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" All records of mining claims hereafter made shall contain the name or names of the locators, the date of the location, and such a description of the claim or claims located by reference to some natural object or permanent monument as will identify the... "
United States Supreme Court Reports - Side 63
av United States. Supreme Court - 1901
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Report of the Philippine Commission to the Secretary of War ..., Deler 1-2

United States. Philippine Commission (1900-1916) - 1901 - 1080 sider
...necessary to hold possession of a mining claim, subject to the following requirements: The location must be distinctly marked on the ground, so that its boundaries can be readily traced. All records of mining claims hereafter made shal 1 contain thename or names of locators, the date of...
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History of the Bench and Bar of California: Being Biographies of Many ...

Oscar Tully Shuck - 1901 - 1236 sider
...necessary to hold possession of a mining claim, subject to the following requirements: The location must be distinctly marked on the ground so that its boundaries can be readily traced. All records of mining claims hereafter made shall contain the name or names of the locators, the date...
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Annual Reports of the War Department, Volum 1,Del 8

United States. War Department - 1901 - 288 sider
...necessary to hold possession of a mining claim, subject to the following requirements: The location must be distinctly marked on the ground; so that its boundaries can be readily traced. All records of mining claims hereafter made shall contain thename ornames of locators, thedate of location,...
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The Truth about Alaska, the Golden Land of the Midnight Sun

Eugene McElwaine - 1901 - 466 sider
...necessary to hold possession of a mining claim, subject to the following requirements: The location must be distinctly marked on the ground, so that its boundaries can be readily traced. All records of mining claims hereafter made shall contain the name or names of the locators, the date...
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Annual Reports of the Secretary of War, Volum 1,Del 8

United States. War Department - 1901 - 728 sider
...necessary to hold possession of a mining claim, subject to the following requirements: The location must be distinctly marked on the ground, so that its boundaries can be readily traced. All records of mining claims hereafter made shall contain the name ornâmes of locators, thedate of...
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A Compendium of Gold Metallurgy (ores): And Digest of U.S. Mining Laws ...

Erwin, M. Wade, Maner L. Wade - 1901 - 186 sider
...claim is for the whole of a legal subdivision of a section? Yes, the law requires that the location must be distinctly marked on the ground, so that its boundaries can be distinctly traced, and a failure so to do, invalidates the claim. The law also provides that where...
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American Mining Code

Henry Norris Copp - 1902
...Rules, Locations, and Annual Expenditures. claim, subject to the following requirements : The location must be distinctly marked on the ground, so that its boundaries can be readily traced. All records of mining claims hereafter made shall contain the name or names of the locators, the date...
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Bulletin, Utgaver 262-266

1905 - 1028 sider
...supposed locations afterwards proved to be entirely mythical. The location law requires that the "location must be distinctly marked on the ground, so that its boundaries can be readily traced." How can the following decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, in the case of theMcKinley...
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Mines and Mining: A Commentary on the Law of Mines and Mining ..., Volum 2

Wilson Isaac Snyder - 1902 - 790 sider
...necessary to hold possession of a mining claim, subject to the following requirements: The location must be distinctly marked on the ground so that its boundaries can be readily traced. All records of mining claims hereafter made shall contain the name or names of the locators, the date...
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Reports of Cases Determined in the Courts of Appeal of the State ..., Volum 14

1911 - 1000 sider
...statutes of the United States [US Comp. Stats. 1901, p. 1426] makes it essential that "The location must be distinctly marked on the ground so that its boundaries can be readily traced." In commenting upon this requirement the supreme court, in Donahue v. Meistcr, 88 Cal. 131, [22 Am....
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