
1. THE FIRST BOOK OF ETYMOLOGY: designed to promote precision in the use, and to facilitate the acquisition of a knowledge of the English language. For beginners. By Joseph Thomas, M.D., &c. 12mo, pp. 261. This work is the first volume of a series of etymological class-books of which the remaining two volumes are named immediately below. Its leading features may be briefly stated thus:1. The nature of roots, préfixes, and suffixes, and the distinction between primitive and derivative, simple and compound words, are explained.

2. The prefixes and suffixes of Latin, Greek, and other origin are given, and their various meanings fully and clearly stated and explained.

3. Exercises are given, designed primarily to impress on the mind of the pupil the various meanings of the prefixes and suffixes, and also to introduce to the analysis of the words of our language generally.

4. The principal Latin, Greek, and other roots of our language, arranged in alphabetical order, are inserted; and under each is placed the more important English words derived therefrom, with the literal or etymological meaning, and the proper or usually accepted meaning of each derivative affixed to it.

5. A Key is appended, referring every English word in the preceding vocabulary to its appropriate Latin, Greek, or other root, and thus enabling the pupil who is wholly unacquainted with any language other than our native tongue to pursue the study of English etymology without difficulty.

6. Throughout the work distinctive kinds of type are used to designate clearly the particular portion of the definition of each English derivative corresponding with the root, prefix, and suffix, or such of them as compose the derivative; and copious notes are appended; by which, and the use of the distinctive types just referred to, the connection between the literal or etymological and the proper or usually accepted meaning of the English derivatives is traced and fully explained. These two important features, thus fully carried out, it is believed are peculiar to this work, and add much to its value.

2. THE CLASS BOOK OF ETYMOLOGY. By James Lynd, A.M. edition, edited by Joseph Thomas, M.D. 12mo, pp. 348.

The contents of this volume are as follows, viz:—


1. Introductory Chapter, on the origin of language, and the rise and progress of the English language.

2. Chapter on prefixes and suffixes.

3. The Latin, Greek, and other roots of the English language arranged in alphabetical order, with a large proportion of the English words derived from each placed under it and defined, pp. 164.

This part of the work contains a considerably larger number of derivatives and roots than the corresponding part of "Thomas's First Book of Etymology."

4. Chapter on English words principally of Gothic origin, pp. 36.

This part contains about one thousand words of the class designated.

5. Chapter on English words derived from the Latin through the French, pp. 8. This chapter is concise; but will be found valuable to the advanced pupil.

6. A carefully prepared table of English Synonymes, pp. 44.

Of essential value to the pupil engaged at composition.

7. The concluding chapter is a Key, referring each of the thirty thousand English derivative words contained in "Oswald's Etymological Dictionary," to its appropriate


3. AN ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. By John Oswald. With a Prefatory Essay on Teaching Englisu Composition in Schools and Academies, by J. M. Keagy, M.D. New edition, revised and enlarged by Joseph Thomas, M.D. To whi ferring the English words contained ots. 12mo, pp. 599.

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The contents of this work are briefly as follows:

1. Introductory Chapter on the advantages resulting from the study of Etymology, &c. By the late Dr. J. M. Keagy. Pp. 26.

2. Chapter on the Latin, Greek, and other Prefixes and Suffixes of the English language. By Joseph Thomas, M.D. Pp. 38.

3. The Latin, Greek, and other roots of the English language, arranged in alphabetical order, and under each a full list of its English derivatives. Pp. 466.

The total number of the derivatives, in this part, is about thirty thousand.

4. A KEY, referring each of the thirty thousand English derivatives to its appropriate root. By James Lynd, A.M. Pp. 58.

To such teachers as have not given the subject of English etymology, as a branch of school instruction, mature consideration, the publishers would merely remark that in the Common or Public Grammar Schools of the largest cities of our country, and in many others, where classical studies and the study of the higher mathematics do not find place, the beneficial effects resulting from the introduction of this study, in training the minds of the pupils to habits of analysis and generalization, and in imparting to them a thorough knowledge of their mother-tongue, has been fully proved and admitted; and that in academies and other seminaries where classical studies are pursued, no trifling benefit has been found to result to the pupils from the pursuit of this study, not only from its leading to the habitual and thorough analysis of compound words, but from its imparting a knowledge of the meaning of scientific terms, which are derived from roots rarely found in the classics that are usually read in our schools and colleges.

4. HARRISON ON THE RISE, PROGRESS, AND PRESENT STRUCTURE OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. 12mo, pp. 393. This work was not written "to order;" but is the production of a ripe scholar, who has given much patient research to the subject.

From numerous commendatory notices of the work by the Press, the few appended are given as expressing the views conveyed by them generally :


"Rarely have we been more disapppointed-favourably we mean-than by the examination of this handsome volume. Take it all in all, the volume before us contains more valuable, readable -yea, and entertaining-matter, than any work we have met with for many a day."-Boston Daily Evening Traveller.

"A work of a class of which English literature has very few, and of which there is a necessity for very many.... Mr. Harrison's book affords capital hints against lack of precision, and failure in effect....It is curious and entertaining enough to be put on the parlor table."-Literary World, New York.

"We commend it to the favorable attention of the lovers of a language in which the cause of liberty is to be pleaded throughout the world."-N. Y. Observer.

"Altogether the book is a delightful one. Designed mainly for schools and colleges, it will yet find its way into the libraries of men of letters and men of taste, and will do much to correct the growing faults of style in many modern writers. It is in every respect an admirable volume, which, for the sake of the language we love, we trust may have a very extensive circulation."Evening Bulletin, Philadelphia.

"The work may be studied with the greatest advantage, and as a kind of analytical grammar would find a most useful place in the school-room."-N. Y. Evangelist.

"The reverend author has furnished a volume which will prove a valuable hand-book, especially in our public-schools."-Protestant Churchman, New York.

"The correct scholar is apparent at every step, and every literary reader may profitably avail himself of the author's labors."-The Presbyterian, Philadelphia.

"It should be in the possession of every teacher or public speaker or writer in the land.”— American Courier, Philadelphia.

"We know no book in the language which is so profound as this, yet so clear to the most ordinary comprehension."-Neal's Saturday Gazette, Philadelphia.

"We are satisfied that no English student who gives this volume a careful perusal will fail to recognise it as the best guide extant to the philological character and grammatical structure of our tongue. * * * Mr. Harrison is no Vandal, who would overthrow a mighty and hallowed structure to secure an area for the uprearing of a hut; no empty-headed theorist, who refuses to admit that others may be partly right. His words are the words of truth and soberness, and need no other critic than common sense."-Fitzgerald's City Item, Philadelphia.

"This must prove to the student a most useful book, and is evidently the work of a scholar. ** We regard this dissertation with great favor, and could desire that it should find its way into every school, as it might be consulted with advantage by every one who wants to speak or write correctly, and who would avoid the errors to which the present age seems prone."-Baltimore Putriot.

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