French
endeavour to prejudice its trade in favour of Savona, 436. Is
rescued from the French by Andrew Doria, 438. The government
of, settled by the disinterestedness of Doria, 439. The honour paid
to Doria's memory, 440. Is visited by the emperor, 448. A scheme
formed to overturn the constitution of, by Fiesco count of Lavagna,
232. He assembles his adherents, 234. The conspirators sally forth
from Lavagna's palace, 237. Deputics sent to know Lavagna's terms,
238. Lavagna drowned, ibid. The insurrection ruined by the im-
prudence of his brother Jerome Fiesco, ibid. The conspirators dis-
perse, 239. Jerome reduced and put to death, 245.
Germanado, an association in Valencia, so termed, on what occasion
formed, v, 328. Refuse to lay down their arms, 329. Their resent-
ment levelled at the nobility, who raise an army against them, ibid.
Defeat the nobles in several actions, 330. But are routed and dispersed
by them, ilid.

Germany, state of, at the death of the emperor Maximilian, v, 208.
Charles V. of Spain, and Francis I. of France, form pretensions to the
imperial crown, 209. Their respective reasons offered in favour of
their claims, 209, 210. Views and interests of the other European
states in relation to the competitors, 212. Henry VIII. of England

advances a claim, 213. But is discouraged from prosecuting it, ibid.
How the papacy was likely to be affected in the choice of an emperor,
ibid. Advice of Pope Leo X. to the German princes, ibid. Opening
of the diet at Franckfort, 214. In whom the election of an emperor

is vested, ibid. Views of the elector, 215. The empire offered to
Frederick of Saxony, ibid. Who rejects it, and his reasons, ibid.
Charles V. chosen, 218. The capitulation of the Germanic privileges
confirmed by him, ibid. Charles sets out for, 224. Charles crowned
at Aix-la-Chapelle, 234. Commencement of the reformation there by
by Martin Luther, 235. Treatment of the bull of excommunication
published against Luther, 252. The usurpations of the clergy there,
during the disputes concerning investitures, 261. The clergy of,
mostly foreigners, 265. The benefices of, nominated by the pope,
ibid. The expedient of the emperors for restraining this power of
the pope ineffectual, 266. The great progress of Luther's doctrines
in, 349. Grievances of the peasants, 391. Insurrection in Suabia,
392, 393. The memorial of their grievances, 393. The insurrection.
quelled, 394. Another insurrection in Thuringia, lid. How the
house of Austria became so formidable in, 421. Proceedings relating
to the reformation there, ibid. Great progress of the reformation
there, vi, 2. Ferdinand, king of Hungary and Bohemia, brother to
Charles V. elected king of the Romans, 10. The Protestant religion
established in Saxony, 89. The Protestant religion established in the
Palatinate, 181. The league of Smalkalde raise an army against the
emperor, 206.
Are put under the ban of the empire, 208. The Pro-
testant army dispersed, 221. The interim enforced by the emperor,
283. Maurice of Saxony raises an army, and declares in favour of the
Protestants, 336. Maurice favoured even by the Catholic princes,
and why, 350. Treaty of Passau between the emperor and Maurice
of Saxony, 355. Truce between the emperor and Henry of France,
440. Charles resigns the imperial crown to his brother Ferdinand,
Ghent, an insurrection there, vi, 93. The pretensions of the citizens, 94.
Form a confederacy against the queen-dowager of Hungary their go-
verness, 95. Their deputies to the emperor, how treated by him, ibid.
Offer to submit to France, 96. Is reduced by Charles, 102.
Ghibeline faction in Italy, a view of, v, 406.

Giron, Don Pedro 'de, appointed to the command of the army of the
Holy Junta, v, 318. Resigns his commission, and Padilla replaced,

Goletta, in Africa, taken by the emperor Charles V. vi, 43.

Gonzaga, the imperial governor of Milan, procures Cardinal Farnese to

be assassinated, and takes possession of Placentia for the emperor,
vi, 276. Prepares to seize Parma, 313. Is repulsed by the French,

Gouffier, sent by Francis I. king of France, to negociate a peace with
Charles V. v, 199.

Granada, archbishop of, president of the council of Castile, his impru-
dent advice to Cardinal Adrian, relating to the insurrection in Segovia,
v, 306.

Granvelle, Cardinal, his artifice to prevail on the count de Sanserre to
surrender St Disiere to the emperor, vi, 166. Endeavours to lull the
Protestants into security with regard to the emperor's conduct towards
them, 186. Is commissioned by Philip to address the assembly at the
emperor's resignation of his hereditary dominions, 438.

Gravelines, an interview there, between the emperor Charles V. and、
Henry VIII. of England, v, 233.

Gropper, canon of Cologne, is appointed a manager of the Protestant and
Catholic conferences before the diet at Ratisbon, vi, 119. Writes
a treatise to compose the differences between them, bid. The sen-
timents of both parties on this work, 120.

Guasto, the marquis del, appointed governor of Milan by the emperor,
vi, 70. Procures Rincon, the French ambassador to the Porte, to be
murdered on his journey thither, 137. Defends Carignan against the
French, 159. Defeated by d'Enguien in a pitched battle, 161.
Guicciardini, his account of the publication of indulgences contradicted,
v, 242, note. Defends Reggio against the French, 291. Repulses an
attack upon Parma by the French, 295. His sentiments of the pope's
treaty with Lannoy, viceroy of Naples, 413.

Guise, Francis of Lorrain, duke of, is made governor of Metz by
Henry H. of France, vi, 362. His character, ibid. Prepares to

defend it against the emperor, 363. His brother d'Aumale taken
prisoner by the imperialists, 365. The emperor raises the siege, 368.

His humane treatment of the distressed and sick Germans left be-
hind, ibid. Persuades Henry to an alliance with Pope Paul IV.
428. Marches with troops into Italy, 454. Is unable to effect any
thing, 456.
Is recalled from Italy after the defeat of St Quintin,
467. His reception in France, 471. Takes the field against
Philip, 472. Invests and takes Calais from the English, 474.
Takes also Guisnes and Haines, ibid. Takes Thionville in Luxem-
bourg, 479.

Mary of, married to James V. of Scotland, vi, 83. Frustrates the
intended marriage between her daughter Mary and prince Edward of
England, 158.

Gurk, cardinal de, why he favoured the election of Charles V. to the
imperial crown, v, 217. Signs the capitulation of the Germanic body
on behalf of Charles, 218.

Gusman, chancellor to the emperor Ferdinand, is sent to Pope Paul IV.
to notify the election, who refuses to see him, vi, 476.


Hamburgh, city of, embraces the reformed religion, v, 349.

Haro, the conde de, appointed to command the army of the Castilian
nobles against the Holy Junta, v, 319. Attacks Tordesillas, and gets
possession of queen Johanna, ibid. Routs the army of the Junta, and
takes Padilla prisoner, who is executed, 324.

Hascen Aga, deputy-governor of Algiers, his piracies against the Christian
states, vi, 127. Is besieged in Algiers by the emperor Charles V. 130.
Makes a successful sally, ibid. The emperor forced by bad weather
to return back again, 133.

Hayradin, a potter's son of Lesbos, commences pirate, vi, 36. See Bar-

Heathens, ancient, why the principles of mutual toleration were generally
admitted among them, vi, 417.

Heldo, vice-chancellor to Charles V. attends the pope's nuncio to Smal.
kalde, vi, 85. Forms a Catholic league in opposition to the Pro-
testant one, 87.

Henry II. king of France, his motives for declining an alliance with Pope
Paul III. against the emperor, vi, 277. Procures for Scotland a peace
with England, 314. The young queen Mary contracted to the dauphin,
and sent to France for education, ibid. Enters into an alliance with
Octavio Farnese, duke of Parma, ibid. Protests against the council of

Trent, 315. Makes alliance with Maurice, elector of Saxony, 330.
Seconds the operations of Maurice, 337. His army marches and
seizes Metz, 339. Attempts to surprise Strasburg, 346. Is strongly
solicited to spare it, ibid. Returns, 347. The emperor prepares for
war against him, 361. Instigates the Turks to invade Naples, 371.
Terouane taken and demolished by Charles, 378. Hesden taken,
ibid. Leads an army into the Low Countries against Charles, ibid.
Endeavours to obstruct the marriage of Mary of England with Philip
of Spain, 394. The progress of his armies against the emperor, 395,
Engages Charles, 396. Retires, 397. Cosmo di Medici, duke of
Florence, makes war against him, 398. Appoints Peter Strozzi
commander of his army in Italy, 399. Strozzi defeated, 401. Siena
taken, 403. Pope Paul IV. makes overtures to an alliance with
him against the emperor, 427. Montmorency's arguments against
this alliance, ibid. Is persuaded by the Guises to accept it, 428.
Sends the cardinal of Lorrain with powers to conclude it, ibid. The
pope signs the treaty, 430. A truce for five years concluded with
the emperor, 440. Is exhorted by Cardinal Caraffa to break the truce,
443. Is absolved from his oath, and concludes a new treaty with the
pope, 445. Sends the duke of Guise into Italy, 454. The constable
Montmorency defeated and taken prisoner at St Quintin, 462. Henry
prepares for the defence of Paris, 463. St Quintin taken by assault,
465. Collects his troops and negociates for assistance, ibid. His
kind reception of the duke of Guise, 471. Calais taken by Guise,
474. Empowers Montmorency to negociate a peace with Philip,
484. Honours him highly on his return to France, ibid. Writes to
Queen Elizabeth with proposals of marriage, 492. How he failed in
his suit, 493. His daughter married to Philip, and his sister to the
duke of Savoy, 497. Terms of the treaty of Chateau-Cambresis, 498.
The marriage of his sister and daughter celebrated with great pomp,
429. His death, ibid.

Henry VII. of England, detains the archduke Philip and his duchess,
when driven on his coast, three months, at the instigation of Fer-
dinand, v, 175.

Publishes a treatise

278. Obtains of
Takes part with

VIII. of England, sends an ambassador to Germany to propose his
claims to the imperial crown, v, 213. Is discouraged from his pre-
tensions, and takes no part with the other competitors, ibid. His
personal character and political influence in Europe, 228. Entirely
guided by Cardinal Wolsey, 229. Receives a visit from the emperor
Charles V. 232. Goes over to France to visit Francis, 233. Wrestles
with Francis, and is thrown by him, ibid. note. Has another inter-
view with Charles at Gravelines, ibid. Charles offers to submit his
differences with Francis to his àrbitration, ibid.
on the Seven Sacraments against Martin Luther,
the pope the title of Defender of the Faith, ibid.
Charles against Francis, 280. Sends Wolsey to negociate an accom-
modation between the emperor and Francis, 287. Concludes a league
with Charles against Francis, 289. His avowed reasons for this treaty,
ibid. His private motives, ibid. Declares war against Francis, 299.
Is visited by Charles, 300. Makes descents upon the coast of France,
301. Advances with an army into Picardy, ibid. Obliged to retire
by the duke de Vendome, ibid. Enters into a treaty with the cm-
peror and Charles duke of Bourbon, 338. How he raised supplies
for his wars beyond the grants of his parliaments, 313. Sends the
duke of Suffolk to invade Picardy, who penetrates almost to Paris,
but is driven back, 344. Engages to assist Charles in an invasion
of Provence, 357. Causes of his not supporting the imperialists,
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