| United States. Congress. House. Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce - 1968 - 450 sider
...the District of Columbia or any Territory of the United States, or from one State or Territory of thf United States or the District of Columbia to any other State or Territory of the United States or the District of Columbia, or from any place in the United States to an adjacent foreign... | |
 | United States. Congress. House. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs - 1968 - 1246 sider
...common carriers eniged in — (a) The transportation of passengers or property wholly by railroad, • partly by railroad and partly by water when both are used under a »mmon control, management, or arrangement for a continuous carage or shipment ; or (b) The transportation... | |
 | United States. Congress. Senate. Commerce - 1969 - 454 sider
...the District of Columbia or any territory of the United States, or from one State or territory of the United States or the District of Columbia to any other State or territory of the United States or the District of Columbia, or from any place in the United States to an adjacent foreign... | |
 | United States. Congress. House. Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce - 1969 - 300 sider
...the District of Columbia or any territory of the United States, or from one State or territory of the United States, or the District of Columbia to any other State or territory of the United States or the District of Columbia, or from any place in the United States to an adjacent foreign... | |
 | United States. Interstate Commerce Commission - 1971 - 992 sider
...provide that the provisions of part I apply to common carriers engaged in: (a) The transportation of passengers or property wholly by railroad, or partly...for a continuous carriage or shipment; * * * from or to any place in the United States to or from a foreign country, but only in so far as such transportation... | |
 | United States - 1936 - 1258 sider
...to manufacture for shipment, or to sell for shipment, or to ship from any State or Territory of the hers: "(A) Classifying milk in accordance with the form in which or United States or the District of Columbia, any Climax baskets or other containers for small fruits,... | |
 | 1955 - 794 sider
...4, 1887, the jurisdiction of the Commission applied to common carriers engaged in transportation of passengers or property “wholly by railroad or partly...under a common control, management, or arrangement for a continuous carriage or shipment.” Its jurisdiction was extended by the Hepburn Act to include... | |
 | 1960 - 838 sider
...Commerce, the jurisdiction of the Commission applied to common carriers engaged in transportation of passengers or property “wholly by railroad or partly...by railroad and partly by water when both are used BERNARD F. SCHMID. ERNEST WEISS. J. NEIL RYAN. CURTIS F. ADAMS. ANDREW ANTHONY, Ja. H 4 utou D. McCoy.... | |
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