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" His long red cloak, well brushed and neat, He manfully did throw. Now see him mounted once again Upon his nimble steed, Full slowly pacing o'er the stones, With caution and good heed. But finding soon a smoother road Beneath his well-shod feet, The snorting... "
Poems - Side 277
av William Cowper - 1806
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Poems, Volum 1

William Cowper - 1786 - 756 sider
...well-fhod feet, The fnorting beaft began to trot^ Which gall'd him in his feat. So, Fair and foftly, John he cried, • , • But John he cried in vain, That trot became a gallop foon In fpite of curb and reitu So flooping down, as needs te m\& • ,• .,, r Who cannot fit upright,...
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Poems, Volum 2

William Cowper - 1787 - 342 sider
...well-fhod feet, The fnorting beaft began to trot, Which gall'd him in his feat. So, Fair and foftly, John he cried, But John he cried in vain, That trot became a gallop foon, In fpitc of curb arid rein. So ftooping down, as needs he muft Who cannot fit upright, He grafp'd...
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Poems, Volum 2

William Cowper - 1788 - 376 sider
...well-fhod feet, The fnorting beaft began to trot, Which gall'd him in his feat. So, Fair and foftly, John he cried, But John he cried in vain, That trot became a gallop foon, In fpite of curb and rein. So ftooping down, as needs he muft Who cannot fit upright, He grafp'd...
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Poems, Volum 2

William Cowper - 1790 - 300 sider
...well-fhod feet, The fnorting beaft began to trot, Which gall'd him in his feat. So, Fair and foftly, John he cried, But John he cried in vain, That. trot became a gallop foon, In fpite of curb and rein* So ftooping down, as needs he muft Who cannot fit upright, He grafp'd...
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Poems: By William Cowper, of the Inner Temple Esq. In Two Volumes ...

William Cowper - 1793 - 384 sider
...well-fhod feet, The fcorting beaft began to trot, Which gall'd him in his feat. So, Fair and foftly, John he cried, But John he cried in vain ; That trot became a gallop foon, In Ipite of curb and rein. So, ftooping down, as needs he muft Who cannot fit upright, . He grafp'd...
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Satirical,humourous & Familiar Pieces: Prose [No] 1-[2?].

1795 - 90 sider
...to toe, His long red cloak, well brush'd and neat, He manfully did throw. Now see him mounted once again ' .. Upon his nimble steed, Full slowly pacing...well-shod feet, The snorting beast began to trot, Which gall'd him in his seat. So, fair and softly, John he cried, But John he cried in vain, That trot became...
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The Children's Miscellany: In which is Included The History of Little Jack ...

1797 - 350 sider
...well-fhod feet, The fnorting beaft began to trot, Which gall'd him in his feat, So, " Fair and foftly," John he cried, But John he cried in vain ; That trot became a gallop foon, In fpite of kirb and rein. So {looping down, as needs he muft Who cannot fit upright, He grafp'd...
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Poems, Volum 2

William Cowper - 1800 - 438 sider
...to toe, His long red cloak, well brush'd and neat, He manfully did throw. Now see him mounted once again Upon his nimble steed, Full slowly, pacing o'er...well-shod feet, The snorting beast began to trot, Which gall'd him in his seat. So, fair and softly, John he cried, But John he cried in vain ; That trot became...
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Beauties of Cowper: To which are Prefixed, a Life of the Author and ...

William Cowper - 1801 - 280 sider
...to toe, His long red cloak, well brush'd and neat, He manfully did throw. Now see him mounted once again Upon his nimble steed, Full slowly, pacing o'er the stones With caution and irood heed ! But, finding soon a smoother road Bcneuth his well-shod feet, The snorting beast be^an...
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Poems, Volum 1

William Cowper - 1803 - 362 sider
...well-fhod feet, The fnorting beaft began to trot, Which gall'd him in his feat. So, Fair and foftly, John he cried, But John he cried in vain ; That trot became a gallop foon, In fpite of curb and rein. So, flooping down, as needs he muft Who cannot fit upright, He grafp'd...
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