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" ... the result of that reckless indifference to the rights of others which is equivalent to an intentional violation of them. "
Minnesota Reports: Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Minnesota - Side 52
av Minnesota. Supreme Court - 1908
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Weekly Notes of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court ..., Volum 21

1888 - 636 sider
...consequences to the plaintiff; but they are not at liberty to go further, unless it was done wilfully, or was the result of that reckless indifference to...is equivalent to an intentional violation of them ; in that case the jury are authorized, for the sake of public example, to give such additional damages...
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Federal Decisions: Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme ..., Volum 28

1888 - 912 sider
...consequences to the plaintiff; but they are not at liberty to go farther, unless it was done wilfully, or was the result of that reckless indifference to...is equivalent to an intentional violation of them. In that case the jury are authorized, for the sake of public example, to give such additional damages...
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Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of ..., Volum 41

Louisiana. Supreme Court - 1890 - 1316 sider
...such injury, unless it is the result of the will'nll misconduct of the employes of the conipany. or of that reckless indifference to the rights of others, which is equivalent to a wilful violation of them. 11 Ann. 292¡ 91 US 492; 21 How. 302; Pittsburgh, etc.. К. Co. vs. Lynn....
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The American and English Encyclopedia of Law, Volum 16

John Houston Merrill, Thomas Johnson Michie, Charles Frederic Williams, David Shephard Garland - 1891 - 1050 sider
...consequences to the plaintiff; but they are not at liberty to go further unless it was done wilfully or was the result of that reckless indifference to...equivalent to an intentional violation of them. The tort is aggravated by the evil motive, and vn this rests the rule of exemplary damages. It is insisted,...
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Cases on Torts: Selected and Arranged for the Use of Law Students in ...

Francis Marion Burdick - 1891 - 416 sider
...consequences to the plaintiff ; but they are not at liberty to go farther unless it was done wilfully or was the result of that reckless indifference to...is equivalent to an intentional violation of them. In that case the jury are authorized, for the sake of public example, to give such additional damages...
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The American and English Encyclopedia of Law, Volum 16

John Houston Merrill, Thomas Johnson Michie, Charles Frederic Williams, David Shephard Garland - 1891 - 1062 sider
...to the plaintiff; but they are not at liberty to go further unless it was done wilfully or was»the result of that reckless indifference to the rights...equivalent to an intentional violation of them. The tort k aggravated by the evil motive, and on tin's rests the rule of exemplary damages. It is insisted,...
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The American State Reports: Containing the Cases of General Value ..., Volum 21

Abraham Clark Freeman - 1891 - 1040 sider
...such injury, unless it is the result of the willful misconduct of the employees of the company, or of that reckless indifference to the rights of others...equivalent to an intentional violation of them." The court, in discussing the question, say. '"Gross negligence ' is a relative term. It is doubtless to...
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The Law of Contracts, Volum 3

Theophilus Parsons - 1893 - 734 sider
...injury caused by a railroad collision due to negligence, unless the result of wilful misconduct, or of that reckless indifference to the rights of others...is equivalent to an intentional violation of them. Thus exemplary damages will he given fora deliberate and forcible expulsion of a passenger for the...
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The American and English Railroad Cases: A Collection of All Cases ..., Volum 52

Lawrence Lewis, Adelbert Hamilton, John Houston Merrill, William Mark McKinney, James Manford Kerr, John Crawford Thomson - 1893 - 770 sider
...wantonness or recklessness, or a grossly careless disregard of the safety and welfare of the public, or that reckless indifference to the rights of others...is equivalent to an intentional violation of them. This being the rule, and the term " gross negligence" not being confined to this extreme <legree of...
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The Law of Railroads in Pennsylvania: Including the Law Relating to ..., Volum 1

Albert Barnes Weimer - 1893 - 788 sider
...given. Juries are not at liberty to go farther than compensation, unless the injury was done willfully or was the result of that reckless indifference to the rights of others which is equivalent to a violation of them. There must be willful misconduct, or that entire want of care which would raise...
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