RESOLUTIONS AND MEMORIALS ADOPTED BY THE EIGHTH LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF THE TERRITORY OF ARIZONA. SESSION BEGUN ON THE FOURTH DAY OF JANUARY, AND A. D. 1875, AT TUCSON. TUCSON: OFFICE OF THE ARIZONA CITIZEN. 1875. CERTIFICATE. TERRITORY OF ARIZONA, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY. I, COLES BASHFORD, Secretary of the Territory of Arizona, do hereby certify that the ACTS, RESOLUTIONS and MEMORIALS herein contained are printed as passed by the Eighth Legislative Assembly of the Territory, according to the enrolled copies upon file in my office. [L. S.] WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Territory, given at Tucson, this first day of March, A. D. eighteen hundred and seventy-five. COLES BASHFORD, Sec'y of the Territory. |