From too much liberty, my Lucio, liberty : As surfeit is the father of much fast, So every scope by the immoderate use Turns to restraint. Our natures do pursue, Like rats that ravin down their proper bane, A thirsty evil ; and when we drink we die. Shakspeare's Measure for Measure: A Comedy - Side 11av William Shakespeare - 1803 - 68 siderUten tilgangsbegrensning - Om denne boken
| Laconics - 1829 - 358 sider
...He that would have fine guests, let him have a fine wife.—Ben Janson. MCCL. (Like rats that ravine down their proper bane) A thirsty evil; and when we drink, we die. Shakspeare. MCCLI. Query.—Whether churches are not dormitories of the living, as well as of the dead?—Swift.... | |
| John Timbs - 1829 - 354 sider
...that would have fine guests, let him have a fine wife. — Ben Jonson. MCCL. (Like rats that ravine down their proper bane) A thirsty evil; and when we drink, we die. Shakspeare. MCCLI, Query. — Whether churches are not dormitories of the living, as well as of the... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1831 - 502 sider
...liberty, my Lucio, liberty : As surfeit is the father of much fast, So every scope by the immoderate use Turns to restraint : our natures do pursue (Like rats that ravin* down their proper bane,) A thirsty eril ; and when we drink, we die. Lucio. If 1 could speak so wisely under ал arrest, I would send... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1831 - 536 sider
...every scope by the immoderate use Turns to restraint ; our natures do pursue (Like rats that ravin1 down their proper bane,) A thirsty evil ; and when we drink, we die, Lucio. If 1 could speak so wisely under an arrest, I would send for certain of my creditors : and yet, to say... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1832 - 426 sider
...liberty, my Lucio, liberty : As surfeit is the father of much fast, So every scope l by the immoderate use Turns to restraint. Our natures do pursue (Like rats...bane) A thirsty evil ; and when we drink, we die. Lucia. If I could speak so wisely under an arrest. I would send for certain of my creditors : and yet,... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1836 - 568 sider
...every scope by the immoderate use Turns to restraint : Our natures do pursue, (Like rats that ravin1 uenesa about the eyes, an 1 had as lief have the foppery ol freedom, as the morality of imprisonment. — Whal's thy offence,... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1837 - 514 sider
...liberty, my Lucio, liberty : As surfeit i . the father of much fast, So every scope by the immoderate use Turns to restraint : our natures do pursue (Like rats...thirsty evil ; and when we drink, we die. Lucio. If 1 could speak so wisely under an arrest, I would send fur certain of my creditors : and yet, to say... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1838 - 788 sider
...every scope by the immoderate use Turns to restraint: our natures do pursue. (Like rats that rmvin ؉ SX. < m tc b A ǮQ) j x D@ & % t - /Jh 1 could speak so wisely uuderar. ï'~ I would send for certain of my credit-rt say the truth, I had... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1838 - 484 sider
...every scope by the immoderate use Turns to restraint : Our natures do pursue (Like rats that ravini down their proper bane) A thirsty evil, and when we drink, we die. 5 — i. 3. 17 Elevation, exposed to censure. 0 place and greatness, millions of false eyes Are stuck... | |
| William Shakespeare, Thomas Price - 1839 - 478 sider
...i. 7. 16 Intemperance. As surfeit is the father of much fast, So every scope by the immoderate use Turns to restraint : Our natures do pursue (Like rats...proper bane) A thirsty evil, and when we drink, we die. 5 — i. 3. 17 Elevation, exposed to censure. 0 place and greatness, millions of false eyes Are stuck... | |
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