The sheets of this series exhibit in a simple manner the general structural details of ordinary flowering plants. Several comparative sections are given through the series. At the foot of each sheet full explanatory letterpress is given. NEW SERIES. Human Anatomy and Physiology (40 x 30 inches) Price 6s. each On Cloth and Rollers, Varnished, or on Cloth, cut in Sections to fold, and eyeletted. No. AE 1 INSECTIVOROUS PLANTS (34 x 28 inches) A new chart, carefully and accurately prepared and coloured, to give a true representation of seven plants. Price 6s. each On Cloth and Rollers, Varnished, or on Cloth, cut in Sections to fold, and eyeletted. No. AE 2 PARASITIC PLANTS (34 x 28 inches) A companion chart to the one above, showing some of the best known parasites in plant life, their roots, and mode of adhesion. Price 6s. each On Cloth and Rollers, Varnished, or on Cloth, cut in Sections to fold, and eyeletted. Davies' Physiological Chart (30 x 23 inches) The diagram is boldly drawn for class teaching, and printed in black, No. AL 1 Price 1s. each Mounted on Cloth, 48. each. Sheet 1.-The Skeleton. No. AL 10 COMPANION TO THE ABOVE (10 × 71⁄2 inches) Containing reductions of original eight diagrams and index. Price 6d. each Metric System By C. H. Dowling, C.E. (60 x 50 inches) A Synoptic Table, with Diagrams, showing the actual size of weights and measures. Price 20s. each No. AN 1 On Cloth and Rollers, Varnished, or on Cloth, cut in Sections to fold, and eyeletted. With Handbook 6d. extra. Illustration of Metric System. No. AN 4 (17 x 14 inches) Price 2d. Sectional Paper Pads of high-class drawing paper, lithographed with rulings, and 1 inch to mile. 100 Sheets in each Pad. 8vo Pads, 8 x 5 inches. 2s. each. 4to Pads, 10 x 8 inches. INDEX TO ORDER NUMBERS. Scale inch 8vo. 4to. XM 5 XM 6 SCIENCE BOOKS No. EJ 1 SIMPLE LESSONS ON THE CONSTELLATIONS Age 11-14 (7x5 inches. Crown Octavo) An easy guide to the more prominent star-groups in these latitudes. Price 1s. 6d. each. Bound in Cloth. SECOND Edition. 52 pages. No. FD 1 THE TWENTIETH CENTURY ATLAS By Thomas Heath, B.A. (Imperial 8vo, 10 x 7 inches) This Atlas and Text-Book combined deals in a popular yet scientific way with modern knowledge of astronomy. No. FK 5 MODERN LITHOLOGY. Illustrated and Defined By Ernest Howard Adye. (7×5 inches) Price 4s. each. Full-bound in Art Cloth. CELESTIAL GLOBES Constructed with great care and accuracy, these Globes will be found to give a correct representation of the position of the Stars, Planets, etc., and are invaluable as an aid to the intelligent study of the Heavens. No. LH 1 12-in., Tripod Base and Fixed Metal Meridian. No. LJ 2 Handbooks to the Celestial Globes £3, 3/£3, 13/6 £7,7/£8 For details of Terrestrial Globes, see Geographical Section, page 8. |