
stamped across their face, "Not Allowed by the State Auditor," because they did not comply with the law in giving proper details. With my twoedged sword, "Audit and adjust," newly sharpened by the supreme court, I am still sitting on the lid.

ROADY KENEHAN, State Auditor.

Council Warns Laboring People to Stay Away From Los Angeles.

Forced finally by existing conditions in the labor market in Los Angeles, which has been glutted by the false and misleading advertisements that have been scattered broadcast over the country by business interests that craftily planned to reduce wages by competition among the workers, the city council Saturday took official notice of the situation and issued a warning to non-resident workers to stay away from Los Angeles.

The resolution was introduced by Councilman John W. Snowden at the suggestion of Acting Mayor F. J. Whiffen, following a conference on the unemployed situation at the office of the civil service commission, where the passage of the resolution was discussed.

Councilman Fred C. Wheeler seconded the motion to adopt the resolution, and Councilman Martin Betkouski said: "I'm heartily in favor of it." Then came the roll call, and the vote was unanimous.

Here's the resolution:

WHEREAS, There is a large number of unemployed in Los Angeles, many of them floaters, who have been attracted here by climatic conditions and misrepresentations that there was a superabundance of work at high wages to be found; and

WHEREAS, The city council has been compelled to appropriate funds to provide additional employment for the class of citizenry that has enjoyed a twelve-months' residence; and

WHEREAS, The city is unable to provide employment for more workers than are now within the city confines; therefore be it

Resolved, That the City Council of Los Angeles does hereby warn and advise all nonresident unemployed not to conre to Los Angeles with the hope of securing employment; and be it further

Resolved, That the City Council request the

newspapers and press associations to give this resolution the fullest publicity throughout the country, in order that those who are contemplating coming to Los Angeles may be fully advised of the real conditions of the labor market in this municipality.-Los Angeles Record.


WATERLOO, IOWA.-The local Typographical Union has just signed a new contract with employers, which increases the day and night scale of $18 and $21 to $19 and $22 for job, ad, and floor men for one year, starting January 1, 1914. During the next two years a $1 increase will be granted, and from 1917 to 1919 the rate will be $21 and $24. Machine operators' wages will range from $22 to $25 the first year to $24 and $27 during the years of 1917-1919. This fiveyear contract will result in the following aggregate increases: First year, $2,860; second year, $5,720; third year, $5,720; fourth year, $8,850; fifth year, $8,850. Waterloo printers point to these figures as a result of trade-unionism, and compare them with the weekly wage of $12 a week, which prevailed here a few years ago under non-union conditions.

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DENVER, COLO., December 31, 1913. Mr. Hubert S. Marshall, Secretary International Union of Journeymen Horseshoers of United States and Canada, Cincinnati, Ohio: DEAR SIR AND BROTHER-In writing you at this time we desire to interest the officers and members of your International organization in the industrial war that is now being conducted in the Copper District of Michigan, to the end that your assistance may be secured financially in this great struggle for labor's right to organize.

This is a struggle that should interest every man and woman in the labor movement of America, as the constitutional rights and liberties of the men and women in this district have been entirely set aside by the county and state officials, or, in other words, the prevailing law of the district at this time is what the mine operators choose it to be, and the state and county officials have become mere parts of the mine owners' machinery, and official orders and statements are made and given out at their behest.

They have sanctioned the importation of gunmen into the district and the Governor of the state has maintained the armed force of the state in the strike zone for the sole purpose of shielding and protecting imported gunmen, while they beat, club and murder the strikers and members of their families. This reign of terror and brutality on the part of the employers and their "lackeys" in official positions has had the opposite effect on the strikers from that which was desired by the employers, as each day finds them more determined to continue the struggle for their right to organize and the establishment of better conditions for them and their class.

The one great question that confronts our organization and the only obstacle in the way of ultimate victory for the struggling miners of Michigan, is the question of finances. We have approximately fifty thousand people, including men, women and children, to care for, and with the rigors of a northern winter in progress in the Copper District of Michigan, it materially adds to the cost of maintaining the strikers and their families. We find at this time that the burden has become too great

for the numerical strength of our International organization and have decided to appeal to the officers and members of International organizations to come to our assistance financially, and in doing this we ask that 'you take this matter up with your International President and Executive Officers and, if possible, outline a plan by which you may reach and interest your local unions to the end that they may contribute financially to the support of the striking miners of Michigan, who are putting up one of the greatest fights against the greatest odds, making the greatest sacrifices in life and property that has ever been made by any body of men and women in industrial conflict.

Our International President, Charles H. Moyer, was set upon by hired assassins of the mine operators, cruelly beaten, shot in the neck, dragged through the streets of Hancock and Houghton for a distance of over a mile and a half, thrown aboard an outgoing train, guarded by gunmen in the employ of the sheriff's office, and now lies in a critical condition at the St. Luke's Hospital, Chicago.

All contributions should be sent to Ernest Mills, Secretary and Treasurer of the Western Federation of Miners, 605 Railroad Building, Denver, Colo., or to Frank Morrison, Secretary of the American Federation of Labor, 801 G St., Northwest, Washington, D. C.

In conclusion, we desire to thank you for past favors and assistance in our struggles of the past, and assure you that all assistance given to the miners in the Michigan conflict at this time goes to a worthy cause, and that the future will find them at all times ready and anxious to reciprocate should the membership of your organization find themselves in a like position.

With best wishes and hoping your International may see its way clear to come to the immediate assistance of the Michigan strikers financially, we remain,

Fraternally yours,


C. E. MAHONEY, Vice-Pres.
ERNEST MILLS, Sec'y-Treas.


HUBERT S. MARSHALL, Secretary-Treasurer, Second Nat. Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, O.

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On January 19 the Secretary-Treasurer received a request from Local No. 270, of Akron, Ohio, to go to that city to give the brothers instructions as to how to manage the local. The Secretary-Treasurer arrived there on the morning of January 15 and visited a number of shops. He addressed well-attended meeting of the local on Thursday evening. Local No. 270 was reorganized in October, 1912, and April 29, 1913, they signed individual agreements with the employers, adopting a scale of wages of $3.00 for floormen and $3.50 for firemen and fire and floormen, with fifty cents per hour overtime. They also signed for the nine-hour workday, and four months Saturday half holiday in the summer. The employers became organized and wanted an agreement similar to the one signed by the horseshoers of Cleveland. Mr. Charles McGinness, secretary of the Master Horseshoers' National Protective Association, went to Akron early in December and met with the horseshoers, with the result that committees from both organizations conferred upon an agreement. An agreement was drawn up and went into effect on January 26. The scale of wages in the new agreement, which is to go into effect May 1, 1914, is $3.75 and $4.00 per day, sixty cents per hour overtime, and the Saturday half-holiday for June, July, August and September.

The brothers in Akron have made wonderful strides in the short time they have been reorganized, and all they needed was a little

advice on trade-unionism and how to run the local in order to maintain their conditions. Akron is a well-paved city, with heavy grades, and the master horseshoers are endeavoring to adopt a minimum price of shoeing at two dollars per set, to go into effect May 1.


Any one knowing the whereabouts of the relatives of Michael O'Connor, horseshoer, will notify J. G. Cooper, R. R. No. 2, Toronto, Ohio. Michael O'Connor has been very ill with pneumonia, and from the last report he was not expected to live. He worked in Monroeville, Ind., and through that section of the country. It is believed that he has relatives living in Ireland.


The following representatives of the supply houses called at the International Headquarters during the past month: P. J. Hickey, of the Powers Rubber Shoe Company; Wm. E. Carroll, of the American Horse Shoe Company; Wm. Kane, of the American Steel and Wire Company; Theo. Kellerer, of the Union Horse Nail Company, and John Lacey, of the Phoenix Horse Shoe Company.


The locals which have not sent in their lists of the membership for the magazine mailing list and the names to be placed on the new charters are requested to attend to these matters at once, as both are of vital importance to your local union.

Standard Horse Nail Co.




Send for Catalogue, Prices and Samples.



Editor Horseshoers' Magazine:

With sorrow and our deepest sympathy I am sending you the enclosed resolutions upon the death of the mother of our most esteemed brother, Edward Gilroy:

WHEREAS, It has pleased our heavenly Father in His infinite wisdom to call to her eternal reward the beloved mother of Brother Edward Gilroy; therefore be it

Resolved, That we extend our sincerest sympathy to our bereaved brother and members of his family in this the hour of their sorrow; and be it further

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to our afflicted brother and the members of his family and a copy be spread on the minutes of Local No. 23, J. H. U., and a copy be sent to our official magazine for publication. HARRY DUNLAP, JAMES S. GRAY, ALLAN MCDOWELL.


Editor Horseshoers' Magazine:

With deepest regret I am writing of the death of our late brother, Morris Bott, who died on December 30; the cause of his death was appendicitis. He was confined to his home two days. The funeral was held on January 3 from his late residence, 38 Pearl street, and was attended by every member of the local. He is survived by a wife and ten small children, the oldest of whom is fourteen. The following brothers acted as pallbearers: James Moran, Andrew Crowder, Gus Gaugler, William Fleming, Fred Wittaker and James Duryea.

At a special meeting the following set of resolutions were passed:

WHEREAS, It has pleased Almighty God in His infinite wisdom to call from our ranks our beloved and esteemed brother, Morris Bott; therefore, be it

Resolved, That we, the members of the Journeymen's Horseshoers' Union, Local No. 82, of Paterson, N. J., individually and as a body tender our sincere and heartfelt sympathy to his beloved wife and children, and

the ones who knew him best and will miss him most in their hour of sorrow and regret; and be it further

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to his wife and family, a copy be sent to our magazine and a copy be spread upon the minutes;

Resolved, That our charter be draped in mourning and remain so for thirty days. HENRY AUER, FRED WITTAKER, THOMAS HOLLY,



THOMAS MACKAY. Editor Horseshoers' Magazine:

On the 27th of November last Local No. 254 was called on to mourn the death of Brother Thomas Mackay, who was accidentally killed at Kamloops, B. C. Brother Mackay was a native of Sutherlandshire, Scotland, and came to Vancouver about five years ago. He was of sterling and upright character and highly respected by all who knew him.

At a meeting of Local No. 254, I. U. of J. H., the following resolutions were adopted:

WHEREAS, It has pleased Almighty God in His infinite wisdom to take from our midst Brother Thomas Mackay; may He grant him everlasting peace and happiness; therefore be it

Resolved, That the members of the Journeymen Horseshoers' Union, Local No. 254, extend their sympathy to the bereaved parents;

and be it

Resolved, That our charter be draped for thirty days and a copy of these resolutions be sent to the INTERNATIONAL HORSESHOERS' MAGAZINE, and a copy be spread on the minutes. JAMES CHRISTISON, ALEX. C. MCARTHUR.

JAMES DICKENS AND WIFE, Editor Horseshoers' Magazine:

At a meeting held September 29, 1913, of the Journeymen Horseshoers' Union, Local No. 264, the following resolutions of condolence were adopted by the members:

WHEREAS, It has seemed the will of the Almighty Controller of Mortal Transactions to remove from our midst the beloved son of our worthy brother member, James Dickens, and wife; therefore be it

Resolved, That we deplore the loss of our brother and wife with deep feelings of regret, softened only by the confident hope that his spirit is with those who, having fought the good fight here, are enjoying perfect happiness in a better world;

Resolved, That we tender to his father and mother and relatives our sincere condolence, and our earnest sympathy in their affliction;

Resolved, That a copy of the foregoing resolutions be tendered to the father and mother, and a copy be sent the JOURNEY MEN HORSESHOERS' UNION MAGAZINE.





Editor Horseshoers' Magazine:

On Tuesday evening, December 30, Local Union No. 254 held their election of officers for the coming year. The following were chosen : President, James Christison, 812 Main street; vice-president, Richard Prior; financial secretary, Thomas McHugh, 1713 Fifth avenue, West; treasurer, James Teuinon; recording secretary, John Pietre; sergeant-atarms, Alex. Mackay. Our new president, Brother Christison, has held the most important offices of our local on previous occasions. His experience and advice will therefore be of great assistance to the officials under him. We are holding our second annual ball on Friday, January 30. If it is a success like the last one, we will be satisfied. We still keep on getting new members; we initiated two at our last meeting. The outlook for this local is good, as we have had very big attendances at our last few meetings. With best wishes and a Happy and Prosperous New Year to yourself and all the locals I remain,

Fraternally yours,

THOMAS MCHUGH, Fin. Sec'y. P. S. Our meetings are held now on the second and fourth Thursday in each month in the Labor Temple, Dansmuir street.


Editor Horseshoers' Magazine:

The following officers were elected in Local No. 124 for the ensuing year; President, O. A. Brewer, 326 N. Belmont avenue; financial secretary, Wm. C. Baringer, 912 E. 56th street; recording secretary, Fred E. Roberts,

318 Crocker street; corresponding secretary and treasurer, Jos. P. Stelley, 3108 E. 1st street; vice-president, Frank Thomas, 618 Gladys avenue; sergeant-at-arms, Frank Phalen. Yours fraternally,



Editor Horseshoers' Magazine: You will notice by the applications I keep sending in we have come to life down here and are up and hustling; we are gaining strength every meeting, and expect to keep the ball rolling.

We are striving to get the remainder of the boys in the local, so we will have the strength to raise the price of shoeing, thereby getting better conditions for the bosses as well as ourselves. We have carried several different plans before the bosses and its the same old story, some are willing and eager to cooperate with us, while others won't listen at all.

The enclosed agreement will partly explain our last step taken, and we have made some progress with it, enough to make things look a lot more encouraging. While it doesn't change conditions at the present, still we feel that we have gained a point, when we have gotten six out of nine of the best shops signed up, and one shop-the largest in town-discharged one man because he would not pay up, so the boss could live up to the agreement. All shops signed up are using the label, and we are starting a label advertising campaign. We are having shop cards made, also some cards denoting the fair shops from the unfair


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