Poetical selections, consisting of the most approved pieces of our best British poets, excellent specimens of fugitive poetry, and some original pieces by Cowper, Darwin, and othersThomson&Wrightson, 1811 - 300 sider |
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Side 44
... wind along The path that marks the terrors of our way ; ' Midst beetling rocks , and hanging woods among , The torrent pours , and breathes its glittering spray . Weary at length serener scenes we hail , — More cultur'd groves o'ershade ...
... wind along The path that marks the terrors of our way ; ' Midst beetling rocks , and hanging woods among , The torrent pours , and breathes its glittering spray . Weary at length serener scenes we hail , — More cultur'd groves o'ershade ...
Side 45
... wind - shaken weeds that embosom the bower , Where the home of my forefathers stood . All ruin'd and wild is their roofless abode , And lonely the dark raven's sheltering tree ; And travell'd by few is the grass - cover'd road , Where ...
... wind - shaken weeds that embosom the bower , Where the home of my forefathers stood . All ruin'd and wild is their roofless abode , And lonely the dark raven's sheltering tree ; And travell'd by few is the grass - cover'd road , Where ...
Side 46
... wind ! Sooth'd by thy breathing sigh , I fondly trace Each lonely image of the pensive mind ! Lov'd scenes , lov'd friends , -long lost , around me rise , And wake the melting thought , the tender tear ! That tear , that thought , which ...
... wind ! Sooth'd by thy breathing sigh , I fondly trace Each lonely image of the pensive mind ! Lov'd scenes , lov'd friends , -long lost , around me rise , And wake the melting thought , the tender tear ! That tear , that thought , which ...
Side 59
... winds His small but sullen horn , As oft he rises ' midst the twilight path , Against the pilgrim borne in heedless hum ; Now teach me , maid compos'd , To breathe some soften'd strain , Whose numbers stealing thro ' thy dark'ning vale ...
... winds His small but sullen horn , As oft he rises ' midst the twilight path , Against the pilgrim borne in heedless hum ; Now teach me , maid compos'd , To breathe some soften'd strain , Whose numbers stealing thro ' thy dark'ning vale ...
Side 60
... winds , or driving rain Prevent my willing feet , be mine the hut , That from the mountain's side Views wilds and swelling floods , And hamlets brown , and dim discover'd spires , And hears their simple bel·l , and marks o'er all Thy ...
... winds , or driving rain Prevent my willing feet , be mine the hut , That from the mountain's side Views wilds and swelling floods , And hamlets brown , and dim discover'd spires , And hears their simple bel·l , and marks o'er all Thy ...
Andre utgaver - Vis alle
Poetical selections, consisting of the most approved pieces of our best ... Poetical selections Uten tilgangsbegrensning - 1811 |
Poetical Selections, Consisting of the Most Approved Pieces of Our Best ... Poetical Selections Ingen forhåndsvisning tilgjengelig - 2023 |
Poetical Selections, Consisting of the Most Approved Pieces of Our Best ... Poetical Selections Ingen forhåndsvisning tilgjengelig - 2018 |
Vanlige uttrykk og setninger
ANN RADCLIFFE BATTLES OF TALAVERA beam behold beneath black crows blast blest bliss bloom Bolus bosom breast breath breeze bright brow charms cheerful clouds cold Colma coursers cried dæmon dark dead death deep dread drest E'en Erin go bragh ev'ry fade fair fame fancy fate fear flowers gale gloom glow grave green Grongar Hill Haman hear heart heaven hill hope hour Lady light lonely lord of war lov'd lyre maid mark'd moon morning mountain mourn muse night numbers o'er pale peace pensive PINDAR plain pow'r pride repose rill rise rose round scene seem'd shade shore sigh silent sleep smil'd smile soft song soothing sorrow soul sound spectre spring storm stream sweet tear tempest thee thine thou thro tomb trembling Twas Twizzle vale voice wave weep wild wind wood youth Zounds