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" ... the result of that reckless indifference to the rights of others which is equivalent to an intentional violation of them. "
Minnesota Reports: Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Minnesota - Side 52
av Minnesota. Supreme Court - 1908
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Fundamentals of Aviation Law

Raymond C. Speciale - 2010 - 362 sider
...manslaughter as an act demonstrating a "careless disregard of safety and welfare of the public" involving "reckless indifference to the rights of others which is equivalent to an intention of violation of [those rights]." Should Brandy be convicted of manslaughter for the death...
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Toxic Tort Litigation

D. Alan Rudlin - 2007 - 518 sider
...wantonness or recklessness, or a grossly careless disregard of the safety and welfare of the public, or that reckless indifference to the rights of others...equivalent to an intentional violation of them.'") (quoting Carraway v. Revell, 1 16 So. 2d 16, 20, n.12 (Fla. 1959)) . 298. Benscome v. Kokoras, 507...
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Pittsburgh Legal Journal, Volum 34

1887 - 542 sider
...given. Juries are not at liberty to go farther than compensation, unless the injury was done willfully, or was the result of that reckless indifference to the rights of others, which is equivalent to a violatiou of them. There must be willful misconduct, or that entire want of care, which would raise...
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Report of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeals of ..., Volum 6

Alabama. Court of Appeals, Lawrence H. Lee - 1913 - 796 sider
...punitive damages. "To authorize punitive damages, the act complained of must be willful or the result of reckless indifference to the rights of others, which...is equivalent to an intentional violation of them, or 'where the injury has been wanton, or malicious, or gross.' " — Birmingham Railway, Light & Power...
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Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Alabama, Volum 66

Alabama. Supreme Court - 1882 - 714 sider
...to go further, unless it was done willfully, or was the result of that n-ckJexs indifference to tlte rights of others which is equivalent to an intentional violation of them. In that case, the jury are authorized, for the sake of public example, to give such additional damages...
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