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In shipping facilities Shanghai in normal times enjoys every convenience. Lines from Europe, America, and Japan call constantly at Shanghai, and competition among them is very keen. At the present time shipping facilities are very restricted and freight rates abnormally high.

To well-established firms the Shanghai banks extend the same facilities as are generally afforded in the United States. In addition, the banks as a rule can furnish American manufacturers with all the necessary information regarding the standing and reputation of firms located there.

The distribution of goods is generally undertaken through the comprador, who generally holds himself responsible for the goods so disposed of. Storage accommodation is afforded at the public warehouses, though large importing firms generally have their own warehouses. Imported goods pay, in general, a duty of 5 per cent ad valorem. A sum equal to one-quarter of 1 per cent is charged for river conservancy and wharfage dues.

By paying a sum equivalent to one and one-half times the usual duty, a transit pass is issued which entitles the goods to travel throughout the country without any further charge.

As regards packing, generally speaking, goods subject to deterioration by heat and moisture should be packed in tin or zinc lined wooden cases. All other goods should be packed in such a manner as to enable them to withstand the rough handling in loading, unloading, etc., on such long journeys. Boxes should be thoroughly strapironed in every case.







As stated elsewhere in this report, shipping facilities to the United States are ample and rates are very reasonable in normal times.

The principal steamship lines between Shanghai and the United States are the China Mail Steamship Co. (American), the Pacific Mail Steamship Co. (American), and the Toyo Kisen Kaisha (Japanese), all running to San Francisco. The last-named lines have a monthly service between the ports named. The Canadian Pacific Services (British) maintain four steamers with connections to the United States and Europe via Vancouver, British Columbia. They have about two sailings a month each way. The Osaka Shosen Kaisha (Japanese) runs steamers to Tacoma and Seattle every fortnight. The Nippon Yusen Kaisha (Japanese), calling at Victoria, British Columbia, and Seattle, Wash., has sailings about once a month.

Sailings from Shanghai to New York direct are maintained, but this service is at the present time very irregular.

The shipping facilities between Shanghai and other treaty ports in China are as follows:

Shanghai-Amoy-Swatow and vice versa.-Sailings about the end of the week in both directions by steamers of the China Navigation Co. (British).

Shanghai-Foochow.-Sailings irregular; trip takes only two days; China Merchants Steam Navigation Co.

Shanghai-Hankow.-On this run steamers call at Chinkiang, Wuhu, and Kiukiang. The China Navigation Co.'s steamers leave Shanghai every Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. The Indo-China Steam Navigation Co.'s (British) steamers leave Shanghai every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. The China Merchants Steam Navigation Co.'s steamers (Chinese) leave Shanghai Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. The Nisshin Kisen Kaisha (Japanese) vessels have five sailings a week each way.

Shanghai-Hongkong-Canton.-Sailings from Shanghai Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, by the China Navigation Co.'s steamers. The Indo-China Steam Navigation Co. and the China Merchants Steam Navigation Co. also maintain frequent sailings over the same route.

Shanghai-Newchwang-Dairen, via Chefoo.--Frequent sailings maintained by the China Navigation Co.

Shanghai-Tientsin.-The China Navigation Co. maintains regular sailings from Shanghai on Tuesdays, Saturdays, and alternate Thursdays. The Indo-China Steam Navigation Co.'s steamers leave Shanghai on Sundays and Thursdays. The China MerChants Steam Navigation Co. also maintains a service, which, however, is irregular. The Kailan Mining Administration also runs steamers on this line, their steamers leaving Shanghai every three or four days.

Shanghai-Tsingtau-Dairen. The South Manchuria Railway Co. (Japanese) has sailings every Tuesday and Friday from Shanghai.

Shanghai-Ningpo.-The China Navigation Co., the Ningpo-Shaoshing Co. (Chinese), and other companies have regular sailings between Shanghai and Ningpo.

The war affected local lines considerably. Many steamers operated under the British flag were requisitioned by the British Government. Consequently, local shipping has been somewhat restricted, with freight rates considerably higher than before the war.

There are in this district four foreign express agencies that handle shipments. They are the American Express Co.; Thomas Cook & Sons (British); Schiller & Co. (British); and James Magill & Co. (British).

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