[blocks in formation]

You attached to your petition an internal memorandum dated
January 19, 1976, from Carl H. Builder, Director of the
Division of Safeguards of this office, to Ronald A. Brightsen,
Assistant Director for Licensing, Division of Safeguards,
entitled "Adequacy of Current Safeguards." That memorandum
expresses Mr. Builder's concern that safeguards at currently
licensed facilities may not be adequate against design threats
now being considered for future safeguards programs. Mr. Builder
has read your petition and my response to it. He concurs in
my determination that your requests for emergency and summary
action are not warranted by the evidence presently available.

The Commissioners have not participated in the making of this
determination under 10 CFR 2.206(b), which is based solely
on the investigation and recommendations of the staff, and
my judgment.

[blocks in formation]

2. 10 CFR Part 73


Kenneth R. Chapman, Director
Office of Nuclear Material
Safety and Safeguards

MEMORANDUM FOR: Chairman Anders

Commissioner Rowden
Commissioner Mason




Commissioner Gilinsky

Commissioner Kennedy

Kenneth R. Chapman, Director

Office of Nuclear Material Safety & Safeguards

Lee V. Gossick, Executive Director for Operations().


his is in response to the Commission's request that it be promptly informed whether any special regulatory action is warranted to improve safeguards protection for the regulated activities listed in the Katural Resources Defense Council's (RDC) petition for action under 10 CFR $2.206, dated February 2, 1976, prior to a determination of the cerits of the petition. Comments on the petition by interested members of the public and the affected "licensees" are to be filed by February 20, 1976. As quickly thereafter as these comments can be raviewed and conclusions drawn by the staff, I will report to you on Thithe merits of the NRDC petition, with recommendations for any actions to be taken. In the interim, if our continuing review, public responses to the petition, or any other information indicates the ned for immediate specific action, I will take such action and informa yx immediately.

of the affected "licensees" listed in the NRDC petition are rating under safeguard plans reviewed and approved by the staff and all are in compliance with the present regulations in 10 CFR Parts 70 and 73. The regulations in Part 70 provide for material accounting and control requirements with respect to facility organization, material *catrol arrangements, accountability measurements, statistical controls, imentory methods, shipping and receiving procedures, material storage practices, records and reports, and management control. The Commission's current regulations in 10 CFR Part 73 provide requirements for the pysical security and protection of fixed sites and transportation 10volving strategic quantities of nuclear materials. Physical security rcuirements for protecting fixed sites include the establishment and taining of a security organization (including armed guards), provision Physical barriers, establishment of access controls, use of intrusion arms, arrangemer.ts for communication with response forces, and estabtenment of response plans.

With regard to continuing to meet regulatory responsibilities, we have been making and will continue to make during our ongoing activities, changes in plant procedures on an individual facility basis to improve safeguards even when those changes transcend technical compliance with wisting regulations. We are in this sense looking for the most flective arrangements possible at each facility under current safeguards concepts.

Over the past year the staff has had underway, through numerous avenues,. a review of current safeguard regulations. This review has involved several major studies, extensive contacts with other federal agencies ard individual experts, and nuclear facility visits. The purpose of

s activity has been twofold; to judge the effectiveness of present safeguard arrangements, and to evaluate the merits of and need for new concepts in our future treatment of safeguards for special nuclear materials. For example, we are examining the merits of increased emphasis on physical containment procedures in our approach to material controls. Mr. Builder's memorandum of 19 January, cited by the NRDC, reflects our development and examination of new conceptual approaches that would involve threat-specific criteria for the evaluation of safeguards. Our analyses are not yet complete; they have not been offered for public comment; nor have they yet been approved by me. These new pproaches, different from our current regulatory approach to safeguards, ave neither been validated or adopted. This staff activity should not be construed as evidence that current safeguards are inadequate. Our efforts to examine new safeguards concepts have been accelerated the preliminary conclusions reached may in part contribute to my cccideration of the NRDC petition.

ich respect to any immediate threat to the affected facilities, a Liber of which are providing services essential to the national Lecurity, we are aware of both current intelligence information and a wide variety of expert opinion. Based on knowledge derived from these sources, our review of current safeguard regulations, our ongoing Studies in the safeguards area, and the results of our continuing rspection of the affected plants, I perceive no reasonable cause for exing actions beyond the prompt and thoroughgoing ones that have Mireacy been initiated.

Origirel Signed by


Kenneth R. Chapman, Director
Office of Nuclear Material Safety
and Safeguards

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

78.8 Hesenptions for certain quantities and kinds of special nuclear material,

capable of rendering assistance to


3.80 General requirements. 3.31 Shipment by road.

78.38 Shipement by rail.

78.34 Shipment by ses. 78.38 Transfer of specal nuclear materi 13.36 Miscellaneous requirements


[ocr errors]

3.60 Physical protection: General require

ments at fined sites.

3.30 Requirements for physical protestion


of licensed activities. requirements


ical protection of spesia material at fåned sthes.


10.70 Records.

3.71 Reports of unaccounted for shipments, suspected theft, unlawful diversion, or industrial sabotage.

73.72 Requirement for advance notice of

shipment of special nuclear

13.30 Violations.

Appendix A-United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Inspection and Enforcement Regional Offices.

AUTHORITY: Sec. 161, 68 Stat. 948 (42 U.S.C. 2201). Interpret or apply secs. 53, 183, 68 Stat. 930, 954 (42 U.S.C. 2073, 2233); secs. Pub. L. 93-436, 88 Stat. 1244, 5842, 5846)



fied materials. The provisions and requirements of this part are in addition to, and not in substitution for, any such security procedures. Compliance with the requirements of this part does not reHeve any licensee from any requirement or obligation to protect special nuclear material pursuant to security procedures prescribed by the Commission or other Government agency for the protection of classified materials.

178.3 Definitions.

As used in this part:

(a) Terms defined in Parts 80 and 70 of this chapter have the same meaning when used in this part.

(b) "Authorised individual" means any individual, including an employee, a alicenses, who has been designated in writing by alicansse to have responsibility for sarvelllance of special nuclear material

(c) "Guard" means a uniformed individual armed with a firearm whose primary duty is the protection of special nuclear material against theft and for the protection Mection of a plant against ind trial sabotage.

(d) "Watchmen" means an individual, not necessarily uniformed or s ted v. 88 a firearm, who provides protec am zor & plant and the special nuclear meter. therein in the course of perfors ing other duties.


73.1 Purpose and scope.


202, 206

(a) Purpose. This part prescribes reguirements for physical protection of special nuclear material at fixed sites and in transit and of plants in which special nuclear material is used, for the purpose of protection against acts of industrial sabotage and and protection of apedal nuclear material against theft by astablishment and maintenance of a physical protection system of: (1) Proactive barriers and intrusion detection devices at fined sites to provide early


(b) Scope. (1) This part prescribes requirements for (1) the physical protection of production and utilisation facilities Hoensed pursuant to Part 80 of this chapter; (11) the physical protection of plants in which activities licensed pursuant to Part 70 of this chapter are conducted, and the physical protection of special nuclear material, by any person who pursuant to the regulations in Part 70 of this chapter possesses or was at any site or contiguous sties subject to control by the licensee, urantum-235 (centained in uranium enriched to 20 percent or more in the U-235 lactope), uranium-233, or plutontum alone or in any combination in a quantity of 5,000 grams or more computed by the formula, grams (grams contained U-235) +2.5 (grams U-233+ grame plutonium).

(2) This part prescribes requirements for the physical protection of special nuclear material in transportation by any person who is licensed pursuant to the regulations in Part 70 of this chapter who imports, exports, transports, delivers to a carrier for transport in a single shipment, or takes delivery of a single shipment free on board at the point where it is delivered to a carrier, either uranium-238 (contained in urantum enriched to 20 percent or more in the U-238

lsotope), uranium-233, or plutonium, or

any combination of these materials,
which is 5,000 grams or more computed
by the formula, grams=(grans con-

(tained U-238)+2.5 (grams U-333+grame


or 20

(3) This part also applies to shipments by air of special nuclear material in quantities exceeding (1) 20 grams curies, whichever is less, of plutonium or uranium-233, or (11) 350 grams of uranium-235 (contained in uranium enriched to 20 percent or more in the U-335 isotope).

(4) Special nuclear material subject to this part may also be protected pursuant to security procedures prescribed by the Commission or another Government agency for the protection of classi

Amended 39 FR 2352.


(e) "Continuous visual sury Dianor means unobstructed view at all timees. a shipment of special nuclear mater and of all access to a temporary stor ares or ourgo compartment contated the shipment

(f) "Physical barrier" meas (1) Fences constructed of No. 11 American wire gauge, or heavier wire fabric, topped by three strands er more of barbed wire or similar material on brackets angled outward between 30° and 45" from the yertical, with an overall

height of not less than eight Jest, in

cluding the barbed topping.

(2). Building walls constructed of stone, brick, cinder block, concrete, steel or comparable materials (openings in which are secured by grates, doors, ог covers of construction and fastening of sufficient strength such that the integrity of the wall is not lessened by any opening), or walls of similar construction, not part of a building, provided with a

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