Summary of bovine brucellosis eradication activities in cooperation with the States, fiscal year 1963 1 Percent of herd and cattle blood tests only. • Percent of herd and cattle infection calculated on the basis of total blood tests and actual number of individual BRT negative herds in each State, and the number of cattle in these herds. Average appraisal, salvage, and indemnities in brucellosis eradication work, fiscal year 1935 through 1963 [Indemnities calculated on basis of actual payments as of June 30 of each fiscal year] Statement of cooperative brucellosis testing, fiscal years 1935 to 1963 inclusive 1 Became official part of program in fiscal year 1952. Percent of infection in States conducting brucellosis ring tests calculated on basis of total blood tests and total BRT negative tests for the last 6 months. Percent of infection in States conducting brucellosis ring tests calculated on basis of total blood tests and of total BRT negative tests for fiscal years 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, and 1961. Percent of herd and cattle infection calculated on the basis of total blood tests and actual number of individual BRT negative herds in each State, and the number of cattle in these herds. |