

APPENDICITIS Medical va. Surgical Treatment

of, William T. Smith-26, November 14. Appendicitis, The Proper Treatment of, J. W. Hickman-123. November 21.

Appendicitis, The Bicycle and, Robert T. Morris—149, November.

Appendicitis and Perityphlitis, Seth M. Mereness-2, November.

Appendicitis, G. D. Nutt-43, November.

Anesthesia, The History of the Discovery of, Burnside Foster-161, November 1.

Anesthesia. Fifty Years of Surgery under, Theodore F. De Witt-161, November 1.

Anæsthetics in Obstetrics, B. H. Ogden-161, November 1.

Anæsthesia, The Therapeutics of. Henry M. Bracken161, November 1.

Anæsthesia, Cocaine, John A. Wyeth-192, November.

Albuminuria. Practical Points Regarding, David Inglis-13, November.

Anthrax, Carl Weidner-153, November.

Abortion Resulting in Acute Septicemia, C. Woodward-57, November.

Antitoxin, Report of, L. H. Fackler-133, November. Alcoholic Intoxication in a Young Child, C. A. Herter -152, November 7.

Arsenic, Its Uses and Limitations in Practice, Eleanor F. Martin-168, November.

Asthma, Erythroxylon Coca and, R. K. Ghosh-74,


Acne, The Treatment of, Ellice Alger-110, November.

Abscission; Optic-ciliary Neurotomy; Exenteration;

Mules Method; Enucleation, William B. Meany122, November.

Air Passages in Childhood, Remarks on the Causation and Prevention of Acute Inflammation of the, T. C. Christy-176, November.

Aneurism, Traumatic. R. T. Morris-196, November. Abscess. A Case of Cystic Ovary and Pelvic, E. B. Jackson-196, November.

Abdominal Section with Technic of Operation, A. F. Cleveland-44, November.

Ataxia, Locomotor, Syphilis as an Etiological Factor in the Production, C. Travie Drennen-75, November.

Ascetis, The Differential Diagnosis of, George W. Webster-161, November 15.

Aneurism of tue Aortic Arch. James Stewart and J. G. Adami-143, November.

BILE. Its Composition and Offices in the Human

Economy, J. Hobert Egbart-53, November. Bile Ducts Bending of the, Christian Fenger-128, November.

Biliary Calculi, Henry Landis, 109, November 7. Biliary Obstruction. Cholecystenterostomy for, J. F. Binnie-20, November.

Blepharoplasty, Successful Operation for, Charles A. Oliver-205, November.

Breast, Amputation of. During Labor, J. Ives Edgerton-152, November 14.

Bifid Uvula with Degeneracy, Lewis S. Somers-152, November 21.

Burns, The Modern Treatment of, Henry J. Kelly128, November.

Blindness, Causes of Sudden, John H. Claiborne-207, November 27.

Blood, The, in Health and Disease, A. C. Halphide47, November.

Brain. Duality of the, C. W. Smith-45, November. Bowel Obstruction by a Gall Stone, Simulating Appendicitis. J. H. Hardcastle-104, November 28. Blind, Restoring Sight to the, Chas. H. Stowell-113, November.

CHLOROFORM Narcosis, A Narrow Escape from

Death During, Eugene Lee Crutchfield-104, November 21.

Chloroform and Ether, A Few Ideas Concerning, Delos

L. Parker-175, November.

Cholera Nostras, C. D. Chalfant-172, November. Cholera Infantum, Geo. H. Rice-208 November 7. Chorea Rheumatica, Report of Two Typical Cases, A. J. Guck-14, November 14.

Chorca, Minor A Case of. Involving also the Ciliary Muscle. Herman B. Sheffield-14, November 14. Consumption, A Contributi. n to the Study of the Treatment of. H. G. Sigman - 120. November. Cysts, Inguinal and Scrotal, Thomas H. Manly-186, November.

Cystoscopy and Ureteroscopy, J. W. Long-207, November 13.

Corpuscle, The Red Blood, Its Value in Judicial Investigations, W. S Thorne-169, Nove.nber. Celiohysteropexy in Gynecology. The Proper Position of. Frank W. Talley-174. November 7.

Cancer, Notes on the Management of Incurable Cases
of. Daniel Lewis-123, November 7.
Cataphoresis, A. I. F. Buxbaum-42, November 21.
Cesarean Section, A Case of, Successful for Mother and
Child, Joseph B. De Lec-104, November 7.
Chlorosis with Report of Two Cases, Alexander B.
Briggs-26, November 7.

Cornea, Ulcers of the, J. W. Bullard-225, November.
Croup, Twenty-seven Cases of, E. W. Saunders-118,
November 16.

Catarrhal Otitis, Concerning the Local Treatment of
Acute, Adolph Rupp-62, November.
Constipation, Lycopodium in, H. V. Halbert-47,

Choroid Coat. Rupture of the, James H. Buckner3*, November."

Cutaneous Manifestations, Some Unusual, J. Abbott

Cantrell-55, November.

Contagious Diseases, A Reasonable Philosophy for Immunism in Certain, J. T. Moore-161, November 15

Children, Diseases of, Post Graduate Teaching in, John Madison Taylor-174, November 28.

DIPHTHERIAL Floving Boyer 135, November.

IPHTHERIA, Four Cases of, Treated by Anti

Diphtheria, Antitoxin in, Louis Fischer-133, Novem-
Diphtheria with and Without Antitoxin, Wm. Leland
Stowell-110, November.

Diphtheria. John D Scott-110. November.
Diphtheria Antitoxin in, B. F. Dake-110, November.
Diphtheria, Experience with Anti Toxin in, Louis G.
Nolte-115, Nove Lber.

Diphtheria, A Report of Forty Cases of, Treated with
Antitoxin. Andrew B Eadie-37, November.
Diphtheria. Treatment of Laryngeal, Edward Ander-
son-104, November 28.

Diphtheria, The Antitoxin Treatment of, Guy L. Kiefer -75. November.

Dacryocystitis and Its Treatment, A. E. Davis180, November.

Duodenum, Chronic Inflammation and Ulceration of the, Elwin W. Ames-133, November.

Digestive Organs, Disease of the, James T. Whittaker 165, November.

Death. Sudden, Canses and Prevention of, D. Ray106, November.

Digitalis, Facts About, E. F. Holbrook-110, November

Delivery, Irregularities in, Due to Short Umbilical
Cord, Guido Bell-77, November.

Diarrhoea, The Treatment of, and High Temperature in
Young Infants by the Use of the Cool Bath, W. F.
Mitchell-208, November 21.
Diathesis, The Insane, Illusions, Hallucinations and
Delusions, W. Brown Irwin-109, November 21.

EYE. As an Aid in Diagnosis, W. P. Biles—13,


Eye, Penetrating Wounds of the, Archibald C. Thomson-205, November.

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Erythema Multiforme-Report of Case Following Circumcision, R. W. Knox-201, November.

FEVER, J. D. Chittum-110, November.

Fever, Typhoid, Temporary Insanity Following, Sam. uel S. Adams-24, November.

Fever, Typhoid, Treatment of, Morris Manges-123, November 14.

Fever, Typhoid, Diagnosis of, W. C. Chapman-44, November

Fever, Typhoid, Malarial Organisms in close Connection with, John P. Sawyer-14. November. Fever. Typhoid. The Diagnosis of, John Eliot Woodbridge-225, November

Fever, Typhoid, and its Rational Treatment, F. G.
Kirkscey-201, November.

Fever, Typhoid, Some Points in Mod rn Treatment of,
Beverley Drake Harrison-175, November.
Fever, Typho-malarial. T. T. Davis-13, November.
Fever, Typhoid, Preceded by Malaria, W. G. Haning—
120, November.

Fever, Typhoid, Specific Treatment of, John Inglis57, November.

Fever. Typhoid, Useful Medication in, Henry R. Slack -25 November.

Fever, Typhoid, W. J. Wilson-36, November.
Fever, Typhoid, Hemorrhage from the Bowels in, Wil-
liam Osler-104, November 14.
Fever, Typhus, I. J. M. Goss-110, November.
Fever, Scarlet, Prevention and Disinfection, Augustus
Caille-24, November.

Fever, Seariet, The Hygienic Management and General
Treatment of Geo. N. Acker-24, November.
Fever, Scarlet, The Treatment of the Throat, Nose and
Ear in. Henry Jackson-24. November.
Fever, Scarlet, A Contagious Disease, or is it of En-
demic Origin? T. B. Greenley-43, November.
Fever, Slow Continued, S. O. Hayes-128, November.
Fever, Enteric, I. J. M. Goss-11, November.
Fevers, Remittent and Enteric, The Differential Diag-
nosis of, E. W. P Dowcing-110, November.
Fistula in Ano, A New Operation for, George W. Ely-
176, November

Fistula. Rectal The Operative Treatment of, A. B.
Cooke-123, November.

Fibula, Excision of the, James E. Moore-20, November.

Favus in American Subjects, Two Cases of, J. Abbott Cantrell-174, Novemb. r 14.

Face Presentations and Their Management, A. D. Wilkinson-208, November 21,

GANGRENE, With Special Reference to the Sapro

phytes, Laikin Smith-145, November. Gangrene in the Right Lung. Some Salient Points from Notes of a Complicated Case of, Edgar W. Robertson-62, November.

Gonorrhoea, Crede's Antiseptic in, O. Werler-145, November.

Gonorrhea, Crede's Antiseptic in, O. Werler-149, November.

Gonorrhoea, Permanganate of Zinc in, A. S. Hotaling

123, November 7.

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Gall Stone, Enormous, A. Morgan Cartledge-113,

Gout, The Rationale of the Accepted Treatment of
Archibald E Garrod-53, November.
Gastrostomy According to Kader's Method, Willy
Meyer-152, November 7.

Gastric and Intestinal Disorders, Hydrogen Dioxide in,
John Aulde-49, November.

Ganglion, Gasserian, Surgery of the, with Demonstration, J. B. Murphy-196, November.

Goitre, Exophthalmic, Treated by Galvanism, Ralph R. Spencer-123, November 28.

Goitre, C. E. Ruth-208, November 28.

HERNIA, The Treatment of, W. Blair Stewart--14,

November 21.

Hernia and Peritoneal Pockets, Byron Robinson-45, November.

Herma, The Radical Cure of Inguinal and Femoral, J. Coplin Stins n-38. November.

Hemorrhoids, The Radical Cure of, E. Weldon-168, November.

Hemorrhoids, G. E. Cole-209, November.

Hemorrhoids, The Etiology and Treatment of, Charles H. Cole-26, November 7.

Hemorrhoids, Interual, The Comparative Treatment of, John L. Jelks 75, November.

Hip Joint, A New Method to Retain in Position after
Reduction at the, J. R. Stuart-196. November.
Hip. The Management of Congenital Dislocation of the,
Byron B. Davis-225, November.

Hip Joint, A Note on Amputation at the in Advanced
Tuberculosis Disease, A. Primerose-37. Nov.
Hip, Amputation at the, by the Wyeth Method, H.
Horace Grant-113, November.

Hydrophobia, or Rabies. I. J. M. Goss-57. November.
Hair, Unusual Length of, upon Portions of the Ear, J.
Abbott Cantrell-129, November.

Hypopvon Keratitis, A Case of, John Dunn-207, November 13.

Hysteria, The Treatment of, B. F. Turner - 138, November.

Hematocele, Pudendal, M. A. Tate-208, Nov. 14. Hemiplegia, A Lesson in, J. Lue Sutherland-225, November

Harelip and Cleft Palate, E. J. Farnum-41, November. Hypnotism and the Magnet in Cases of Mutes, Frederick C. Thompson-43, November.


NTESTINE, Large Conditions which may Simulate Organic Obstruction of, Thomas H. Manley-80, November

Intestiual Autotoxis and Insanity, Allan McLane Hamilton-152, November 14.

Intestinal Digestion, Frank H. Murdoch-14, Nov. 28. Intestinal Disorders, Hydrozone in Gastric and, John Aulde-122, November.

Intestinal Polypus as Cause of Death, R. C. Hill-42, November 14.

Intestinal Obstruction, A. N. Collins-175, November. Infants, The Artificial Feeding of, Henry A Bunker30, November.

Indigestion, Chronic Duodenal, John B. Shober-109, November 14.

Irritis. Diabetic, Herschel Fisher-12, November 21. Inoculation, Serum-Therapy and Protective, John Ruhrah-123, November 14.

Insanity, Medical Jurisprudence of, E. C. Mann-130, November 21.

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Larynx, Intubation of, Report of Cases, H. D. Hughes -97, November 7.

La Grippe-Influenza, Dr. D'Olivera Castro-54, No.


Laryngitis, Notes on, Howard S. Straight-44, November.

Lip, Cancer of the, E. J. Farnum-41, November.

MALARIA and Consumption. A Similiter.

tween, W. Mazyck Memminger-53, November. Malaria in Children, Walter G. Murphy-2, November, Miscarriage, A. B. Lichtenwalner-129, November. Monstrosity. A Diprosopic, W. A. Newman Dorland205, November.

Masturbation and Epilepsy, J. H. Lowrey-110, November.

NERVOUS SYSTEM, Orificial Surgery in Relation

to Diseases of the, C. E. Grove-168, November. Nervous Diseases, The Influence of Inheritance of, J. W. Hitchcock-106, November. Nasal Synechiæ, The Use of Friction in the Treatmont of, Arthur W. Watson-174, November 7. Nasal Obstruction, A Case of, E. Laure Vansant-174, November 28.

Neuritis Associated with Typhoid Fever, A Report of Three Cases of, George J. Preston-104, November 7.

Neuralgia, Operation for Facial, Louis McLane Tiffany -20, November.

Nitrites. The Therapy of The, John B. McGee-45, November.

Neoplasins, Malignant, R. Harvey Reed-175, November.

OBSTETRICS, The Best Method of Teaching, James

Clinton Edgar-152. November 14.

Obstetrics, Teaching, Aids in, James Clinton Edgar152. November 21.

Ocular Muscles, Shortening the, Francis Valk-152, November 7.

Osteo-Myelitis. Its Etiology and Treatment, Alfred C. Godfrey-49, Noveber.

Otorrhea. The Treatment of, Edward B. Dench-14, November 14.

PELVIS, Diseases of the, Homer I. Ostrom—153,


Pelvic Surgery. Evolution and Revolution in, H. D. Niles-5, November.

Pelvic Troubles, Certain Causes of Major, Traceable to Minor Gynecology, Joseph Price-122, November. Pelvic Inflammation. Remarks on Chronic, John C. McEvitt-115, November.

Puerpe: al Infection, Symptoms and Diagnosis of, Barton Cooke Hirst-205, November

Puerperal Convulsions and its Treatment, Thos. Burgess-208. Nevember 7.

Peritoneum, The Examination of the, Byron Robinson -118 November 2.

Peritoneum, The Use of Dry Sponges in the Toilet of the, Homer I. Ostrom-113, November. Pregnancy, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Time for Operations in Ruptured Tubal, Joseph Price-210, No


Pregnancy, Measles During, E. H, M. Parham-110, November.

Pregnancy, Extra-uterine, Lester E. Frankenthal128, November.

Puerperium. The, J. R. Buist-145, November.

Phthisis, Inbalations in, with a New Form of Inhaler. A. J. Dower-30, November.

Pterygium Operations, A New Plan for, M. F. Weymann-120, November.

Peritonitis, Septic, Report of a Case of, Eliza Mitchell -95, November.

Pneumonia, Pleurisy, etc., The Treatment of, W. C. Buckley-129, November.

Pylorus, Congenital Hypertrophy of the, F. Schwyzer -152, November 21.

Placenta Pievia, A Case of, Arch Dixon-149, November.

Poisoning, Acute Lead, in an Infant, R. Abrahams14, November 7.

Psychiatry, Practical, Eugene G. Carpenter-44, No.


Pertussis, Its Treatment, F. Gundrum-199, November.

Pleurisy. Plastic or Acute, Owen B. Demaree-208, November 28.

Purpura, E C. Evans-38, November.

Pleuritic Effusions and Their Treatment, Gustav Futterer-55, November.

Parisitism, A General Consideration of, James W. Keiser-109, November 21.

Pharynx, The Use of Nitrate in the, Lewis S. Somers 109, November 21.


UININE, Therapeutics of, W. F. Kuhne-95, November.

Quinine Not a Specific in Malaria as Claimed, S. Herbert Britton-129, November.

RHEUMATISM, How to Cure, Elmer Lee-52,

Rheumatism. Successful Treatment for, M. T. Richardson-133, November.

Rheumatism, The Treatment of Chronic Articular, by Fixation in Plaster of Paris Dressing, W. E. Burtless-14, November 28.

Rheumatism, Acute Relapsing, W. W. Hunt-118, November 16.

Rhinitis, Therapy in Acute, A Study, Henry J. Mulford-14, November 21.

Rhinitis. Atrophic. Some Recent Advances in the Treatment of. Ralph W. Seiss-123, November 28. Rectum and Anus, Diseases of the, Geo. K. Sims-159, November 5.

Rectum, Extirpation of the, Henry T. Byford-20,


Roentgen Rays, Philip Mills Jones-169, November. Renal Pathology, Wm. Krauss-138, November. Retina, Detachment of the, William B. Meany-188,


Rape, Castration for, J. W. Lockhart-110, November. Rhachitis, Nervous Symptoms in. A. Jacobi-24 Nov. Rickets, A Case of, John Thomson-113, November.

SKIN, Electrolysis in the Treatment of Diseases of the, James C. McGuire-207, November 13. Skin, Influences of Climatic Conditions and Weather Changes on the Functions of the, Isaac M. Kline -201, November.

Shock as Relative to Surgical Conduct Orando S. Ritch -153. November.

Sexual Function, Talks with Young Men on the, W. F. Morgan--153, November.

Septum. The Deflected, and its Surgical Treatment, John James James-186, November.

Spleen. Successful Extirpation of the, Prof. Waldo
Briggs-186, November.

Sprains, C. R. P. Fisher-100, November.
Salpingitis. Suppurative, The Pathology and Treatment
of, Florus F. Lawrence-80 November.
Sympathetic Disturbances, George E. Bill — 152,
November 21.

Stomach. Dilation of the, in Infants, Thomas H.
Buckler-26, November 14.

Sarcoma, Renal. in an Infant Nine Months Old, Opera

tion, Recovery, John C. Cotton-109, November 14. Subinvolution, Theo. A. Erek-174, November 21. Syphilis of the Bone, Tardy Hereditary, H. N. Potter -110, November.

Skull, Extensive Surgery to the, With Recovery, T. L. Armitage-128, November.

Spine, Fracture of the, B. H. Blair-42, November 7. Skiascopy, The Practical Use of, H. O. Reik-104, November 28.



Modern Treatment of, Paul Paquin-207, November 13.

Tuberculosis, or the Great White Plague, G. W. Burleigh-64, November.

Tuberculosis, The Prophylaxis of, Dr. Galopin-54, November.

Tuberculosis, The Dietetic Treatment of, William

Henry Porter-14, November 7.

Tuberculosis, The Surgery of Intrathoracic, George Ryerson Fowler-20, November.

Tuberculous Glands of the Neck, G. S. Hicks-127, November.

Tuberculosis, Its Prevention and Cure, John William Moore-199, November.

Tuberculosis of Man and Beast, Specific Medication in, Paul Paquin-161, November 15.

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Tonsil, Papillomata of the, Macleod Yearsley-14, November 14.

Tubercular Lesions of Bone, The Pathology and Treatment of, J Herbert Austin-96, November. Thoracic Cavity, Method of Exploring the, J. McFadden Gaston-123, November 7.

Teeth, Congenital, E. S. M'Kee-208, November 14. Toe Nail, Ingrowing, Relapseless Cure of, Evan O'Neill Kane-109, November 14.

Tetany and Laryngismus Stridulus, A Note on Faecal Irritability in, John Abercrombie-24. November. Thigh Friction in Infants under One Year of Age, Charles W. Townsend-24, November.

Tabes Dorsalis, Spasmodic, N. A. Graves-41, November

Tabes, Vomited Matters in Gastric Crises of, J. Hnatek -45, November.

Typhoid Perforations, Surgery for, Joseph Price-97, November 21.

Throat Case, A, A. W. Howe-215, November.

UTERUS, Displacements of the, R. C. Wintermute

Uterine Hemorrhage following Abortion, Wm. H. Van Doren-57, November,

Uterine Curettage, Richard C. Norris-205, November.

Uterus, Vaginal Extirpation of the, for Pelvic Suppuration. I. S. Stone-207, November 13.

Uterus, The Indications for Ventral Suspension of the, Augustu H. Goelet-80. November.

Uterus, The Relation of the Pregnant, to the Reflex Nausea and Vomiting Accompanying Gestation, Edward Nicholas Liell-14, November 21.

Uteri, Suspensio, The Indications for, Augustin H. Goelet-159, November 5.

Uterine Fibroids, Lilium Tigrinum in, C. Sigmund Rane -74, November.

Urethritis, Posterior, J. W. Handly-228, November.

Uteri. Retroversioflexio, The Treatment of, Geo. Tucker Harrison-207, November 27.

Uterus, Treatment of Retrodisplacements of the, E. E. Montgomery-55, November.

Uteri, Prolapsus, Its Cause and Treatment, C. E. Pontius-113, November.

Urethritis in the Male. Its Antiquity. Etiology and Treatment, T. G. Stephens-111, November.



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tuberculosis presenting evidence of breaking down of tissue, or in which signs or symptoms of catarrhal processes in any portion of the airpassages are present. or in which there is continuous elevation of temperature or intermittent or remittent fever, exceeding 9.95° F. :

Tinct. Cardamomi....

The Comparative Safety of Trional as a Hypnotic.-Beyer (Deutsche medicinische Wochenschrift, 1896, No. 1; Fortschritte der Medecin, October 15, 1896) remarks that, in spite of the widespread employment of trional, only six cases of poisoning with that drug are known. One was an instance of acute poisoning; more than one hundred and five grains were taken at a single R. Creosoti (Beechwood). dose, with suicidal intent, but the person survived. Of the cases of chronic trional poisoning, only one, Hecker's, can be accepted as purely the result of taking the medicine. The patient recovered after discontinuing the use of the trional, which he had taken in daily amounts of twenty-two grains for thirty-six consecutive days. It may therefore be said that trional is one of the best hypnotics, if not quite the best, for unpleasant effects are readily avoided if it is used properly.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]


Alcoholis, q. s. ad..


3 ix.



M. Sig. Two teaspoonfuls in water after meals.

Note. To the glycerine add the creosote, then the tincture of cardomoms and alcohol. The smaller dose of creosote is used at first, and the quantity gradually increased until five drops, four times a day, is reached as a maximum.-Tri-State Medical Journal.

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The most frequent forms of diseases of the eye are those located in the mucous membrane of the eyelids (conjunctiva). When left alone they are not only a fruitful source of annoyance and suffering, but they often endanger the existence and usefulness of the eye as an organ of sight. The frequency of these external affections of the eye has made their treatment one of the richest mines for quacks from the oldest times. All practitioners of medicine being called upon to treat these diseases, especially those in the country, recognize from the formula of Palpebrine a product of no untried remedies, but entirely reliable in the treatment of external eye diseases. The Dios Chemical Co., of St. Louis, Mo., will mail free samples and literature on application.

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