| Luke Owen Pike - 1888 - 510 sider
...Regis et Confessoris. III. — Vita .53duuardi Regis qni apnd Westmonasterium requiescit. Edited ly HENRY RICHARDS LUARD, MA, Fellow and Assistant Tutor...1858. The first is a poem in Norman French, containing 4,t>8<5 lines, addressed to Alianor, Queen of Henry III., probably written in 12*8, on the restoration... | |
| Great Britain. Public Record Office - 1888 - 620 sider
...et Gonfessoris. III. — Vita -23duuardi Regis qui apud Westmonasterinm requiesoit. Edited by HENBY RICHARDS LUARD, MA, Fellow and Assistant Tutor of...1858. The first is a poem in Norman French, containing 4,fi8fi lines, addressed to Alianor, Queen of Henry III., probably written in 1246, on the restoration... | |
| Canterbury Cathedral - 1889 - 608 sider
...JSduuardi Begis qui apud Westmonasterium requiescit. Edited Ъу HENBY BICHABDS Lu ARD, MA, Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge....lines, addressed to Alianor, Queen of Henry III., probably written in 124B, on the restoration of the church of Westminster. Nothing isknownof the author.... | |
| Great Britain. Public Record Office - 1889 - 320 sider
...Confessoris. III. — Vita JEduuardi Regis qui apud Westmonasterjnm requiescit. Edited by HENBY RICHARD8 LUARD, MA, Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College,...1858. The first is a poem in Norman French, containing 4,H88 linrs, addressed to Alianor, Queen of Henry III., probably written in 1216, on the restoration... | |
| Adam Murimuth - 1889 - 678 sider
....ffiduuardi Regie qui apud Westmonasterium requiescit. Edited Ъу HENKT RICHARDS LuABD, MA, Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge....1858. The first is a poem in Norman French, containing 4,68в lines, addressed to Alianor, Queen of Henry III., probably written in 1245, on the restoration... | |
| Great Britain. Public Record Office - 1889 - 586 sider
...HENET BICHABDS LU.VRD, MA, Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge. 1858. The flrst is a poem in Norman French, containing 4,686 lines, addressed to Alianor, Queen of Henry III., probably written in 12 IS, on the restoration of the church of Westminster. Nothing is known of the... | |
| Roger (of Wendover) - 1889 - 320 sider
...1861-1863. 13 25. LETTERS or BISHOP GROSSETESTE, illustrative of the Social Condition of his Time. Edited by HENRY RICHARDS LUARD, MA, Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge . 1861 . The Letters of Robert Grosseteste (131 in number) are hero collected from... | |
| Great Britain. Public Record Office - 1890 - 716 sider
...JSduuardi Régis qui apiid \Ycsbmonasteriuiii requiescit. Edited by HENBY RICHARDS LÜARD, MA, Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge. 1858. The first is a poem in Norman French, addressed to Alianor, Queen of Henry III., prphahly written in 12 K>. Nothing is known of the author.... | |
| Great Britain. Public Record Office - 1890 - 812 sider
...Vita JSduuardi Begis qui apud Westmonasterium requiescit. Edited by HENRY RICHARDS LCTARD, MA, Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge. 1858. The first is a poem in Norman French, addressed to Alianor. Queen of Henry III., prpbablv written in 12 VS. Nothing is known of the author.... | |
| Great Britain. Public Record Office - 1891 - 836 sider
...Vita 2Eduuardi Regis qni sipud Westmonasterinm requiescit. Edited by HENBT RICHABDS LITABD, MA, Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge. 1858. The first is a poem in Norman French, addressed to Alianor. Queen of Henry III., probably written in 12K5. Nothing is known of the author.... | |
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