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Aafwer to the fame,


Addrefs from the jame to the Duchess of York,


Anjawer to the fame,



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great objects of religion, of government, of naval discovery, and of philofophical and medical knowledge, fo far as they relate to the period now before us, we have already confidered. Thefe are the objects that come under the head of Science, more diftinctly fo called; and they undoubtedly fuftain the first rank in the departments of literature. It is not, however, to matters of fmall confequence that our attention is now to be directed. Claffical and polite learning, hiftory, poetry, and the fine arts in general, prefent to us very interefting, as well as very pleafing fubjects of contemplation. With the cultivation and improvement of them the honour and advantage both of individuals and of nations are clofely connected. They cannot be properly and rationally ftudied without contributing, in an eminent degree, to enlarge the underftanding, to captivate the fancy, to engage the affections,




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