
WE trust that J. C. will favour us with the cantinuation of his valuable Journal. We cannot sufficiently express our thanks for his kindness, and our admiration of the various talents, and all of them in a singular degree, which appear to be possessed by this gentleman.. We have lately seen the celebrated Cart Militaire, corrected by him. and some translations from the French and German, which prove the rare union of of knowledge, talents, and industry, in a subaltern.

We must express our warmest thanks likewise to H. K. His approbation of our efforts is a part of our most pleasing reward. The praise of good and excellent men is in some degree their acknowledgment that they see something of a kindred merit in ourselves. Our other Correspondents will be pleased to receive our thanks.

On the 8th of this Month will be published, price Two Shillings and Six pence, expressly for the purpose of enabling Officers, in Two Months, to instruct themselves.

A SPANISH GRAMMAR, arranged on the plan of the Eton Latin Grammar, i.e. so as, by the omission of what is superfiuous, and the fullest exposition of what is necessary, to unite the greatest brevity with the fullest explanation, and thereby to assist the memory, and enable every one to instruct themselves. The Publisher is enabled to say, that this is not only the cheapest, buť likewise the best Spanish Grammar extant; inasmuch as it is not the work of an ignorant foreigner, but of an elegant scholar, for his own use.

The Eleventh Number of the MILITARY CLASSICS is published this day. It contains the first part of the Lives of Plutarch, a book which ought to be the constant companion of every gentleman and officer. The price of each Number of the Military Classics, is Two Shillings and Six-pence.


This day is published, by T. EGERTON, at the Military Library, Whitehall, A DETAIL of the LINE MOVEMENTS, prescribed in Part the Fourth of His Majesty's Regulations for the British Army, exemplified in Eighty-five Manœuvres, with Diagrams. By MAJOR JAMES PALMER, Brigade-Major of the North British Staff.


A NARRATIVE of the CAMPAIGNS of that late distinguished Corps, the "Loyal Lusitanian Legion," from its first organization under Brigadier-General Sir Robert Wilson, Aide-de-Camp to the King, K. M. T. and K. T. S. in 1808, to its final dissolution in 1811; also relating to the Campaigns in the Peninsula, in the years 1808, 1809, 1810, and 1811.


At Mr. C. MALORTI DE MARTEMONT's, knight of the royal and military order of St. Louis; late a captain in the French royal artillery; and master of fortification and artillery in the royal military academy, Woolwich; author of "The Theory of Field Fortification;" "Commentaries on the Spirit of the modern System of War;" "Instructions for Officers in Military Plan Drawing, &c. &c. &c." a few young Gentlemen are boarded and qualified for the army, and the Honourable East India Company's service. They are also prepared for the Royal Military College, Marlow; and for the Honourable East India Company's Military College, Croydon.

They are taught mathematics; permanent and field fortification, including the practical method of tracing works on the ground, and of constructing them; the art of attacking and defending fortresses, posts, intrenchments, &c. military plan drawing; the proper method to reconnoitre and survey in the field, both with instruments and by the eye alone; levelling; castrametation; tactics; perspective; and the French language. The gentlemen may be attended also, if required, by classical, German, fencing, dancing, drill, and drawing masters, on moderate terms.

N.B. French is spoken in the family.

**All letters addressed to Mr. C. Malorti de Martemont, Shooter's Hill, Kent, respecting further particulars, will be duly attended to.

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