| Great Britain. Public Record Office - 1867 - 740 sider
...College, London. 1859. 16. BARTHOLOM.SI DE COTTON, MONACHI NORWICENSIS, HISTORIA ANGLICANA. 449-1298. Edited by HENRY RICHARDS LUARD, MA, Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge. 1859. 17. BRUT Y TYWYSOGION ; or, The Chronicle of the Princes of Wales. Edited... | |
| Great Britain. Public Record Office - 1867 - 736 sider
...London. 1859. 16. I! M: n KIM .•,i.. i DE COTTON, MONACHI NORWICENSIS, HISTORIA ANGLICAN A. 449-1298. Edited by HENRY RICHARDS LUARD, MA, Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge. 1859. 17. BRUT Y TYWYSOGION ; or, The Chronicle of the Princes of Wales. Edited... | |
| Great Britain. Public Record Office - 1864 - 776 sider
...de Seint \--\ward le Rei. II. — Vita Beati Edvardi Regis et Confessoris. III. — Vita ^Eduuardi Regis qui apud Westmonasterium requiescit. Edited...RICHARDS LUARD, MA, Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge. 4. MONDMENTA FRANCiscANA ; scilicet, I. — Thomas de Eccleston de Adventu Fratrum... | |
| Great Britain. Public Record Office - 1864 - 782 sider
...Estoire de Seint Aedward le Rei. II. — Vita Beat! Edvardi Regis et Confessoris. III. — Vita JEduuardi Regis qui apud Westmonasterium requiescit. Edited...RICHARDS LUARD, MA, Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge. 4. MONUMENTA FRANCiscANA ; scilicet, I. — Thomas de Eccleston de Adventu Fratrum... | |
| James Gairdner - 1863 - 541 sider
...Navestock, Essex, and Lambeth Librarian. ANNALS OF TEWKESBURY, DUNSTAPLE, WAVERLEY, MARGAN, AND BURTON. Edited by HENRY RICHARDS LUARD, MA, Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College, and Registrary of the University, Cambridge. RICARDI DE CIRENCESTRIA SPECULUM HISTORIALE DE... | |
| Algernon Taylor - 1862 - 370 sider
...Henry III., recently edited by Mr. Luard, (Roberii Grosseteste Episeopi quondam Lincolniensis Epistola. Edited by Henry Richards Luard, MA, Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge). Bishop Grosseteste — the famous scholar, who, we are told by Roger Bacon, "... | |
| Hermann Oesterley - 1862 - 930 sider
...STUBBS, BA, Vicar of Navestock, Essex. ANNALS OF TEWKESBURY, DUNSTAPLE, WAVERLEY, MARGAN, AXD BURTON. Edited by HENRY RICHARDS LUARD, MA, Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College, and Registrary of the University, Cambridge. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS RELATING... | |
| Gloucester Cathedral - 1863 - 505 sider
...Navestock, Essex, and Lambeth Librarian. ANNALS OF TEWKESBURY, DUNSTAPLE, WAVERLEY, MARGAN, AND BURTON. Edited by HENRY RICHARDS LUARD, MA, Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College, and Registrary of the University, Cambridge. RICARDI DE CIRENCESTRIA SPECULUM HISTORÍALE... | |
| Great Britain. Public Record Office - 1863 - 720 sider
...STUBBS, MA, Vicar of Navestock, Essex. ANNALS OF TEWKESBURY, DUNSTAPLE, WAVERLEY, MARGAN, AND BURTON. Edited by HENRY RICHARDS LUARD, MA, Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College, and Rcgistrary of the University, Cambridge. In Progress. HISTORIA MINOR MATTILEI PABIS. Edited... | |
| Alexander Neckam - 1863 - 630 sider
...Navestock, Essex, and Lambeth Librarian. ANNALS OF TEWKESBURY, DUNSTAPLE, WAVERLEY, MARGAN, AND BURTON. Edited by HENRY RICHARDS LUARD, MA, Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College, and Registrary of the University, Cambridge. RICARDI DE CIRENCESTRIA SPECULUM HISTORÍALE... | |
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