
8. Show that the ratios of any angle, whether acute or obtuse, are subject to the relations of equality established in Chapter III.

9. How must the relations of inequality of Chapter III. be modified in order to include obtuse angles?


141. Consider any triangle ABC.

The angles at the points A, B, C will be called by the names A, B, C.

The sides BC, CA, AB, which are opposite to these angles, will be called a, b, c respectively.

142. To draw the figure by which the ratios of the base angles of a triangle may be indicated.

[blocks in formation]

Draw AL perpendicular to BC or BC produced. Then, the angle ACB may be (i) acute, (ii) obtuse, or (iii) right.

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.. CA sin C = BA sin B, i.e. b sin C = c sin B.

COR. Dividing by bc, we have

[blocks in formation]

i.e. the sines of the angles are proportional to the opposite

145. By the corollary of the last article, we have

[blocks in formation]

Put each of these fractions equal to d. Then since in each fraction the numerator is a length and the denominator a ratio, therefore d will represent a length.

[blocks in formation]

146. To find the sine and cosine of the sum and difference of two angles by means of the double-cosine and double-sine formulæ.

In the equation

a = b cos C + c cos B,

substitute for a, b, c in terms of d.

Thus d sin Ad sin B cos C+d sin C cos B,

.. sin A


sin B cos C+ cos B sin C.

Similarly sin B =

[Art. 145.


sin C cos A+ cos C sin A.

i.e. (substituting for sin A)

sin B = sin C cos A + cos2 C sin B + cos B cos C sin C,
..sin C cos A = cos B cos C sin C - sin B (1 - cos2 C'),
.. cos A cos B cos C-sin B sin C.


Now sin A = sin (B + C) and - cos A = cos (B+C), [Art. 140. .. (A) and (B) become


sin (B+ C) = sin B cos C + cos B sin C ..(1), cos (B+ C) = cos B cos C – sin B sin C.........................(2).

Let B' be the exterior angle at B.

Then A = B' – C, sin B = sin B' and cos B=

.. (A) and (B) become


cos B',



sin (B' - C)=sin B' cos C - cos B' sin C

cos (B'C') = cos B' cos C + sin B' sin C

147. It should be observed that, by the method of the last article, we have proved the formulæ for the sine and cosine of the sum and difference of two angles, whatever geometrical value the angles considered may have, i.e. whether they are acute or obtuse.

Hence, also, the formulæ which may be algebraically derived from these are universally true for all geometrical angles, viz. the expressions for the tangent and cotangent of the sum or difference of two angles, and the ratios of the double angles, &c. Example. If A, B, C are the angles of a triangle, express sin A+ sin B+ sin C

as a product of ratios.

The given expression

=sin {}(A+B)+(A − B)} +sin {} (A+B) − } (A − B)} + sin C
=2 sin (A+B) cos † (A − B) +2 sin C cos C

=2cos C{cos (A−B)+cos(A+B)},

[sin(A+B)=cos C and sinC=cos (A+B)]

=2 cos C. 2 cos A cos B

=4 cos A cosВ cos C.

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This formula may be written in other forms: thus

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

In fig. (i), (Euc. II. 13), AB = BC2+ CA-2BC. CL.
In fig. (ii), (Euc. II. 12), AB2 = BC2 + CA2 + 2BC . CL.
In fig. (iii), (Euc. I. 47), AB2= BC2 + CA2.

[blocks in formation]


c2 = a2 + b2 - 2ab. cos C.

b2 = c2 + a2 − 2ca.cos B,

a2 = b2 + c2 - 2bc.

To prove the sine formula:

2ab sin C = {(a+b+c) (a + b −c) (c + a−b) (b + c − a)}. By the last article,

2ab cos Ca2 + b2 - c2,

.. 2ab (1 + cos C) = (a2 + 2ab+b2) − c2 = (a + b + c) (a + b − c) (1),

2ab (1-cos C) = c2 - (a2 - 2ab+b2) = (c + a−b) (c− a+b) (2).

[ocr errors]

.. multiplying the above equations (1) and (2), we have 4a2b2 (1 - cos2 C) = (a + b + c) (a + b −c) (c + a − b ) (b + c − a) ; .. taking the square root, since 1-cos Csin2 C,

2ab sin C = √{(a + b + c) (a + b − c) (c + a − b) (b + c − a)}.

151. To prove the half-angle formula.

Since 1+cos C


2 cos2 C and 1 – cos C′ = 2 sin2 C,

substituting in (1) and (2) of last article

4ab cos2 ¿C = (a + b + c) (a + b −c),
4ab sin2 C(c+a−b) (c-a+b).

Dividing, we have




(c+a-b) (b+c-a)
(a+b+c) (a+b - c) '

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