
loaf each. This is liberality and charity
indeed. But I hear of no meetings.
There used to be meetings for raising
money for shoes and flannel shirts and trow-
sers and dravvers, and all manner of things,
in order to make our allies comfortable while
they were fighting against the French. The
very women and children used to sub-
scribe. But, now, alas! all that the
poor Portuguese have got, or are likely
to get, in the way of voluntary contri-
bution, is about 40 lines of doggerel from
the pen of poet Fitzgerald; and, he be-
ing a pensioner, even that cannot be called
voluntary. This is a sad falling off to be
sure. Why should not those, who met
for the purpose of instigating the war, sub-
scribe 20 or 30 thousand pounds each?
And those, too, who Addressed the King
ason his resolution to enter into the war.
These are the men to indemnify the poor
creatures in Portugal, who, if they had
12 or 18 guineas each 'given them, might
get on again pretty well; but, really, to
vote the people of Portugal a shilling each
is what I could not have expected.Let
us hope, however, that we shall see meet-
Those who instigated the
ings held yet.
war, and who, no doubt, saw clearly the
profits of it, will, let us hope, not remain
deaf to the tender voice of charity, espe-
cially when the goddess speaks through
the lips of a Wellesley. But, it is time for
them to begin to meet; for, the next dis-
patches may tell us, that the Lord Marshall

tures, who have so severely suffered from that war. -Whether the war was, on our part just or unjust, wise or foolish, is not here the question; the question is whether the poor unfortunate wretches who have suffered from it ought to be relieved from this country, and this is a question, which, I think, must be decided in the affirmative, unless, indeed, we could make France afford them relief, which is not very probable. There can be no doubt, that, if it had not been for us, the poor creatures would not have had their country ravaged in the manner that they have. To be sure, what we have done, and are doing, is all for their good; but, still, they ought to be compensated for their losses, because, as to individuals, at any rate, there is no satisfactory proof, that they invited us to their country.It may be said, that it is better for them to suffer loss of goods and chattels and even loss of life, than to let the French have the government of the country in their hands; that, compared to this, hanging or drowning or shooting would be nothing. This is going a good way: farther than our life-and-fortune-men would like to go, I believe. But, let it be so, still we went to Portugal without being actually sent for by the people at large, and, therefore I ain decidedly for their being compensate for their losses and sufferings by us. But, then, I am for the mode pointed by the Lord Marshall. I am for leaving the honour of relieving the Portuguese to those who were for the war in Portugal. To them belongs the merit of making and abetting the war, and I would by no means deprive them of the pleasure of paying the expences of it. -Before I quit this subject, I cannot --Not a word, however, do we hear of help remarking how unanimous the HonMEETINGS for this purpose! Whither ourable House was as to the vote of a hunare fled all the choice spirits of good old dred thousand pounds to the Portuguese. full-blooded Anti-Jacobin times; No Mr. PONSONBY Seconded the motion. All meetings at the Mansion House! No was harmony. And, in the other House, meetings at Lloyds!! No Turtle Patriot the harmony was, if possible, still more meetings; Why, the very Turtle and striking; and LORD WELLESLEY, when Turbot and Venison and Wine that were he proposed the measure, talked about that swallowed upon the proclaiming of this" distinguished warrior," his brother, in war would have fetched half the money now granted to the poor, miserable, naked, starving and lacerated wretches that it has produced. What! A hundred thousand Pound! Spirit of Voluntary Contributions, whither art thou fled! Art gone amongst the worms to seek the great statesman "now no more?" What! A hundred thousand pounds! Why it is not above a skilling a head for the poor creatures. It is not enough to get them one single quartern

again at his old work of drawing Massena after him; and it would be very convenient for the Portuguese to hear of our cha ritable movements before that takes place.

strains that really were quite moving.-
The daily newspapers have taken their
fill of victory; and, indeed, with some
of them the two frequent effects of inordi-
nate repletion seem to have followed.
The TIMES, which for some time seems to
have been doing penance, in the hope of
working out its salvation, has, upon this oc-
casion, surpassed even the regular traders.

It is, to be sure, shameful, to the last degree, to hear boastings like those of the

last week. Why, what is it, after all? What have we gained? Who have we beaten? What place, or what men, or what cannon have we taken? When the French were following our army, we said, that our General was not running away; but that he was drawing the French after him. Why do we not allow that the same may now be the case as to the enemy? What a shame! How foolish is this! What shall we gain by it in the end? Is it not better to speak modestly and truly of such things; and, especially until we know the result of the war. It is by the result that the victory is known.-Besides, we always seem to forget the cost of this war. We seem to forget, that the French General has maintained his army in the country, and that ours has been maintained by the draining of England. Only consider what shipping we have had attendant upon this our army, carrying it supplies of all sorts, and having transports constantly at hand to bring it off, if necessary. We seem to forget this. And, then, we maintain that all the people in Portugal are enemies of the French. So that they have all sorts of difficulties to encounter. They are in an enemy's country; they have no communication with home; they have no supplies but what they collect upon the spot; no shipping; no external resources; while we have a fleet the seamen of which are half as numerous as their army; and, yet they have been able to keep their ground, to lie in front of us, aye, and to hem us up for six months.But, after all, what was Massena to do, if we did not go out of our lines? If our general resolved not to stir out, it was useless for the French to lie where they were. The question of victory is to be settled by the result; and as to that no man can yet know any thing. If, indeed, Spain and Portugal shall be finally freed of the French, completely freed, and made independent, then it may be said, that we have been victorious; but, not 'till then. And, in the mean while, I beseech my credulous and easily-amused countrymen to remember how many cannon-rings and illuminations and what huzzaings, took place for our victories, during the American War.


State Prison, Newgate, Tuesday,
April 16, 1811.



REPORT of the Queen's Council, on the State of His Majesty's Health.-Queen's Lodge, Windsor, April 6, 1811.

Present, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, Earl Winchelsea, Earl of Aylesford, Lord Eldon, Lord Ellenborough, Sir W. Grant, (the Duke of Montrose being absent, on account of indisposition.)We, the Members of the Council, here present, appointed to assist Her Majesty in the execution of the trust committed to her Majesty, by virtue of the Statute passed in the 51st year of His Majesty's reign, entitled, " An Act to provide for the Administration of the Royal Authority, and for the care of His Majesty's Royal Person during the continuance of His Majesty's illness, and for the resumption of the exercise of the Royal Authority by His Majesty ;" having called before us and examined on oath the Physicians and other persons attendant on His Majesty, and having ascertained the state of His Majesty's health by such other ways and means as appear to us to be necessary for that purpose, do hereby declare the state of His Majesty's health, at the time of this our meeting, as follows:--That the indisposition with which His Majesty was afflicted at the time of the passing of the said Act does still so far exist, that His Majesty is not yet restored to such a state of health as to be capable of resuming the personal exercise of his Royal Authority. --That His Majesty appears to have made material progress towards recovery since the passing of the Act; and that all His Majesty's Physicians continue to express their expectations of such recovery. (Signed) C. CANTUAR', J. EBOR', WINCHILSEA, AYLESFORD, ELDON, ELLENBorough, W. GRANT.

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ANHOLT.-Letter from J. W. Maurice, com

manding a Detachment of Marines at Anholt, to Sir James Saumarez, giving an Account of the Repulse of the Danes from that Island.—March 27, 181.

(Concluded from p. 928.)

I took the field with Major Torrens (who, though wounded, insisted on accompanying me) and Lieutenant and Adjutant Steele; but as our prisoners were so numerous, and as we had no place of security in which to place them, I could only employ on this occasion the brigade of

howitzers under Lieutenants R. C. Steele | Master Fischer senior Subaltern, Lieutenant and Adjutant Steele, Lieutenants Stewart, Gray, Ford, Jellico, Atkinson, and Curtayne, all merit my warmest acknowledgments for the assistance they afforded me. Lieutenant Bezant, of the R. M. Artillery, deserves every commendation I can give him for his cool and able judgment in the direction of the guns on the Massareene battery. Lieutenant Turnbull, who acted as Captain of the Light Company, when we pursued the reserve, manifested such zeal and energy, that I have no doubt, had we brought the enemy again to action, he would have borne a very conspicuous part.-I cannot sufficiently express my thanks to Captains Baker and Stewart of the Tartar and Sheldrake, for their great exertions to get round to the Flotilla; and had the wind the least favoured them they would have destroyed the whole.-I am happy to add, that the property belonging to the merchants has been fully protected without meeting with the least loss.-The expedition sailed from the Randers, commanded by Major Melsteat (an officer of great distinction), and consisted of the following corps-2d Battalion of Jutland Sharp Shooters, 4th Battalion 2d Regiment of Jutland Yagers, 1st Regiment of Jutland Infantry, with some others, the names of which cannot be ascertained.-I have the honour to inclose the article of surrender, a return of killed and wounded, and a list of Danish officers killed and taken. a return of ordnance stores taken.—I have the honour to be, &c.-J. W. MAURICE, Commandant.

and Besant, of the Royal Marine Artil-
lery, and part of the Light Company com-
manded by Lieutenant Turnbull. When
we arrived at the west end of the island,
we found that the enemy had formed on
the beach, and were protected by fourteen
gun-boats towed close to the shore. To
attack such a force, with four howitzers
and forty men, seemed an useless sacrifice
of brave men's lives: I therefore with the
advice of Major Torrens halted on the
hills, while I reluctantly saw the reserve
embarked under cover of the gun-boats,
and the flotilla take a final leave of the
island. I am happy to say, our loss has
not been so considerable as might have
been expected from so desperate an at-
tack, we having only two killed and thirty
wounded. The enemy has suffered se-
verely; we have buried between thirty
and forty of their dead, and have receiv-
ed in the hospital twenty-three of their
wounded, most of them have undergone
amputations, three since dead of their
wounds, besides a great number which
they carried off the field to their boats.
Major Melsteat, the commandant, fell in
the field; Captain Borgen, the next in
command, wounded in the arm; Captain
Prutz, Adjutant General to the Commander
of the forces in Jutland, lost both his legs;
since dead. The most pleasing part of
my duty is to bear testimony to the zeal,
energy, and intrepidity of the officers and
men I had the honour to command: to
particularise would be impossible; the
same ardour inspired the whole. To Lieu
tenant Baker, next in command, who will
have the honour of delivering this dis-
patch, and will give you every informa
tion you may require, I am much indebt-
ed; his merit and zeal as an officer, which
I have some years been acquainted with,
and his volunteering with me on this ser-
vice, claim my warmest esteem. Captain
Torrens, the senior officer of the Royal
Marines, and who acted as Commandant
af the Garrison, bore a conspicuous part
on this day, and although wounded, I did
not lose his valuable service and able sup-
port. The discipline and state of perfec-
tion to which he had brought the battalion
is highly creditable to him as an officer.
Lieutenant R. C. Steele, senior Officer of
Royal Marine Artillery, also claims my
warmest acknowledgments for the ar-
rangements he made, which enabled us to
keep up so heavy and destructive a fire.
Captain Steele, Lieutenant and Quarter-

Article of Surrender.


"The Commanding Officer of the troops of his Danish Majesty occupied in the attack of Anholt, agrees to surrender prisoner of war at discretion, with all the troops, to the forces of His Britannic Majesty, with the reserve that their personal property shall be retained by them, and that, at the convenience of the Commander of the Island of Anholt, a cartel with unsealed letters shall be sent to Jutland. Given at Anholt, the 27th of March, 1811.-BORGEN, Captain and Commander in Chief of the Danish troops on Anholt.

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make an attack upon the Island of An- Lieutenant Holsten on the other, com hoult now in possession of the enemy, in menced the attack. The out-works were order to conquer the fort and establish- already gained, and the troops were prements there erected. This intention would paring to get over the high walls, when have been put in execution in the fall of cartridge shot poured down on them from last year, but as the enemy's ships of war more than forty pieces of cannon. Major kept on their station until the frost and Von Melstedt ended his honourable carcer ice set in, this place was given up, being at the head of his troops. Captain V. found to be impracticable. It was in the Reydz then immediately took the comcommencement of this spring that the mand, and inspired new life into the brave attack was again resolved to be made; troops, who with the greasest steadiness, but the gun boats which were intended to stood the dreadful fire, and in conjunction be used in the expedition were at that with the valiant Lieutenant Holsten, again time in winter quarters in the lakes, which renewed the attack. A cannon ball carwere this year for a long time covered ried away both of Captain V. Reydz's with ice; and which prevented the ves legs, and another put an end to the life sels being put into activity before the be- of Lieutenant Holsten, whilst leading his ginning of the present month.-The order brave seamen on to combat. The men for attack was given, and on the 23rd in- who had still to pass the inner and very stant, the flotilla and transports were as- deep ditch, were obliged to give way for sembled in Gierrila Bay. The island was the cartridge balls, but their retreat was reconnoitred, and it was found that there nevertheless conducted with the utmost was only one schooner lying on the sta- order. An English battery pursued the tion. We knew that the Light-house was fugitives, and the retreat was performed fortified, but no other part of the island. under a continual fire from the enemy. It was in consequence determined, that In the mean time, and very unexpectedly, the troops should be disembarked by a frigate was seen to the northward, which night, and on the morning march against stood round to the east of the island, a the Light-house Fort, and storm it, while brig steered to the west part, a schooner in the mean time the gun-boats were to came from the southward. It came to fire upon it from the rear, a formal siege blow hard, and the gun boats could no being found to be impracticable. On the longer keep their station. Endeavours 26th twelve gun-boats and twelve trans- were then made to reimbark as many port vessels sailed from Gierrila Bay, as possible of the troops, and to save having on board the troops destined for such as had escaped from the enemy. The the expedition. On the 27th, at 4 in the transport vessels had something the apmorning, the troops were disembarked in pearance of gun-boats, and they were the greatest order. The first Lieut. Carl therefore caused to steer towards the TreHolsten, in the naval service, marched im- feord, in order thereby to decoy the frimediately with 200 seamen, along the gate to follow them, and thereby save the shore, but unfortunately he was disco- gun-boats, and the troops embarked on vered by a patrole of cavalry. The enemy board of them; but the wind increased, now fled into the fort, and it was not in and the gale became so violent, that the our power to cut him off. The intrepid gun-boats could scarcely be kept afloat. naval Lieut. Holsten followed them, and To enter into an engagement with the stormed the fort, but was beaten off. enemy was not to be thought of, and it Major Melstedt then put himself at the would have been a useless loss of time to head of the 650 men under his command, have endeavoured, at this time, to collect and being joined by 150 men under Capt. the boats together.-It was therefore deem V. Reydz, and the seamen under Lieut.ed most expedient to let the flotilla disHolsten, undertook a general storm, but were again forced to retire. In the mean while the flotilla were laid round the fort, and commenced a firing on it, whilst the troops were preparing for a fresh attack. The loss, which had been sustained by these warriors only tended to increase their ardour. Whilst the gun-boats kept up a brisk fire on the flank of the fort, Major Melstedt on the one side, and

perse itself. Signal was accordingly made for boats to reach the nearest shore, and the flotilla accordingly dispersed itself agreeably to orders given. The movement could not be perceived by the fri gate, which was lying to the eastward of the island, on account of the reef which run out from it.-Eight of the gun-boats that were nearest together, made the best of their way for Jutland, whilst the other

with their dependance upon the assistance of the country to supply the wants of the army, and particularly with the degree to which the French armies depend upon this assistance, must be aware of the distress which this system has occasioned to the enemy; and the official and

four, with the utmost bravery, engaged the brig and schooner; they detained the enemy in his progress, and brought him several points out of his course; one of these boats is safe, the fate of the other three is still uncertain, possibly they may be fallen into the enemy's hands. Although that this expedition has been un-private letters which have been interceptsuccessful, yet the enemy will certainly ed, are filled with complaints of its efnot have to boast of having obtained an fects; which have been repeated in the easy victory; even during the retreat, the official papers published in the Moniteur schooner sustained so inuch damage, that at Paris. It happened, unfortunately, that. she was obliged to put in under the island, the Indian-corn harvest, which is the prin and to seek to obtain assistance. Besides cipal support of the inhabitants of a large the three commanders, several other of part of Portugal, was on the ground at our Officers fell in the field of honour.-the moment of the enemy's invasion. During the whole of the ailair, the most determined courage was shewn on our part, and the very considerable loss sustained in killed and wounded in proportion to the corps employed, will suffici--If, therefore, the result of the campaign ently prove the determined resolution and should be to oblige the enemy to withcourage with which these brave men con- draw from Portugal, it is much to be aptinued the combat under such a heavy prehended that the greatest distress will fire; and have again, on this occasion, be felt in those districts through which the proved the ancient valour which is inse-enemy's troops have passed; which there parable from the character of the people of Denmark and Norway, who are always ready to shed their blood for their King and native country.

PORTUGAL.-Copy of a Dispatch from Viscount Wellington, to the Earl of Liverpool; dated Pero Negro, 27th October, 1810.-Laid before Parliament, April,


This of course could not be carried off; and where the enemy's troops have been, they here, as usual, destroyed what they could not consume; and nothing remains.

nation has received the benefit of the

are no means whatever in this country of relieving.-Upon former occasions, the wealthy inhabitants of Great Britain, and of London in particular, have stepped forward to assist and relieve the distresses of foreign nations, whether suffering under the calamities inflicted by Providence, or by a cruel and powerful enemy. This charitable disposition of his Majesty's subjects; and there never was a case, in My Lord Your Lordship has been which their assistance was required in a apprized of the measures which had been greater degree, whether the sufferings of adopted, to induce the inhabitants of Por- the people, or their fidelity to the cause tugal to quit that part of the country, they have espoused, and their attachment through which the enemy was likely to to his Majesty's subjects, be considered. pass, or which it was probable would be--I declare, that I have scarcely known come the seat of his operations; carrying an instance in which any person in Poroff with them their valuable property, and tugal, even of the lowest order, has had every thing which could tend to the enecommunication with the enemy, inconsistent my's subsistence, or to facilitate his pro- with his duty to his own Sovereign, or gress.-There is no doubt that these inha- with the orders he had received.-I would, bitants had sufficient knowledge, from for- therefore, beg leave to recommend the mer experience, of the treatment they unfortunate portion of the inhabitants, would receive from the enemy: and there who have suffered from the enemy's inva is no instance of those of any town or vil- sion, to your Lordship's protection; and I lage having remained, or of their having request you to consider of the mode of failed to remove what might be useful to recommending them to the benevolent dispothe enemy, when they had sufficiently sition of his Majesty's subjects, at the moearly intimation of the wishes of government, which I hope may be not far dis ment or of myself, that they should abandon their houses, and carry away their property. All those who are acquainted with the nature of military operations,

tant, that the enemy may be under the necessity of evacuating the country.-I have, &c.-(Signed) WELLINGTON.

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