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" Yet Brutus says, he was ambitious ; And, sure, he is an honourable man. I speak not to disprove what Brutus spoke, But here I am to speak what I do know. You all did love him once, not without cause ; What cause withholds you then to mourn for him... "
The Works of William Shakspeare: The Text Formed from an Intirely New ... - Side 60
av William Shakespeare - 1843
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The American First Class Book, Or, Exercises in Reading and Recitation

John Pierpont - 1823 - 492 sider
...captives home to Rome-, Whose ransorts dij the general coffers fill: Ltiion 200.] FIRST CLASS BOOK. 455 Did this in Caesar seem ambitious ? When that the...: What cause withholds you then to mourn for him? O judgment, thou art fled to brutish beasts^ And men have lost their reason. — Bear with me : My...
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Lessons in Elocution: Or, a Selection of Pieces in Prose and Verse for the ...

William Scott - 1823 - 396 sider
...captives home to Rome, Whose ransoms did the general coffers fill : Did this in Caesar seem ambitions ? When that the poor have cried, Caesar hath wept !...cause ; What cause withholds you then to mourn for him ? O judgment ! Thou art fled to brutish beasts, And men have lost their reason. Bear with me : My heart...
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The Speaker: Or Miscellaneous Pieces, Selected from the Best English Writers ...

William Enfield - 1823 - 402 sider
...ransoms did the gen'ral coffers fill ; Did this in Caesar seem ambitious ? When that the poor hath cried, Caesar hath wept ; Ambition should be made...cause. What cause withholds you then to mourn for him ? O judgment ! thou art fled to brutish beasts, And men have lost their reason. — Bear with me. —...
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The Plays, Volum 8

William Shakespeare - 1824 - 424 sider
...honourable man. He hath brought many captives home to Rome, Whose ransoms did the general coffers fill : Did this in Caesar seem ambitious ? When that the...And men have lost their reason ! — Bear with me j My heart is in the coffin there with Csesar, And I must pause till it come back to me. 1 Cit. Methinks,...
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The Beauties of Shakespeare: Selected from Each Play : with a General Index ...

William Shakespeare, William Dodd - 1824 - 428 sider
...honourable man. He hath brought many captives home to Rome, Whose ransoms did the general coffers fill: Did this in Caesar seem ambitious? When that the poor...cause; What cause withholds you then to mourn for him? O judgment, thou art fled to brutish beasts, And men have lost their reason!—-Bear with me; My heart...
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Lessons in Elocution, Or, A Selection of Pieces in Prose and Verse: For the ...

William Scott - 1825 - 382 sider
...general coffers fill; Did this in Caisar seem ambitious ? . When that the poor have cried, Cffisar hath wept Ambition should be made of sterner stuff....cause ; What cause withholds you then to mourn for him ? O judgment ! Thou art fled to brutish beasts, And men have lost their reason. Bear with me My heart...
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The Family Shakspeare ... in which Nothing is Added to the Original Text ...

William Shakespeare - 1825 - 444 sider
...refuse. Was this ambition ? Yet Brutus says, he was ambitious; And, sure, he is nn honourable num. I speak not to disprove what Brutus spoke, But here...cause; What cause withholds you then to mourn for him ? O judgment, thou art fled to brutish beasts, My heart is in the coffin there with Caesar, And I must...
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Cumberland's British Theatre: With Remarks, Biographical and Critical, Volum 5

George Daniel, John Cumberland - 1826 - 496 sider
...honourable man. He hath brought many captives home to Rome, Whose ransoms did the general coffers fill : Did this in Caesar seem ambitious ! When that the...cause ; What cause withholds you then to mourn for him ? O judgment, thou art fled to brutish beasts. And men have lost their reason ! — Bear with me :...
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The plays of William Shakspeare, pr. from the text by G. Steevens ..., Volum 6

William Shakespeare - 1826 - 578 sider
...refuse. Was this ambition ? Yet Brutus says, he was ambitious ; And, sure, he is an honourable man. 1 speak not to disprove what Brutus spoke, But here...cause; What cause withholds you then to mourn for him ? O judgment, thou art fled to brutish beasts, And men have lost their reason ! — Bear with me; My...
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Exercises in Reading and Recitation

Jonathan Barber - 1828 - 264 sider
...Ambition should be made of sterner stuff; Yet Brutus says he was ambitious; And Brutus is an honorable man. You all did see, that, on the Lupercal, I thrice...cause: What cause withholds you then to mourn for him? <O judgment! Thou art fled to brutish beasts, And men have lost their reason! Bear with me: My -heart...
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